Can anyone tell me?

You're his source of inspiration right now.. does he write? Paint? Sketch?

It's a nice compliment. :)
You obviously inspired something in him/her... I would take it as a complement... unless it involved premature ejaculation....

Wait,, I guess that would be a complement too...;)
Premature ejaculation?

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It means he wants to get in your cyber-panties and that he's a potential stalker. Run, don't walk, to your nearest exit.
Nora said:
It means he wants to get in your cyber-panties and that he's a potential stalker. Run, don't walk, to your nearest exit. are my muse...sigh:)
curious2c said: are my muse...sigh:)

but you said you couldn't stalk me, Grampa!

hey wait..does that mean all you want is to get into my...uh....*blush*
The last time someone called me his muse he was writing me this poem for my Birthday... it ended up being kinda a hate one tho.. :(
The nine Muses of classical Greek mythology:

Calliope, Muse of epic poetry
Clio, Muse of history
Erato, Muse of love poetry
Euterpe, Muse of music
Melpomene, Muse of tragedies
Polyhymnia, Muse of sacred poetry
Terpsichore, Muse of dance
Thalia, Muse of comedies
Urania, Muse of astronomy
Nora said:
but you said you couldn't stalk me, Grampa!

hey wait..does that mean all you want is to get into my...uh....*blush*

Shore are purty when you'all blush.;)
*grins* Maybe, but like I said, babies are chick magnets!
Nora said:
*grins* Maybe, but like I said, babies are chick magnets!

Funny you should mention that babies are chick magnets. THey are...problem is most of the chicks that were interested in the baby were around my daughters age...twenty-one or so. I let them look at him and stuff but I am pretty sure they were only interested in him. :)
Eeps! Toddlers! Betcha they were still eyein' the hotty grampa, though. ;)
Oh yeah...I can hear them now..."hey for an old guy you ain't too any sons?"


"So...just how old are you? I have a ten year rule."
OMG! You're WAY too young to be a grampa!! And no I have*counts on fingers* 14 year rule. You just squeeked by. ;)
YEEEEEE-HAW! I feel soooo mcuh better now.:)

Finally a pretty lil filly with a fourteen year rule...allright allright allright. ~pumps fist in air~:rose:
G'night, Silly Grampa and thanks for the giggles tonight! :kiss:
Gnight Nora...sleep tight. Your welcome for the was fun for me as well.:D :rose: :kiss: