Carr brothers - Wichita massacre


Sep 27, 2002
Has anyone heard of this atrocity?

The reason why you haven't is because the media is in control of what is being shown to you.

The story is these two black animals killed 5 people, raped 2 women (passing a STD to the only survivor), made them perform sexual acts on each other, etc...

Here are some links:


Now why hasn't this been covered in my local news? If the tables had been turned and it was 2 white brothers doing these crimes the media would be all over this, the public would be incensed.

I ask you to look outside of the box, think for yourselves. You don't have to be pro-white or anti-black. Just believe that not everything you read (or don't read) is true.
Probably because the DA in Wichita has done a very good job of keeping this case under control.

She's trying the case, not the media.
Mr.White said:
Has anyone heard of this atrocity?

The reason why you haven't is because the media is in control of what is being shown to you.

The story is these two black animals killed 5 people, raped 2 women (passing a STD to the only survivor), made them perform sexual acts on each other, etc...

Oh great...a cross between REDWAVE and David Duke.

Pipe down, silly cracka.
You're very deep PC :rolleyes:

How about instead of shooting off one liners to people, you actually post something worthwhile.

Or would that even be possible?
Mr.White said:
You're very deep PC :rolleyes:

How about instead of shooting off one liners to people, you actually post something worthwhile.

Or would that even be possible?

Jawohl, mein douchebag.

I post meaningful stuff all the time, but I also happen to be incredibly witty. It's a shame you're not.

Why don't you post your racist shit under your "regular" name?

Are you just a big pussy who's afraid of ruining whatever "rep" you think you have?
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Well we've got our fascists, our communists, I suppose we were due for a Ku Klux Klan member.
Siren said:
It is covered on Court TV.

Rationally, and without inflaming passions.

Try it. You might find it refreshing.

All I'm saying is that there is a double standard, years ago when Matthew Sheppard was killed the was much more coverage on that then now. Also when that black man was dragged to his death by 2 (?) white people with a truck there was a lot more press.

So the murder of one person is more important than the murder of five people. All because the victim was gay or black makes it a better story.
Pyper said:
Well we've got our fascists, our communists, I suppose we were due for a Ku Klux Klan member.

I'm not in the KKK or any such group. I am pro-white. I could care less what happens to everyone else (blacks, hispanics, jews)......they can live forever or die this second, I don't care which.
KillerMuffin said:
Probably because the DA in Wichita has done a very good job of keeping this case under control.

She's trying the case, not the media.
It's the judge, not the DA. The judge has made a concerted effort to keep the evidence in the courtroom, and out of the news. We've gotten so used to sensationalized accounts of every case, that this case baffles Mr. White because it's being tried the way a case is supposed to be tried.
Siren said:
Cuz, if you think the MEDIA would ever miss a hot, inflamatory story cuz it doesnt fit their liberal Agenda........

then you dont know the media very well.

The Media are like flies...........whereever the decay is stinking, they will be there.

If this is true then why haven't I seen this on my local news until I got sick of seeing it.
Mr.White said:
If this is true then why haven't I seen this on my local news until I got sick of seeing it.

I have no clue -- maybe because if you're "closer than you think" to me, Witchita might as well be on the moon as far as Las Vegas is concerned.

As KM, who I know is local to this story, has pointed out, the Judge has placed a gag-order or the equivalent on the proceedings to prevent the kind of media feeding frenzy that can get cases overturned on appeal.
There are only so many hours of media coverage in the day. There is already a huge multimurder story in a much more populated area then Kansas that is filling up all the news coverage.

That combined with the gag order would do a lot to keep it out of the news.
Oh yeah right sorry I switched my brain into the on position again. OOpps.
For my final thought tonight I will say this:

All of you who have called me "idiot" or "pussy" your emotions have gotten the best of you. I want you to look at both sides of the coin. Besides my pro-white agenda I have read the liberal books and looked at the other websites (one-people's project, ARA, ADL). My views have not changed.

I am asking you to think for yourselves, you don't have to like or agree with what I say, but you have to respect my right to say it.

Thank you and good night

I have some cherokee floating around somewhere but it does not really show much. I get a tan very easily but other then that it does not show up in my body structure much.
Mr.White said:
Besides my pro-white agenda ... have to respect my right to say it.

Respecting your right to say what you wish is NOT incompatible with finding your words bigotted or having no respct at all for your opinions.

Blither away, you have that right. You do NOT have the right to be shielded from the consequences of your blithering.
I respect your right to spew whatever nonsense you want, Mr. Whitey.

I have the right to say you're full of stupid shit.

Pro-white my ass,