Captured and Caressed


Literotica Guru
Oct 24, 2001
Septine Sebasteel
long blonde hair
light green eyes
5 ft 8 in
112 lbs
long legs

Septine bit her lip and looked across the darkened hull of the ship that was carrying her and about a dozen others to who knew where.

Her family had been traveling to India, were her father had just been appointed Ambasador by the Prince Regent, or Prinny as every one called him. But they probably would never make it to India, the ship they had been travelling on had been taken over suddenly by maruding pirates. Gold and goods weren't the only thing they had taken.

Septine looked at the array of people chained down here with her. There were about 5 men, older distinguished...most likely to be used as hostages. Two younger men that looked strong...hard labor she guessed. The rest were young women, like her...she didn't want to think about what they would be used for.

ooc-need a captian of the ship and others may join in as other pirates and the other women down in the hull.

Name: Caraz Vaqaud

Age: 32

looks: Fairly short black hair held up in a high pony tail. Lean muscular build. Dark brooding green eyes. Has that slight smile that you know locks your fate. Fairly tall at 6'3" and good weighted at 180 pounds.

Bio: Used to be one of the best captains in all of Prinny's fleet 'till he stole more money then his ship was worth. After that he's been sailing the high sea's with a ship called the Black Cats Eye. A name thats feared by Pirates and innocents alike.

IC: I hate the smell, I hate the atmotsphere and I hate the incompentence, but god damn I love the gold and I love the women.

I smiled slightly as my muscles heaved from the effort of spinning the weel of the ship. I stopped it and slammed my foot in to the switch that locked the weel. I wipped around and hollered to my first mate. "Take the weel ladie I'm to check the lasse's."

He grunted in a disapointed way. "A'right Cap'n but you better leave one for me." I just narrowed my eyes at him as I jumped from the deck on to the lower deck.

I took long strides to the small grate that covered the stair way down. I grabbed the rope attached to the lever and started pulling. The grate swung up and I signeld to four other mates. They came running over there grizzled beards and unkept teeth pulled in frightning grins.

I heard the loud echo's of our boots stomping down the wooden stairs. Who ever was down here would know we were coming. Two of my mates took out cut-lasses just incase a few men had gotten loose.

My eyes sweeped the dark room and they stopped on the one of the most beautiful tresures I had ever laid eyes on. I walked slowly over to the blonde haired beauty saying quietly. "You can take the rest boys, bu tnumber one has the call on one of 'em." I took my sharp knife off my belt and advanced towards her.

I saw the fear raise in her eyes as she started twisting. I brought the blade racing down towards her. The end slammed in to the lock on the chains and I pulled up I heard the faint click as the lock slid off.

"Thats a trick you may want to remember M'lady."

Septine was still shaking from the fear and adrenaline that had raced through her body as this, admittedly, handsome pirate had advanced on her with the knife.

"Thats a trick you may want to remember M'lady."

Milady? She thought at the surprising change in his speech.

He actually looked kind of familar like she had seen his face before but never met him.

Her thoughts careened around in her head until it finally dawned on her what was about to happen to her and her green eyes widening in shock and renewed fear, "Un hand me."
I smiled seeing her trying to place me. Indeed I didn't look like the other Pirates ware they were in black cruffy leggings I was in well to do pants. Ware they had no shirt or a torn one I wore a red vest that, still showed my six pack mind you.

"Un hand me." She said in a nothing close to brave tone.

"Aye cap'n mahap you should teach her some mannors." One of my mates hauling a screeming woman from the dark room said with a laugh. I didn't even turn as my hand thrusted towards him. The blade flew out with the force of a Spanish Gallion and caught him strait in the neck. The man chocked for a few moments before falling to the ground crumpled.

"Mayhap you should learn some mannors my impudent sir."

I motioned to the other men. "Tell number one that he's getting double the bounty." I turned back to wards the beauty.

"M'lady you will certainly not be forced to do anything that you wouldn't desire."

I took her hand and bowed kissing the top tenderly. I looked at her from the kiss with a slight smile. If she had knew me she would've been filled with fear from that smile.

Septine starred in horror at the ugly man who now had a blade in his throat.

Then she felt the pirate's lips on her hand and looked down at him as he smiled up at her and she shuddered and jerked her hand away, "I said unhand me."
As you wish.

I smiled with drawing from her fluidly.

"As you wish, M'lady."

I turned around with a sweep of the black cape I had on. I started walking away my boots making light leather thuds.

I signeled to one of the men and said. "She's all yours Rahmash." He grinned wickidly and said stepping towards her. "Aye aye Cap'n."

I started to walk up the stiars knowing she'd take the bait, she has to take the bait.

Septine sighed, she knew he had one this one.

"Fine I'll go with you just keep this foul smelling creature away from me." She called after him, backing up away from the advancing churl.

As long as she got out of this stinking hull she could think more clearly. She told herself
I turned around grining. I had her

"I'm glad you made that choice M'lady, though I doubt my good sir Rahmash is." Rahmash just growled in response grabbing one of the other girls, hauling her up to the deck.

As the beauty aproached me I offerd my hand and saw the look of disgust as she kept walking up the stairs.

I grabbed her by the arm firmly and turned her around.

"M'lady would you be so utterly disgusted if I knew your name?" I said with my full blazing smile.

She winced as he grabbed her arm, but felt a strange tremor of another nature course through her.

"M'lady would you be so utterly disgusted if I knew your name?"

Septine lifted a brow, "You want to know my name but yet you do not offer yours?"
"You want to know my name but yet you do not offer yours?"

He smiled slightly at this and turned.

"Rahmash one last thing, whats my name?" "Why I have me self no idea Cap'n." He answered some what bewildered. I turned around and smiled. "You see not even my men know my name."

I pulled her close for a moment so my breath was one hers.

"But then again your beauty far surpasses any womans, much less these mens." I smiled pulling away and starting to walk up to the deck. Before I stepped on to the deck I turned around and said smiling.

"It's Caraz Vaqaud, and let the ears of such a beauty of yours be the first to hear it in a long time."

Septine stood rooted her her spot, Carz Varquad? "The Black Eye of the Sea?" She whispered staring at him. Thats why he looked familiar his likeness was plastered all over the docks back home in England.

Suddenly she knew she should be very very scared.
I laughed and nodded. "I presume you know my name?" It was a mock question. Istepped out on to the deck and took a fresh breath of salty air. God I loved the open sea. I walked over to one of the mast poles and gripped the rope. I stuck my foot firmly on to the base and pulled it down feeling the strain on my arms and hands.

"Due north ladies! Take down the masts." I felt her pressence behind me about to ask me some thing or just make another snobbish remark.

"Yes M'lady the black eye of the sea one of the most dangerous and succesful ships out here." I smiled. "And we take in many many prisoners, and that means you have very little hope indeed and what hope you do have lies with me."

Septine bit her lip. She hated the fact that he was telling the truth, and hated more the fact that she knew it.

She watched him, strangely intrigued by the way he moved and took command of the ship.

"Septine." She said softly, answering his eariler question, "My name is Septine." She kept her surname off however.
I smile and nod and think hermm pretty name now ware do I know it from. I smiled and gave the mast one more tug and wrapped the rope around a hook before it whent flying back up.

"Well Septine, I'm the captain of this ship and as so I am more then entitaled to having guests of honor." I smiled.

"Of course if you wouldn't like to have dinner with me I'm sure number one wouldn't mind." She didn't know but number one is quite hansome... as pirates go. Besides he already had two girls for him.

I held out my arm for her to take or to be rejected, if the latter I thought she'd be quite sorry.
Septine didn't know who number one was, nor why he was called number one, but she didn't want to take a chance.

She knew by accepting to do anything with him, she would surely end up losing her virtue.

Slowly her hand drifted through the air and was placed softly in his offered palm
I smiled taking her hand in a gentle yet firm grip. I led her to a small wooden type box sticking out of the deck with a door on it. The door opened with a creak and I slowly stepped down the stairs, in to a lavish room lit by two candles on a table. I pulled a chair out and she sat down in it.

"If that cook doesn't get here I swear I will have his head." I muttered the cook is supposed to bring a nice dinner of whine and roast mutton. I shook my head as I saw him come in.

"Sorry sir, I just got the word from number one that it was dinner for two." The cook looked like a plain man not a pirate. I had picked him up on a raid and has started paying him to be a cook.

"Yes well that I'm glad of but next time, just keep your head." I smiled slightly at the joke I had made and he smiled though I could see it was forced.

"Yes sir." He stammered out setting the, strongly smelling mutton. I had to admit he was a great cook mahap as good as the one on my former ship the Golden Wave.

"Well M'lady it's not poisened amazingly far from it."

Even though she was not very hungry she slowly ate some of the delicous meal, keeping her eyes on him like he would attack like a panther at any moment.

She noticed the exchange between the captian and the cook and noticed the cooks smile was not as genuine as the reciepent of the smile was.

"Do you usually eat so lavishly with one of your prisoners?"
He smiled chewing his mutton and sipping his whine. The meal was great the cook had surely out done him self.

"Do you usually eat so lavishly with one of your prisoners?" She said sarcasicly.

I smiled and dabbed at my mouth with a table cloth for a few moments then rounded with my own question.

"Actually Septine I beleave the question is do I usally have a prisoner with such beauty?"

She was used to compliments, coming from the aritocracy so his should not have affected her,yet it did much to her shame as a small blush rose across her cheeks.

She looked him square in his dark green eyes, "Why do you compliment me when you know that you will have your way no matter what I think."
I smiled at her question and looked right back.

"Tell me Septine what evidence do you have that I am the kind of person who rapes women and forces them to do things unlady like? And then tell me of what you have seen of me so far that would prove that I am a perfect gentlemen besides my current profession."

I know I'm playing my cards perfectly.

Septine snorted in a very unlady like manner.

"You hold women you have captured in a dark shipping hull, chained to a floor." She raised a brow and took a purposeful bit of meat, "You are handsome but I highly doubt that they fall willingly at your feet."
I Smile looking in her eyes for a moment while she answerd. I laugh loudly when she answers and notices that so far my plans working.

"Tell me Septine what do you think my men would do if I depraved them of what they lust for, for many a months?"

"To you? They would mutniy, but that doesn't make it right to allow them to force those poor women to be with them." She made a face of revulsion, "To allow them to force themselves into the innocent bodies of those women."

I smiled takign another peice of meat and some more whine.

"No they'd mutiny and then continue to do it. Your Nieve Septine though not so much as the other girls... you should be happy that I'm not giving you to the other men." He takes another sip of his whine his ever long patience begining to get low.

Septine leaned back and looked at him with a quirked brow, "Both are wrong, just because one is a lesser one does not make it allow them to do it because you enjoy it, that's the simple truth of the matter." She smiled slowly, her green eyes flashing when she knew she had hit home