Can you resist?


Word maker upperer
Aug 13, 2022
I had a chapter of a story all queued up to publish*, the date set and everything. I think “just one more getting my phone to read it to me in the car”…

  1. A duplicate “to to”
  2. A “stared” instead of “started”
  3. A “you” instead of “your”
And I just can’t be Elsa and let it go. I have to fix them. So now back in pending purgatory.

I wrote and apologized to Laurel for messing up her process. But I just couldn’t let it be published knowing about errors.

Of course everything I have ever published has errors. But known ones? *shudder*

Is it just me?


* I’m not officially off writing hiatus, just got inspired by someone and had to write
Last edited:
I wrote and apologized to Laurel for messing up her process. But I just couldn’t let it be published knowing about errors.

Of course everything I have ever published has errors. But known ones? *shudder*

Is it just me?
The smallest time interval in the Literotica universe is the period between submitting a story and spotting that typo in your draft. I'm not sure you can do much about it that doesn't fuck up quantum theory.
I've never wanted to fix anything after submission, if it's bad enough, it'll get rejected and that's my moment. I did almost pull what I submitted here because I thought of another tag after the fact. No, no, Min, you know how it is, leave it 'lone.
I've never wanted to fix anything after submission, if it's bad enough, it'll get rejected and that's my moment. I did almost pull what I submitted here because I thought of another tag after the fact. No, no, Min, you know how it is, leave it 'lone.
What’s it like being well-adjusted?

I physically couldn’t leave them in there.

What’s it like being well-adjusted?

I physically couldn’t leave them in there.

I'm not sure if it's about being well-adjusted(which is probably questionanble), but more of; it already takes forever[ish] for story to go live, why push it closer to eternity?

Now I'm wondering what's gonna get approved first; my story or my avatar...
I did the very thing just weeks ago. Submitted the story. Was reading another story and was impressed by it. It was a first person story and it checked all the boxes on "good" first person writing. At that moment, I realized mine didn't.

I logged in and deleted it from pending. Took me another week to bring it up to snuff. It's doing pretty well.
I'm not sure if it's about being well-adjusted(which is probably questionanble), but more of; it already takes forever[ish] for story to go live, why push it closer to eternity?

Now I'm wondering what's gonna get approved first; my story or my avatar...
I tried to post a new avatar about a month ago. It doesn’t say it was rejected. I guess it might still get posted.

I don’t seem to get penalized too much for editing stuff in the process of being published. I think Laurel has this “oh it’s that stupid bitch again” view and just waves it through.

I did the very thing just weeks ago. Submitted the story. Was reading another story and was impressed by it. It was a first person story and it checked all the boxes on "good" first person writing. At that moment, I realized mine didn't.

I logged in and deleted it from pending. Took me another week to bring it up to snuff. It's doing pretty well.
One of us. One of us.


Well, what do you know?

Yeah. I saw that pop up after you made the comment earlier today, and my reaction was "Huh" as well. She's cute, and I think is a little closer to expressing your personality. But wadda I know?
I find myself constantly correcting my spelling and grammar errors on AO3. Here I don’t bother because I don’t want to inconvenience the moderators. Heh.

I like the new avatar, Em.
  1. A duplicate “to to”
  2. A “stared” instead of “started”
  3. A “you” instead of “your”
And this is why I always recommend doing a Read Aloud before submitting. It's tedious, but not as tedious as waiting for edits to be processed. Adjust the speed for a slightly less mindnumbing experience.
Yeah. I saw that pop up after you made the comment earlier today, and my reaction was "Huh" as well. She's cute, and I think is a little closer to expressing your personality. But wadda I know?
I know what you mean. The previous one was a little austere, right?

And this is why I always recommend doing a Read Aloud before submitting. It's tedious, but not as tedious as waiting for edits to be processed. Adjust the speed for a slightly less mindnumbing experience.
I do read aloud. But it’s normally in the car. Sometimes I miss stuff 😬.

My story is rescheduled for publication tomorrow. Which is the same as pre-edits, so no harm no foul.

As I say, I think Laurel has this, “oh God, it’s her being weird again” thing going on.

* I’m not officially off writing hiatus, just got inspired my someone and had to write
Building code violation.
Rip this thread down to the studs. 😜

Seriously, nothing wrong either way. If the nits bother you, going through the correction process is worth it.

Not that minor mistakes need to be punitive, there is still a "cost" in the delayed, repost cycle so, if one needs penance, penance served.

Correction is only problematic when it significantly grinds other works to a standstill.

My worst persnicketies are usually when I'm subconsciously avoiding doing something else.
Building code violation.
Rip this thread down to the studs. 😜

Seriously, nothing wrong either way. If the nits bother you, going through the correction process is worth it.

Not that minor mistakes need to be punitive, there is still a "cost" in the delayed, repost cycle so, if one needs penance, penance served.

Correction is only problematic when it significantly grinds other works to a standstill.

My worst persnicketies are usually when I'm subconsciously avoiding doing something else.
So meta, right?
