Can Romney outlaw abortion if elected?

The next president is probably going to put up 1-3 supreme court justices. So yes he can... In a roundabout down-the-road kind of way.
The next president is probably going to put up 1-3 supreme court justices. So yes he can... In a roundabout down-the-road kind of way.

you are one sad MOTHERFUCKER, SCHMUCK, you know that?:rolleyes:
Romney, if elected, will be a coherent and lucid Obama. He was governor of Massachusetts for Christs sake. So YES youll get abortions from the guy who created the original ObamaCare, and some tax increases, and Supreme Court judges ever bit as liberal as what Obama will deliver. But not to worry! Mitt wont print worthless paper money to pay for any of it, he'll sell your job to India or China or Mexico for the money.