Canada needs the ability to defend itself in an increasingly uncertain world


Literotica Guru
Dec 6, 2012
Since the end of the Cold War, like much of the western world, Canada has been lulled into complacency. “War” no longer happened in the West: our forces battled the Taliban, or ISIS, but never the army of a nation-state like Russia’s.

Our geographic position and harmonious approach to foreign policy with the United States have also insulated Canada from the threat of invasion. We have lived under the American defence umbrella for so long, we can no longer picture the open sky. But the cold light of day is piercing through, and it begets some hard questions.

How would Canada protect its soil, and its sovereignty, if it came under threat? What would we do if Russia or China sent warships through increasingly ice-free Arctic waters? What would prevent America from setting up bases in our Far North, to defend against the possibility of Russian aggression?

How bad is it? Consider just one example: Canada’s near-complete lack of air defence capabilities. If we were subjected to bombardment by plane, helicopter or even drone, as Ukraine has been, we have little ability to fight back. The previous Conservative government briefly considered beefing up our defences, before retreating from the purchase of F-35 fighter jets in 2010. Eleven years later, the Liberals still have no timeline for replacing our 40-year-old fleet of CF-18s.
The problem here is that we aren't in a particularly dangerous times. Its shocking that its gone on this long without Putin just getting poisoned. Ultimately if he launches the nukes we have little reason to believe our missile defense systems will knock the majority out. So its kinda stupid to worry about that but so much. If you are get out your bucket list encase shit gets real.
Russia has no interest in Canada's resources. China does, which is why it has a trade deal with terms in China's favor.