Canadian Senator's Dirty Young Wife


Lit's Most Beloved Poster
May 14, 2002
Up here in Canuckistan, we don't pay as much attention to the private lives of our Senators as Americans do theirs.

But every now and then, something pops up in the press...

Like the 23 year old wife of 69 year old Senator Zimmer.

Bit of a tart this one; she caused a fuss on a plane the other day, wound up getting arrested and now the Senator has a restraining order on her one year to the day of their fairy tail May December wedding last August.

Here's the little poptart, Maygan....


And with her very virile grandfather, er husband...


Classy couple, eh?
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And poor Cressida Bonas...she dumped Prince Harry when she saw the photos of him boning colonial commoners...

Spike Wells is going to ride the British Royalty right into oblivion.
Nobody cares about Canadian Senators because they have no actual power and are a bunch of corrupt political patronage appointees.

And I'm talking about the hockey team. :D
As far as sinecures go, a Canadian senate seat's a pretty sweet work, you get paid till your 75 and your pension is indexed for life.
Yeah and poor old American senators have to put with elections every couple or years...yet still seem to hold those seats of power way beyond their expiration date. Look what Senator Obama accomplished in his rein as senator...he voted present 1,252 times. (number is used for dramatic effect as nobody knows how many times he would have voted 'cuz he was never there.)
Up here in Canuckistan, we don't pay as much attention to the private lives of our Senators as Americans do theirs.

But every now and then, something pops up in the press...

Like the 23 year old wife of 69 year old Senator Zimmer.

Bit of a tart this one; she caused a fuss on a plane the other day, wound up getting arrested and now the Senator has a restraining order on her one year to the day of their fairy tail May December wedding last August.

Here's the little poptart, Maygan....


And with her very virile grandfather, er husband...


Classy couple, eh?
When you're that rich and powerful, why settle for less?