can i help you please.


The Usual.
Feb 25, 2010
this is what i got for the menu today.


Give him a couple hours after smokin all that and even the pizza box will start sounding tastey.
Wow that sounds like an intense sugar overload!

Only if you eat the whole thing. It's a desert pizza, and though it's far from healthy a normal person won't die from one normal sized slice. Or two. ;)

Been a number of years since I've made an ice cream pizza, though. Might take a few tries to get it right.
Only if you eat the whole thing. It's a desert pizza, and though it's far from healthy a normal person won't die from one normal sized slice. Or two. ;)

Been a number of years since I've made an ice cream pizza, though. Might take a few tries to get it right.

Oh I figured that, it still sounds intense.
I'm a bit of a desert purist. I love to bake from scratch.
I can't bake too well. I always mess something up. :(

But, Asian or Texmex. Now, that I can do.

I often screw up, but somehow things still end up tasting good. Though the set white choc cheese cake I made hubby for his recent b'day kicked balls, and I can't wait to bake my brother a black forest gateau for his birthday. mmmmmm cake...

I've never been particularly good at asian, stirfries just don't work for me. As for texmex, I am way to Aussie. I do a mean roast though, and I am awesome with pasta or risotto.