Calling all gun nuts.. Scalia suggests SCOTUS could limit 2nd Amendment


Non-Prophet Organization
Apr 16, 2006
WASHINGTON – Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said Sunday that there “undoubtedly are” limits on the second amendment’s right to bear arms but that these must be limitations that were viewed as reasonable at the time the U.S. Constitution was written.

A little more than a week after a mass shooting in Aurora, Colo. drew attention to the nation’s gun laws, Justice Scalia addressed a series of questions on gun rights while touting a new book on Fox News Sunday.

“Yes, there are some limitations that can be imposed,” he said. “What they are will depend on what the society understood was reasonable limitation” when the Constitution was written. He cited, for example, a misdemeanor at the time, of carrying a frightening looking weapon such as a “head ax”.

Fox’s Chris Wallace asked about weapons that can fire off a hundred shots in a minute, in reference to the recent mass murder in a movie theater in Aurora.

“We’ll see,” said Justice Scalia, referring to the need to wait on a court case that gets at the question. He then volunteered that the second amendment refers to the right to “keep and bear” arms, so that it “does not apply to arms that cannot be hand-carried…It doesn’t apply to cannons.”

Then the justice asked himself about “hand-held rocket launchers that can bring down airplanes.” About that, he ventured only, “it will have to be decided.”

“My starting point and ending point probably will be what limitations are within the understood limitations that the society had at the time,” Justice Scalia said. “They had some limitation on the nature of arms that could be born. So, we’ll see what those limitations are as applied to modern weapons.”

Scalia named a Constitution hating RINO in 3..2..

"Fox’s Chris Wallace asked about weapons that can fire off a hundred shots in a minute, in reference to the recent mass murder in a movie theater in Aurora."

That is practically every gun out there.... except black powder/break action weapons.

My case for any retarded restrictions over "weapon types".


^Not an assault weapon, legal in every state that has an assault weapons ban (CA/NJ/MA etc) fires 700-750 rounds per min 7.62x51(.308win) with an effective range of 800m for a point target, 1200m area!!!


EVIL ASSAULT WEAPON^^^!!!! BAN IN CA/NJ etc..... fires a 5.56x45/.223cal round @ 800 rnd/min with an effective point range 500m area 600m. Notice how much more vicious and deadly those pistol grips and adjustable stock made it!! WOW..and don't forget that evil bayonet lug..that's extra deadly with all the drive by bayoneting's that happen :rolleyes:

Assault weapon bans are beyond dripping with stupid...100 round mag? Ohhh yea ban those because 3 mag changes will take a whooping 6 seconds in the hands of a noob and 2-3 in the hands of someone who put in a couple hrs practice. Huge difference!!!:rolleyes:

Semi Auto pistols? Revolvers are faster and more reliable. Sure they might not reload quite as quick as a mag fed semi auto, but a couple hrs of practice can change that.

Any restriction over what kind of small arms beyond no full auto is pissing in your own face retarded. So either collect them all up and ban them...or try something not so fear/stupidity driven, like education...getting licensed after some solid gun safety/use/storage courses in order to be able to own a gun.

Unified federal gun laws and licences....that way a licensed/legal gun owner can carry just the same under the same laws in CA as they can in NV or MA. I could deff get behind something like that. Make one data base...if you aren't licensed and you get caught with a gun you're done. If you have been through the courses and gotten your licence you can own w/e level of fire power you want that is covered under the endorsements of your licence. Try regulating the people...not the inanimate objects.

I hope Scalia isn't so stupid/short sighted as to think another dumb shit gun free zone/assault weapons ban will be effective on any level.

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Assault weapon bans are beyond dripping with stupid...100 round mag? Ohhh yea ban those because 3 mag changes will take a whooping 6 seconds in the hands of a noob and 2-3 in the hands of someone who put in a couple hrs practice. Huge difference!!!:rolleyes:
You just don't seem to understand that common sense gun laws would save lives.

Nobody needs to have more guns than they can carry at one time. Requiring excess arms to be disabled and stored as 'collectors items' is common sense.
One Shotgun, one hunting Rifle and one defensive pistol are quite adequate to give a lifetime of protection, food and sport.

It is silly that people can store loaded firearms in places accessible to children when a simple gun-safe can eliminate almost all accidents. The government can even grant partial tax credit (with a home inspection for verification of purchase and usage) to those who purchase approved storage devices (and a tax on gun and ammunition purchases for those who do not have a proper storage # on their file).

Registration cannot hurt and it is common sense and in fact a major part of what the Founding Fathers were talking about when they penned 'well regulated militia' - meaning that every person (adult male (but for today's America we can debate adding females to the militia)) should have a proper gun, be entered on lists as having it and of having adequate proficiency with it to be useful in the militia.

It is important that the militia be properly armed and easily equipped if ever activated and it is impossible to adequate arm and re-supply a militia which is equipped with 500 different calibers of weapon. The congress should limit the types of firearm and legal calibers to those which can be easily re-supplied by military channels. A militia without bullets is a disarmed citizenry ready for the slaughter. All weapons of other than 5.56, 7.62, .50BMG, .45ACP, 9mm and 12 Gauge should be banned.

Inspections are important to providing a well regulated militia as well. All members of the militia (all adults between 18 and 45 years of age) should have their equipment inspected for compliance at least once a year. Any who cannot show their weapon in good order, properly stored and with their basic load of ammunition are taxed. . .

Training is important, any member who fails to complete the required proficiency testing each year should pay a penalty tax. I think the requirements should be hitting a moving target in a lethal area while in a dark room filled with noxious smoke. Failure to do that results in the penalty tax.

and so on. . .

That's your argument against rational gun laws vs. dumb shit ineffective ones? Is to post a picture implying I'm crazy? Compelling....

Please tell me how this

Is some how more dangerous than

Just one rational, logical point for banning any kind of weapon based on it's looks/ergonomics :confused: just one....I dare you.
Disarming citizens is one the first steps to establishing a totalitarian state.

Do you think that Hitler, Stalin, and Mao could have came to power if their people were heavily armed?
You just don't seem to understand that common sense gun laws would save lives.

Nobody needs to have more guns than they can carry at one time. Requiring excess arms to be disabled and stored as 'collectors items' is common sense.
One Shotgun, one hunting Rifle and one defensive pistol are quite adequate to give a lifetime of protection, food and sport.

It is silly that people can store loaded firearms in places accessible to children when a simple gun-safe can eliminate almost all accidents. The government can even grant partial tax credit (with a home inspection for verification of purchase and usage) to those who purchase approved storage devices (and a tax on gun and ammunition purchases for those who do not have a proper storage # on their file).

Registration cannot hurt and it is common sense and in fact a major part of what the Founding Fathers were talking about when they penned 'well regulated militia' - meaning that every person (adult male (but for today's America we can debate adding females to the militia)) should have a proper gun, be entered on lists as having it and of having adequate proficiency with it to be useful in the militia.

It is important that the militia be properly armed and easily equipped if ever activated and it is impossible to adequate arm and re-supply a militia which is equipped with 500 different calibers of weapon. The congress should limit the types of firearm and legal calibers to those which can be easily re-supplied by military channels. A militia without bullets is a disarmed citizenry ready for the slaughter. All weapons of other than 5.56, 7.62, .50BMG, .45ACP, 9mm and 12 Gauge should be banned.

Inspections are important to providing a well regulated militia as well. All members of the militia (all adults between 18 and 45 years of age) should have their equipment inspected for compliance at least once a year. Any who cannot show their weapon in good order, properly stored and with their basic load of ammunition are taxed. . .

Training is important, any member who fails to complete the required proficiency testing each year should pay a penalty tax. I think the requirements should be hitting a moving target in a lethal area while in a dark room filled with noxious smoke. Failure to do that results in the penalty tax.

and so on. . .

Oh no more taxes and less freedom.
That's your argument against rational gun laws vs. dumb shit ineffective ones? Is to post a picture implying I'm crazy? Compelling....
No, it was a direct reply to the point that you made. That's why I quoted what I quoted and not the entire post.

Loughner was tackled and taken down when trying to reload. 6 seconds, or even 3, can be a lot of time.

Please tell me how this

Is some how more dangerous than

Just one rational, logical point for banning any kind of weapon based on it's looks/ergonomics :confused: just one....I dare you.
If that's the argument I'm trying to make, I would. Until then, please don't put words in my mouth.
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You just don't seem to understand that common sense gun laws would save lives.

Nobody needs to have more guns than they can carry at one time. Requiring excess arms to be disabled and stored as 'collectors items' is common sense.
One Shotgun, one hunting Rifle and one defensive pistol are quite adequate to give a lifetime of protection, food and sport.

It is silly that people can store loaded firearms in places accessible to children when a simple gun-safe can eliminate almost all accidents. The government can even grant partial tax credit (with a home inspection for verification of purchase and usage) to those who purchase approved storage devices (and a tax on gun and ammunition purchases for those who do not have a proper storage # on their file).

Registration cannot hurt and it is common sense and in fact a major part of what the Founding Fathers were talking about when they penned 'well regulated militia' - meaning that every person (adult male (but for today's America we can debate adding females to the militia)) should have a proper gun, be entered on lists as having it and of having adequate proficiency with it to be useful in the militia.

It is important that the militia be properly armed and easily equipped if ever activated and it is impossible to adequate arm and re-supply a militia which is equipped with 500 different calibers of weapon. The congress should limit the types of firearm and legal calibers to those which can be easily re-supplied by military channels. A militia without bullets is a disarmed citizenry ready for the slaughter. All weapons of other than 5.56, 7.62, .50BMG, .45ACP, 9mm and 12 Gauge should be banned.

Inspections are important to providing a well regulated militia as well. All members of the militia (all adults between 18 and 45 years of age) should have their equipment inspected for compliance at least once a year. Any who cannot show their weapon in good order, properly stored and with their basic load of ammunition are taxed. . .

Training is important, any member who fails to complete the required proficiency testing each year should pay a penalty tax. I think the requirements should be hitting a moving target in a lethal area while in a dark room filled with noxious smoke. Failure to do that results in the penalty tax.

and so on. . .

I would like to know what is so commons sense about the bold items....

1 shotgun or 4....I can only operate 1 at a time. The other 3 in the house make no difference and will not take nor save any lives sitting in the safe. 1 pistol or 10...I can really only operate one effectively, 2 half assed, the other 8 are really pointless.

Caliber....300 win mag or .308(7.62x51) both will lay someone out...if they get hit with either they will die. How would limiting caliber stop any crime from happening? Wont.....not a damn bit. 99% of crimes you don't even need ammo...flash the pistol and the wallets/registers/legs open up.

You think making sure people only have 9mm and not .380 will stop ANYTHING? Really? REALLY???
AmeriKa is headed towards a violent military dictatorship just like Germany, Russia, and China.

Please hand in your guns so we can turn your country into a full-fledged police state.
You think making sure people only have 9mm and not .380 will stop ANYTHING? Really? REALLY???
I think there's some confusion here. She talked about consolidating bullet calibers so that bullets can be fast and easily deployed to the citizenry. For instance via military channels.

Seems like we have two different philosophies for what a militia is. Is it an armed citizenry for the state to utilize in times of need? Or is it an armed zitizenry to utilize against the state in times of need?

If it's the former, fewer caliber types makes all the sense in the world. Not forpreventing gun violence, but for the other stuff.
I would like to know what is so commons sense about the bold items....

1 shotgun or 4....I can only operate 1 at a time. The other 3 in the house make no difference and will not take nor save any lives sitting in the safe. 1 pistol or 10...I can really only operate one effectively, 2 half assed, the other 8 are really pointless.

Caliber....300 win mag or .308(7.62x51) both will lay someone out...if they get hit with either they will die. How would limiting caliber stop any crime from happening? Wont.....not a damn bit. 99% of crimes you don't even need ammo...flash the pistol and the wallets/registers/legs open up.

You think making sure people only have 9mm and not .380 will stop ANYTHING? Really? REALLY???

As you can only operate one shotgun at a time, why should you have others that can be stolen, found by children and otherwise misused? We do not have 80 rifles for every soldier we sent to combat, we send them with one and an armourer to repair it when it breaks. You can do the same in your militias.

Where in the second amendment is the word crime? Where in my post was the word crime? The stated purpose of the right to keep and bear arms is to equip the militia. If the militia is ever called out to stop a crime, I'll worry about that misuse of Arms at that time.

Who cares if .300 Win Mag is a better and more effective caliber than 7.62 NATO it is about equipping the militia and as someone who might be carrying bullets to the battle line (or perhaps even funding a company of militia) I don't want to have to ask every single member of the militia the caliber of their rifle or have to purchase and stock 85 different calibers to arm a company of militia.
Ask those whom endured the oppression of Nazi Germany, the USSR, and communist China how total gun prohibition worked out for them.
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And you fail to understand that criminals don't follow laws. Gun control laws simply disarm law abiding citizens so that you have gun free zones and the crazies go to them like moths to a flame.

Also, you're basically advocating a total police state. Home inspections? Who pays for all those, oh right tax payers. Government can't save people from themselves. Accidents will always happen, that's just part of life.

Holmes followed the law. So did the Va Tech guy. Zimmerman's not a criminal either. None of them would fit whatever definition of criminal you might be using.

I imagine that the gun owners paying the tax would be paying for it, and it wouldn't be a police state because it would be voluntary. No one would have to let the police into their homes. Although since all legal gun owners are totally law abiding I don't see why you think they would have something to hide.

I'm curious, just where do you think "criminals" get their guns?
No, it was a direct reply to the point that you made. That's why I quoted what I quoted and not the entire post.

Loughner was tackled and taken down when trying to reload. 6 seconds, or even 3, can be a lot of time.

If that's the argument I'm trying to make, I would. Until then, please don't put words in my mouth.

ok we will run with that...because it did happen.

The guy was a noob and didn't position himself for a re-load because he was retarded.

Now what about all the other gun crimes/rampage shootings/ murders that take place where a drum type C mag isn't used and dozens get killed?

What I'm getting at is that limiting mag size is really pointless and will be about as effective in stopping/managing a rampage shooting as a gun free zone.

What's next? ban the kind of optics system some shooter used b/c holographic sites work great indoors, in dark close quarters combat? :confused: THAT WILL STOP/LIMIT THE NEXT ONE!:rolleyes:

No....banning any of these objects(of which there are thousands and or millions already circulating) is not going to be any more effective than the gazzilion laws/regs on them we currently have.

We need to find a better way to regulate who is allowed to get these items, cut the war on drugs and start a war on illegal weapons. Quit fucking joe nobody out of his civil rights due to fear and ignorance and start fucking the criminal elements.

Now if you guys are done with the circle jerk and want to save some real lives, let's talk about retards behind the wheel. I think a DL should be a lot harder to get and even easier to lose than any gun. Just my 2c..

Driving on the phone? Car gone...prison..fine up the ass just like a DUI. I would bet the lit farm that would save more lives than any new gun control measure we could dream up.

As you can only operate one shotgun at a time, why should you have others that can be stolen, found by children and otherwise misused?

Because sometimes I want to hunt pheasant, sometimes I want to hunt turkey...I may just want to take my niece skeet shooting and because she is 9 the .410 is better than the 12ga for her.

Any gun no matter the quantity or type can be misused/stolen/found by kids. It's the gun owners responsibility to make sure that doesn't happen, which is why I advocate class's to teach and licencing to certify that the holders know wtf they are doing.

Where in the second amendment is the word crime? Where in my post was the word crime? The stated purpose of the right to keep and bear arms is to equip the militia. If the militia is ever called out to stop a crime, I'll worry about that misuse of Arms at that time.

Militia is mentioned yes, but it is not limited to a militia. I find it funny that "the people" means an individual right in every amendment but the 2nd?? hmmm...bullshit. Yes it's to arm the militia, but it's also there to protect every living creatures right to self defense..from any threat.

Who cares if .300 Win Mag is a better and more effective caliber than 7.62 NATO it is about equipping the militia and as someone who might be carrying bullets to the battle line (or perhaps even funding a company of militia) I don't want to have to ask every single member of the militia the caliber of their rifle or have to purchase and stock 85 different calibers to arm a company of militia.

2A is not just for a militia...the militia is included but it's also an individual right. If I want to protect myself with a 10mm I could give fuck all what the militia is rocking, the bad juju creeping into my garage to steal my weed is coming to catch 10mm rounds, because I have the INHERENT RIGHT to protect myself, my family and my property from eminent threat of harm or destruction.
We need to find a better way to regulate who is allowed to get these items, cut the war on drugs and start a war on illegal weapons. Quit fucking joe nobody out of his civil rights due to fear and ignorance and start fucking the criminal elements.

If I want to protect myself with a 10mm I could give fuck all what the militia is rocking, the bad juju creeping into my garage to steal my weed is coming to catch 10mm rounds, because I have the INHERENT RIGHT to protect myself, my family and my property from eminent threat of harm or destruction.

So now you (an admitted criminal and person who is disallowed firearms as a user of illegal drugs) is telling us that we need to go after illegal firearms?

Care to post your address and we can start with yours?
There is a Colorado in Chicago EVERY MONTH


How is THAT working out?:rolleyes: