Caly's ass



Best in the Eastern half of US.

I was gonna say in the US, but the Western half is Laurel territory.
ChilledVodka said:
Best in the Eastern half of US.

I was gonna say in the US, but the Western half is Laurel territory.

Having no recollection of seeing Laurel's ass, I'll defer to you on that.

But I will agree whole heartedly re Caly's.
Is this your way of making up for starting a thread about some other Literotican's ass...nice as it this your way of kissing and making it better??
I haven't seen a pic of Laurel's ass.

BTW this is the best thread you've started today yayati.
calypso_21 said:
is this your way of kissing and making it better??

line forms to the left, and I go first.... Caly...... bend slightly sweety :)
calypso_21 said:
Is this your way of making up for starting a thread about some other Literotican's ass...nice as it this your way of kissing and making it better??

Can I kiss Caly's ass? It would make it better for me!!!!
calypso_21 said:
Is this your way of making up for starting a thread about some other Literotican's ass...nice as it this your way of kissing and making it better??

Well, when all of you is just so gorgeous, it's hard not to say so!
HeavyStick said:

you're second in line.

Caly...uhmmm...could you take a shower after HS gets done? I'd really hate to have my lips where his have been, recently. Nothing personal HS.
IrishWolfhound said:

Caly...uhmmm...could you take a shower after HS gets done? I'd really hate to have my lips where his have been, recently. Nothing personal HS.


and Caly... you'll need a flea dip after IWh... nothing personal IWH ;)
Well, you all should be jealous. I get an entirely wet Caly, including her sweet ass all to myself in a bubble bath tonight.
calypso_21 said:
Is this your way of making up for starting a thread about some other Literotican's ass...nice as it this your way of kissing and making it better??
Yes, yes, yes. All that.

Plus licking and biting and nipping and making love to you skin.

I am truly and sincerely sorry for straying. Temtation is often too hard to resist. Lit women are like borg.

I'll be good boy and will dedicate my sperm to you, my goddess, tonight, or this morning rather.
SummerRose said:
Well, you all should be jealous. I get an entirely wet Caly, including her sweet ass all to myself in a bubble bath tonight.

We will need a FULL report in the morning, girl.
SummerRose said:
Well, you all should be jealous. I get an entirely wet Caly, including her sweet ass all to myself in a bubble bath tonight.

how much for pic's?
I got a feeling IWH and myself will pay a pretty penny for some pics of that action.
Damn, I miss all the good Caly's ass shown on a regular basis? or just that one time?
I am sensing a real money maker here.

I will have to discuss the picture options, with my partner in erotic crime and get back to you.
Bob_Bytchin said:
Damn, I miss all the good Caly's ass shown on a regular basis? or just that one time?

She rotates AV's, BOB. If you get lucky you catch a glimpse.

Now go back to taking pics of Katelyn's fine ass. ;)