Can a woman of a certain age be hot?

I am a surgeon at a university health science center. Your original biopsy was rather heavy-handed, but at this point some Mederma will likely greatly improve the appearance... A minor scar revision is also an option... If your breasts are very dense, you should have an annual breast MRI rather than twice yearly mammograms... You don't need the extra radiation... PM me if you have any questions... BTW, thank you for sharing.... ;-)

Thanks for the advice. After the follow up with the oncologist who did the biopsy I stopped seeing him and switched to a female one with whom I'm more than satisfied. As to the scar it's resolving well enough on its own. No need to further burden our medical system for what's a minor cosmetic issue at best.

Welcome to my thread and I hope you'll return when you can.

It's been more than four decades since I've had occasion to use that mantra, Mr V. Sin is such an out-dated concept in my mind, don't you agree? Specially when it concerns our sexual natures.

It's nice to know that my photos have played a small part in keeping your sexual functioning healthy and active. Thanks for letting me know.


Whether sin is out-dated or simply recognized as the chimera it is could make for interesting conversation, assuming one was pouring a well-aired burgundy. What matters is that we live in a fashion which minimizes harm while opening our lives and experiences to discovery and exploration, be that mental, emotional or physical. I hope that you concur that our presence here in this virtual salon leads in that direction.
I like to let my actions speak rather then my words... Care for a demo? Lol

Maybe you could post a video somewhere, kdb, so that we could all see the proof. I know there are some female subscribers to my thread who'd like to see as well as I.

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I love mature women and I love hairy pussies so for are a goddess!

Thanks, Cameron. I certainly have the mature part nailed ... in spades. The hairy part is a rapidly receding memory since I agreed to trimming my pubic hair last spring. I hope that won't cause your interest in my thread to wane and that you'll return when you can.

Whether sin is out-dated or simply recognized as the chimera it is could make for interesting conversation, assuming one was pouring a well-aired burgundy. What matters is that we live in a fashion which minimizes harm while opening our lives and experiences to discovery and exploration, be that mental, emotional or physical. I hope that you concur that our presence here in this virtual salon leads in that direction.

Too early in the day for a bourgogne for me. Do you prefer rouge ou blanc? Such a heavy conversation would be better after dinner, in front of a fire, etc.

Thanks, Cameron. I certainly have the mature part nailed ... in spades. The hairy part is a rapidly receding memory since I agreed to trimming my pubic hair last spring. I hope that won't cause your interest in my thread to wane and that you'll return when you can.


You are in no danger of losing my interest after posting those gorgeous close up pics. I do like a nice bush, but shaved or trimmed is also great. The preference of the owner takes precedence. You are one hell of a sexy woman Rose!
Thanks, Len.

From the admiration and respect you show for women in your comments on my thread and on those of other women, I'm also assuming that you have the requisite skills to please your female partners as well.


My pleasure, Rose! :kiss:
I do try! ;)
My first visit to this thread - intrigued by your title!

I've not managed to view all of it, but I wanted to say a couple of things.

Firstly, it's great that you posted the pictures, especially of your scar, and especially in order to raise awareness of breast cancer and checking. (not just for the ladies, either, guys ... ;) )

Secondly, the scars that you have are part of life. Sure, they could possibly have been done better, but in all honesty, you know, they're almost invisible.

Thirdly, I think women of a certain age seem to be much preferred to the young immature women by more than our fair share of men. From the replies I've read here and from my own thread, it's fair to say that we, the older women, are desirable and desired! Hot? What is that exactly?

Finally - my own picture might answer other of your questions.

I've made a link so as not to confuse with your own pics ;)