Captured for Interrogation

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Nikolai awoke the next morning and ordered coffee and doughnuts for the two of them. "Breakfast," he whispered as he shook her awake.
Alexis groaned and rolled over. She barely opened her eyes as she looked up at him. "Do you have aspirin?" she asked.
Alexis caught it and took two with her coffee, gagging slightly. "I'm hoping this kills the hangover," she grumbled. "This is why I typically don't get drunk on wine. . ."
Alexis downed the Gatorade, and drank some more coffee and ate a few donuts. She felt better once she ate. "I don't remember much after glass five," she mumbled.
"I remember drinking a sixth glass of wine, and mumbling something about drowning in tissues," she said. "Glad to know I was sleeping soundly, though."
"I'm just glad you didn't have to have your stomach pumped," he said. "Do you feel better getting all that off your chest?"
"Yeah, build a time machine, go back to about five years ago, and kill Wu earlier," Alexis said dryly, drinking her fourth cup of coffee.
She shook her head. "I kind of just want a day to relax, not worry about anything, and just. . . be me, I guess," she said.
"OK, I'll let you do your own thing and go work out then," he said, kissing her on the forehead and heading out.
Alexis smiled and curled up on the bed, reading a romance novel that Mikhail recommended to her, letting soft classical music fill the room.
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