Caption this picture.

modest mouse

Meating People is Easy
Oct 21, 2001
A tribute to Marxist with his favorite game.

The Ref slides onto the canvas, he's got the two-count! Its three! The Mutt is the NEW WWF Heavyweight Champion of the World!

He's taken it from The Rock, who was obviously out of form in brown cords and white socks!
Dog says:

What do you mean I'm humping a human's leg? That's my cock, I just disguise it like that so people don't stare!
The mini-Rott settles for wiping his butt worms all over the mad scientist, after finding the chords too thick for ankle nipping. In anger and frustration he exclaims, " A fucking chihuahua? You couldn't have spliced with the bull dog? At least a chow? You guppy bastard!"

:confused: :D
Dog: "Yeah, that's it, I'll hold him down while you paint his toenails. Let's see him explain that to his buddies at work." *evil doggie laugh*