Canterlot Tales (IC)


Santa Baby...
Sep 12, 2012
ooc thread


It's a place of magic and the impossible.
Things you wouldn't expect, are actually quite common here.

The weather is controlled daily by those with wings, the Seraphs, as they're called. Others can perform magic, the Wizards of Canterlot. Some are better than others, some choose to focus on what they know best. Other still, without magic or wings, but still have amazing talents they use to help others every day.
So how do they know what their talent is?

The marks they all wait for eagerly. The mark that tells them their future, what they can do the best. For some, it's an easy and obvious mark that comes to them at the right age. For others, it can take awhile, never quite being certain what makes them "Them".

And other times, those special marks mean something even more.


"Alright, let's get things ready, we've got a big day ahead of us today! We're due for that big storm tomorrow, so we gotta make sure there's clear enough skies to get things set for it! Those trees need trimming down and- DERPY I SWEAR IF YOU DON'T GET OUT OF THAT CLOUD I'M GOING TO LIGHTNING YOUR ASS- Right! Okay! Someone please take her with you?" A plea given to the rest of the Seraphs that decided to suddenly bolt away on their own special tasks of clearing the cloudy skies, leaving Rachel herself to groan and grit her teeth. A hand came to rest against her forehead, blowing the falling red and yellow strands of hair from her face before slowly turning to give a weak smile to the blonde left behind. The giggling destructive ball with wings was still poking out of one of the clouds, pointing at Rachel before ducking back in.

"Find me!"
"No, we don't have time for that! We need to get all these dissolved so there's enough sun to get everything ready! Can't you just... go headbutt them or something?" Rachel gave another forced smile, peering into the cloud. "Destruction! You like that, right?"

The blonde paused. "You WANT me to break stuff?"

"Destroy!" Rachel grinned, laughing as Derpy burst out of the cloud.

"Can do, RD!"

"Awesome." Another smile, glancing around as she stayed with flicking wings above the town. There wasn't too much left to do, and she still needed to check the river. Of course, this was also the matter of lunch... and seeing what everyone else was up to. There had been mention of some new Magician class folk arriving in town this week to study, but no one had said anything yet on what exactly they could do. Hopefully it wouldn't mess too terribly with everything she was needing to finish up! Taking back down to the ground, stretching her arms up high above her head, she gave another glance upward to see how things were running.

So far, so good.
"This'll be the easiest Spring Switch ever!," She beamed proudly, placing her hands in her hoodie's pockets and taking to wandering down the street. Maybe a nice cake. That would be perfect. Her stomach was going crazy since getting up so early...

She just needed to see who was in the kitchen first.
Precious Colleen

"Just one more try!" Rec demanded of his beleaguered looking instructor, the class had long been over and the other students long gone, yet the pink haired student was unsatisfied with his execution.

"Precious, listen. You can't just force things like this. You've made some great progress, now you need to go rest. If you burn yourself out while you're still learning your powers will never-"

"Never what?!" Rec shouted, much too loud for the small space, squaring his shoulders in a threatening posture. "Never manifest? They've manifested, isn't that obvious? They're terrible and now I'm stuck with this pony-shit power!"

Rec pulled his sunglasses off in a threatening way, shoving the mark on his face closer to his instructor, but the patient teacher had had enough of Precious' attitude. Abruptly, Rec felt himself leave the ground, floating up toward the ceiling as the professor casually walked under and out of the classroom.

"That's all for today Precious. Enjoy your weekend."

When the instruction hall's door slammed shut, Precious fell hard to the expansive marble floor with a smack. He tried to scramble back to his feet and regain what he could of his dignity. The low groaning from deep inside his stomach reminded Rec just how long he'd been holed up in this room, trying experiments. He needed to feed himself something, maybe he was pushing too hard.

Rec grabbed the large, leather-bound book from the top of his desk, embossed letters on the spine reading "The Complete Works and Poems of Edgar Allan Pony" and tucked it under his arm, black leather against black leather. He shoved the door open angrily as he barged his way into the kitchen.

"What can I eat that can be done in less than a minute?"