Can someone write about this, please?

Any particular angle? (Some ideas my limited scope conjured up:)

* He/she has the disorder - other finds it sexy (fetish)?

* Character finds other and discover's own fetish to the disorder?

* Character with disorder working out sexual issues with partner (and/or vice versa)?

* And of course, the best of both worlds: An anorexic meets a bulemic, and a sexual revolution opens up between them?

An eating disorder cured only by ingesting copious quantities of semen perhaps?

One of our neighbours, a large lady, is an amnesiac bulemic, she eats loads but forgets to be sick.:D

On a serious note, trying to get my head round this one, an erotic tale about eating disorders, Hmm.

Fetish thing maybe, guy gets turned on by very thin women and goes after anorexic partners.

Psycological angle I suppose, degenerates into anorexic behaviour due to adverse comments during sex with a partner.

Don't know about this one.


good ideas. . .

Those are some good ideas, and I guess this would have to be a fetish thing. There are so many ways to go about this subject since people with eating disorders have issues with sex. Generally bulimics tend to be promiscuous and and anorexics try to avoid sex. I guess what I'd really like to read is a story about a person with an eating disorder hooking up with someone who accepts it.