Can someone explain this to me?



This message contains feedback for: bridgetkeeney
About the submission: Man of the Year
This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


Tonight, I'm not in the mood to invade the sanctity of a marriadge.

Can someone explain this feedback to me? I posted the story in "loving wives" so I don't understand this feedback.

Perhaps I crossed some line? I haven't a clue.

The story is at

:rose: b
bridgetkeeney said:
Can someone explain this feedback to me? I posted the story in "loving wives" so I don't understand this feedback.

Perhaps I crossed some line? I haven't a clue.

The story is at

:rose: b

I just read your story - it's very nice. A hot read about a loving couple having wild sex in his office!

So what is the anonymous feedback about? Who the hell knows?? (and who cares) :rolleyes: It was obviously sent by an idiot (who can't even spell marriage!) Don't give it another thought.

By the way, you may want to move that to a different category. I was always to understand that Loving Wives was when wives shared themselves with other men? Your story may belong in Erotic Couplings - just an idea!

Keep writing! :)
Just some guy who had something to say but no one to say it to.

Ignore it.
thank you

SSS and KM-

Thanks for the replies...

Regarding the category thing, the index says:

These girls know how to please their men.
when describing "Loving Wives". I have posted other stories to "Erotic Couplings" when the couple hasn't been explicitly married or the focus of the story isn't necessarily "pleasing the man"... although, both men sure did get pleased. :)

Perhaps the description of the category "loving wives" doesn't match the common expectation... and I miscategorized.

Oh, well....:rolleyes: From now on, I'll just hit the delete button when the feedback is so general...

Thank you again.

:rose: b
Re: thank you

bridgetkeeney said:
SSS and KM-

Thanks for the replies...

Regarding the category thing, the index says:

when describing "Loving Wives". I have posted other stories to "Erotic Couplings" when the couple hasn't been explicitly married or the focus of the story isn't necessarily "pleasing the man"... although, both men sure did get pleased. :)

Perhaps the description of the category "loving wives" doesn't match the common expectation... and I miscategorized.

I have done that several times, actually - sometimes a story just doesn't quite seem to fit in a single category!

And I think delete is a great button for "unhelpful" feedback! :p