Can a mod call me a Cunt ?

Oct 31, 2022
BitchGoblet said this to me in the Lobby. I'd like to hear your feedback. Please read the full transcript.

Filling stuff.

I'll fill your face.
With your foot, ass, fingers, boobies, or fist?



she's ahead a foot and abreast of the problem

Two abreast of it.


wait you cant insult people BG?


Why the f are you so fixated on my modding?
i am ?

I can call you a cunt if it's called for.

er okay

This is ridiculous. I'd let it go... but, obviously there are two sets of rules for this community.
I PM'd BitchGoblet and apologized to her after the interaction. She said "Great"

Later, I reconsidered and PM'd her. She justified her comments and reiterated she didn't call me a cunt - per se. Whatever, this is silly. Moderators have banned a legion of users for a lot less than this. Who exactly is watching these people? What rules do they follow?

Your thoughts?
Try the comments sections to lots of LW stories and there is much worse...and they aren't getting banned either...
my conversation with Mike Madison part one

  • Mike_Madison▸Hello I am a chat moderator. You have been asked to stay out of a chatters PM. Please respect their wishes and do not engage. If you continue to further action will be taken.
  • BaconLover▸Thank you mike
  • BaconLover▸BitchGoblet told me eariler in open cha that she could call me a Cunt if it was warranted. I internally apologized, but later was insulted. I posted a transcript in the BB fourm.
  • BaconLover▸Sorry to have caused trouble - please read the transcript
  • Mike_Madison▸What is the bb forum?
  • BaconLover▸oh sorry just the bulletin board forums Site News & Tech Support
  • Mike_Madison▸*nods*
  • BaconLover▸ok thanks
  • BaconLover▸i dont mean to cause trouble - it just seems there are 2 sets of rules one for users and one for moderators
  • Mike_Madison▸I assure you there are not.
  • BaconLover▸Sure - can a moderator tell me that they can call me a cunt it warranted ?
  • BaconLover▸that seems well beyond the pale
  • BaconLover▸want to see the transcript ?
  • Mike_Madison▸I will go on the forums
  • BaconLover▸i can show you now
  • Mike_Madison▸moderators are chatters first
  • BaconLover▸indeed - thats the problem
  • Mike_Madison▸we come on here to have fun, interact with our friends.
  • BaconLover▸yes !
  • BaconLover▸i dont want to be subject to a senior chatters put downs
  • Mike_Madison▸We volunteer our time so we can all have a place to do so.
  • BaconLover▸I'm sure bitchGoblet has a lot of seniortiy here - that doesnt give her the right to insult me in an open room
  • Mike_Madison▸You are thinking that it matters if you are here for a day or years.
  • BaconLover▸yes
  • Mike_Madison▸Why do you feel the need to have call her out about who moderates her?
  • BaconLover▸so tell me mike - if i told another user i could call them a cunt would that be okay ?
  • BaconLover▸?
  • Mike_Madison▸If you felt they were acting as such to you
  • BaconLover▸er such how ?
  • BaconLover▸Mike ?
  • Mike_Madison▸Moderator aren’t here to be referees
  • BaconLover▸okay - but thats not the issue - can a moderator call me a cunt ?
  • BaconLover▸just yes or no ?
  • Mike_Madison▸She is a chatter first, yes?
  • Mike_Madison▸That’s already been agreed on
  • BaconLover▸it has - so she can or can't ?
  • BaconLover▸here is her exact post
  • BaconLover▸* BitchGobblet
Dick. * _Tuvadine_
she's ahead a foot and abreast of the problem * _Tuvadine_
Two abreast of it. * Sid_Viscous
BG  * BaconLover
wait you cant insult people BG? * BitchGobblet
Tempeh  * BitchGobblet
Why the f are you so fixated on my modding? * BaconLover
i am ? * BitchGobblet
I can call you a cunt if it's called for.
  • Mike_Madison▸Calling someone a cunt is not against any site rules. Harassment is
  • Mike_Madison▸ive read it
  • BaconLover▸you dont think thats harressment ?
  • Mike_Madison▸I do not
  • BaconLover▸okay so tell me what it is then?
  • BaconLover▸"i Can call you a cunt if its warranted" ...
  • BaconLover▸thats what she said to me
  • Mike_Madison▸Someone standing up for themselves
  • BaconLover▸hahahah - okay Mike
  • BaconLover▸so i can call you a cunt?
  • BaconLover▸you know as i stand u pfor myself
  • Mike_Madison▸You can.
  • BaconLover▸no i wont do that
  • Mike_Madison▸The issue began when you harped on who moderates BG
  • Mike_Madison▸you recall that yes?
  • BaconLover▸yeah - so what !
  • Mike_Madison▸she asked you to stop
  • BaconLover▸qui custodit custodes
  • BaconLover▸no she didnt comment
  • Mike_Madison▸you made the choice not too
  • Mike_Madison▸she did
  • Mike_Madison▸I was there
  • Mike_Madison▸I commented
  • BaconLover▸ah no Mike she didnt comment
  • BaconLover▸no you wer4nt
  • BaconLover▸unless you ahve multip[le log ins
  • BaconLover▸what was you r log in at the time ?
  • Mike_Madison▸I was and I do not
  • Mike_Madison▸I only have this one
  • BaconLover▸look mike - you may have been watching but you didnt comment
  • BaconLover▸but if you did what did you say ?
  • Mike_Madison▸I said I moderate the fuck out of BEEGEE
  • BaconLover▸mmmm - well maybe youre right - i do rememberr that comment
  • Mike_Madison▸Cool
  • Mike_Madison▸so this is all irrelevant. You are to steer clear of her from now on.
  • Mike_Madison▸Is that understood?
  • BaconLover▸so i will be banned ?
  • BaconLover▸she get to say what she wants but i could be banned for questioning her mederation ?
  • BaconLover▸and there aren't 2 sets of rules ?
  • Mike_Madison▸If you have a question about her moderation you take it to another mod
  • BaconLover▸i did - isodora - no reply form her
  • BaconLover▸are you a moderator mike ?
  • Mike_Madison▸Isodora is a bot
  • BaconLover▸fuck
  • BaconLover▸are you a moderator ?
  • Mike_Madison▸yes as I stated in my first message
  • BaconLover▸thank you - i'm registering my complaint
  • BaconLover▸whats your reply?
  • Mike_Madison▸My reply is the same.
  • BaconLover▸?
  • BaconLover▸and ?
  • Mike_Madison▸You started this.
  • BaconLover▸let me see it
  • Mike_Madison▸You gave her a hard time
  • BaconLover▸hahah aokay
  • BaconLover▸and ?
  • Mike_Madison▸and now I am telling you do not engage with her. I assure you she will not engage with you.
  • BaconLover▸when is it approate for her to call me a cunt
Part 2 - My conversation with Mike Madison

Did you read the full transcript between Bitchgoblet and myself well as Mike and I ?
Read it - and tell me there're aren't two sets of rules. One set for normal users and another for superior Moderators. Its Orwellian - “all animals are equal but some are more equal than others.”

This site is based on freedom of speech and freedom of personal expression - so long as you don't piss of a "sacred" moderator!
Try the comments sections to lots of LW stories and there is much worse...and they aren't getting banned either...
This is a false equivalence as these two areas of Lit are moderated extremely differently.

Chatters have certainly been banned for simply calling another member a cunt. @BaconLover, I would escalate this to the admin @Quip. The Chat rules state that mods are chatters, too. As such they are supposed to hold themselves for the same standard.

One of the PMs I received simply asked if it’s okay for a moderator to call a member a cunt and provided a link to this thread. Another PM from a different member asked me to weigh in here.

Speaking for the forum side of the site, yeah this wouldn’t be an issue. I don’t think any of us would do it, but people don’t get banned over here for calling people cunts. Repeatedly doing so, harassing and/or bullying, that can lead to getting banned. In a one off conversation, we wouldn’t consider that harassment. If the chat mods are supposed to follow the same rules as the chatters, and chatters would get banned (and have) for calling someone a name like this, then this seems a good chat transcript to reach out to the admins for follow up and clarification.

I agree with Mike that the two individuals should leave each other alone. I do think it’s interesting to have moderators who aren’t moderating a specific chatter, though. IMO, mods should not be people who require guidance to leave a specific member alone.
BitchGoblet said this to me in the Lobby. I'd like to hear your feedback. Please read the full transcript.

Filling stuff.

I'll fill your face.
With your foot, ass, fingers, boobies, or fist?



she's ahead a foot and abreast of the problem

Two abreast of it.


wait you cant insult people BG?


Why the f are you so fixated on my modding?
i am ?

I can call you a cunt if it's called for.

er okay

This is ridiculous. I'd let it go... but, obviously there are two sets of rules for this community.
I PM'd BitchGoblet and apologized to her after the interaction. She said "Great"

Later, I reconsidered and PM'd her. She justified her comments and reiterated she didn't call me a cunt - per se. Whatever, this is silly. Moderators have banned a legion of users for a lot less than this. Who exactly is watching these people? What rules do they follow?

Your thoughts?
This thread is confusing to me. Is the issue that the person that was called "A cunt" has a negative view of cunts and therefore takes this as an insult? If so, then regardless of they are banned for it or not nobody should use terms that they know would insult someone else. That being said, maybe this whole thing is a misunderstanding. I have been told that the original language origin of the word cunt is "cradle of life." To me, my cunt is a prized part of my body and if loved ones call me a cunt I take it as a term of endearment.
This thread is confusing to me. Is the issue that the person that was called "A cunt" has a negative view of cunts and therefore takes this as an insult? If so, then regardless of they are banned for it or not nobody should use terms that they know would insult someone else. That being said, maybe this whole thing is a misunderstanding. I have been told that the original language origin of the word cunt is "cradle of life." To me, my cunt is a prized part of my body and if loved ones call me a cunt I take it as a term of endearment.
Cunt is almost always used in a negative connotation. While we can individually assign new meanings to words and take ownership of them, words that are intended to be used as slurs and are used that way in the context of the conversation don’t change meaning based on our individual interpretation of the word.

In some circles, the word is used as casually as “bitch,” and is no more or less harmful. Although there are folks who take great offense to that word, as well. The intent does matter and in the transcript above, the intent is clear. It was not a term of endearment.
So according to Mike. Some can call people cunt, slut, bitch, hoe, crack whore. Any number of names and it’s ok. Depends on intent according to To please him.
So it’s ok to say… hey bitch, hey jizz junkie
In that context according to y’all. The person saying it cannot get banned.
So according to Mike. Some can call people cunt, slut, bitch, hoe, crack whore. Any number of names and it’s ok. Depends on intent according to To please him.
So it’s ok to say… hey bitch, hey jizz junkie
In that context according to y’all. The person saying it cannot get banned.
I said to the person saying “cunt” is a term of endearment that it clearly was not an endearment in this transcript. Context matters. I also said that calling someone a cunt once would not lead to someone being banned from the forums as one-time name calling is not harassment. Harassment can get a person banned, so I would not recommend following someone around the forums and repeatedly calling them a cunt.

If you would like to go around calling people bitches and jizz junkies, that’s your prerogative. You’ll likely land on a lot of ignore lists and have very few people interacting with you. And, in all likelihood, if you’re repeatedly targeting the same person/people, your account would ultimately get banned from the forums.
I said to the person saying “cunt” is a term of endearment that it clearly was not an endearment in this transcript. Context matters. I also said that calling someone a cunt once would not lead to someone being banned from the forums as one-time name calling is not harassment. Harassment can get a person banned, so I would not recommend following someone around the forums and repeatedly calling them a cunt.

If you would like to go around calling people bitches and jizz junkies, that’s your prerogative. You’ll likely land on a lot of ignore lists and have very few people interacting with you. And, in all likelihood, if you’re repeatedly targeting the same person/people, your account would ultimately get banned from the forums.
Mods should follow the same rules as anyone else. That's not the case here... BitchGoblet called someone a dick. I said "hey you can't insult people". She replied "I can call you a cunt if its called for."

That's just BS.

I don't care about the names. I only want people "in charge" to follow the same rules as everyone else. I initially apologized to BitchGoblet in a PM. She just gloated and said "Great". Later Mike Madison PM'd me to justify her actions. I'd like any Moderator to show me exactly in the site rules where BitchGoglet gets to insult people when "its called for".
Mods should follow the same rules as anyone else. That's not the case here... BitchGoblet called someone a dick. I said "hey you can't insult people". She replied "I can call you a cunt if its called for."

That's just BS.

I don't care about the names. I only want people "in charge" to follow the same rules as everyone else. I initially apologized to BitchGoblet in a PM. She just gloated and said "Great". Later Mike Madison PM'd me to justify her actions. I'd like any Moderator to show me exactly in the site rules where BitchGoglet gets to insult people when "its called for".
I think you’ve made your point, Bacon Lover, multiple times. This is just going round in circles now. Please don’t push it to the point where it becomes nauseous for the rest of us!
So according to Mike. Some can call people cunt, slut, bitch, hoe, crack whore. Any number of names and it’s ok. Depends on intent according to To please him.
So it’s ok to say… hey bitch, hey jizz junkie
In that context according to y’all. The person saying it cannot get banned.
OMG seriously Moderators in live chat do not ban for cussing ffs. you can be asked to please stop if you are using abusive language and disrupting a room repeatedly. Then it becomes a room Disturbance, and you can be asked to please stop, or you will be kicked from room as a warning. As for all of this the said user was not banned, he was just asked to not Privately message the other and leave each other alone which is what everyone receives. weren't the words and cussing it was this is a live chat and tempers can flair and escalate so instead of that happening parties are both asked to end it and go separate ways and do not message one another whether one party involved or not is a mod as mods are also not always modding and just chatting. Also, on same note a mod in the altercation never mods it and always finds another mod to come in and handle so stays neutral. The fact you are here having a melt down because you were told yes if someone felt like it could call you a Kunt without being banned is childish and petty. It is the internet, and you will deal with things you personally find offensive. Now if you do you can find a Mod and speak with them, and they will advise you and handle in the proper manner but sitting and trying to talk in circles and beat an already dead horse for 20 mins I am sorry then run to the forums to post which A is a private conversation and is against lit policies and forum rules sharing private things without both party's consent. and B is just you trying to start crap to be well we all know what.
BG appears to have been having a sexualized, joking exchange with Tuvadine. She didn't call Tuvadine a dick, he asked her what organ she would be using and she joked the response.
You seemed to interject yourself at that point and an exchange occurred where you were called a cunt.
I don't see in the transcripts any warnings about your language used, or any sort of threat towards you.
You mentioned to me that you had been inebriated in the time leading up to this exchange. You also make no bones about being keen to know who watches the watcher concerning BG specifically. That's your right, but it does come across as slightly combative.
She called you a name and disengaged.
Context matters.
Do we actively discourage people from using invective at each other in chat? Absolutely. It almost always escalates or creates a situation when chatters or moderators use language like that.
Are Moderators and chatters allowed to use coarse language: Yes.
I will communicate with the mods involved.
This is also the Tech Support forum, and this thread should be moved, as this is not in any way a tech support issue.
I'd like to see this thread shut down for one single reason only - sharing private messages rather than approaching another mod or an admin if there had been any legitimate concerns. I've saved screenshots of our interactions, which I will not be sharing here but will do so with admins. On the basis that I possess finesse and integrity when it comes to dealing with people. It seems rather convenient that you have deliberately chosen to leave out how our second interaction involved me repeatedly confirming I never called you names, but I could, if the situation called for it. The way you chose to continuously berate me when I have asked you, as a chatter, to quit harassing me - is insane.
I suggest that you let modding guidelines and who's going to mod the mod - be an issue that the site and chat admins worry about. Repeatedly asking questions about whether we follow the rules ourselves, over and over, questioning every act - is going to do nothing here but define your own personal experience on the site.
OMG seriously Moderators in live chat do not ban for cussing ffs. you can be asked to please stop if you are using abusive language and disrupting a room repeatedly. Then it becomes a room Disturbance, and you can be asked to please stop, or you will be kicked from room as a warning. As for all of this the said user was not banned, he was just asked to not Privately message the other and leave each other alone which is what everyone receives. weren't the words and cussing it was this is a live chat and tempers can flair and escalate so instead of that happening parties are both asked to end it and go separate ways and do not message one another whether one party involved or not is a mod as mods are also not always modding and just chatting. Also, on same note a mod in the altercation never mods it and always finds another mod to come in and handle so stays neutral. The fact you are here having a melt down because you were told yes if someone felt like it could call you a Kunt without being banned is childish and petty. It is the internet, and you will deal with things you personally find offensive. Now if you do you can find a Mod and speak with them, and they will advise you and handle in the proper manner but sitting and trying to talk in circles and beat an already dead horse for 20 mins I am sorry then run to the forums to post which A is a private conversation and is against lit policies and forum rules sharing private things without both party's consent. and B is just you trying to start crap to be well we all know what.
Who’s having a meltdown? Not me.
So I would appreciate you not trying to put words in my mouth.
I try to avoid the name calling. To me 2 people should be able to have a civil discussion. Soon as the name calling starts. It’s no longer a civil discussion. It’s an argument.
As to my previous comments in the other post. It’s getting clarification.
Who’s having a meltdown? Not me.
So I would appreciate you not trying to put words in my mouth.
I try to avoid the name calling. To me 2 people should be able to have a civil discussion. Soon as the name calling starts. It’s no longer a civil discussion. It’s an argument.
As to my previous comments in the other post. It’s getting clarification.
was to original poster windstorm making my PC and shit glitchy apologies