
Literotica Guru
May 24, 2013
Literate female needed to play the part of Caesar's reward. The story is set in ancient Rome. To get a feel for the story please read the intro below. I would prefer someone who can post regularly and provide decent-sized posts, I wouldn't and couldn't expect posts the lengthof my first, but please no one-liners. Please PM first. Thank you for reading

It seemed everything happened in slow motion even though in fact it was no more than a few seconds. his arm bent back and then forward, his spear flew through the air with deadly accuracy and impaled the remaining opponent who was charging towards the imperial box where Caesar sat. The gladiator was shouting.


The spear cut hIs shouting to a gurgle as the blood spurted from his body. Quinn, as he was known was no lover of Caesar but he knew that to kill Caesar would mean the death of himself and all his fellow gladiators. As it was, he was soon surrounded by soldiers of the Imperial Guard. Much to his surprise though, he was not chained and thrown back in his cell but taken to the imperial palace and set before Caesar himself.

Quinn prostrated himself at the bottom of the steps leading up to where Caesar sat.

"Stand, Gladiator, what is your name, where are you from?"

Caesar's voice was low and calm but he spoke with authority.

"If it pleases Caesar my name is Quinn, I am from Britain where I was captured during the battle between the Romans and the Iceni."

Quinn kept the tremors from his voice hoping he showed no fear, he had no idea what would happen to him.

"AH, Quinn, yes I have heard of you, two years you have been fighting for your life, a quite remarkable achievement, from henceforth you will be known as The Mighty Quinn. As thanks for saving my life, I declare you a free man."

He paused then continued,

"You will also have a small villa in the cooler part of the city, when you arrive you will find a woman waiting for you, she and the villa are yours, what you do with the woman is up to you, you may wish to take her to your bed, She is well versed in the art of love BUT she has not yet taken the final step so you can mould her into whatever you want her to be, I am assured she is very beautiful as she comes from my stable of beautiful women that I keep to reward people like you."

Quinn couldn't believe his ears, with one throw of a spear he was now a free man with a villa and a woman.

"Thank you Mighty Caesar may your gods smile on you always."

He was hustled out of the palace and placed in an enclosed carriage to take him to his new home and woman.
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Aemilia knew not who her father was. Her mother had been a slave, a domestic that had been trained in the ways of pleasure. Of her father she knew nothing. Her mother, Laelia, was owned by Marcus Quintilius and the man was known for his rather lavish parties and orgies where his slaves would be freely given to his guest to entertain for the night. Any of the men that the sex slave had pleasured during that time, including her Master himself, may have fathered the child.

Aemilia had grown up in the household as a child slave. Being a slave was all she had ever known. When she was in her 14th year, her mother had contracted a fever and died. She mourned her loss and missed her greatly. Her mother had given birth to 3 other children over the years, all males. Her younger brothers had all been sold and Aemilia had no idea where they were so now she was alone.

Yet, there came a day when her master fell upon lean times, and she found herself chosen along with several other slaves to be sold. She had grown into a lovely young woman, learning much over the years working in the villa. She was bright and possessed a gentle nature. Luckily the quaestor took one look at her and contacted the palace of Emperor Caesar, letting them know that he had a small group of young female slaves that would work for the Emperor’s needs. The quaestor was well aware that Caesar kept a stable of beautiful women to be bestowed to various individuals as reward for whatever reasons.

And so Aemilia entered into the Emperor’s house. She was apprehensive and in awe, and yet was determined to learn and do honor to her dead mother. Thus began her training. The lanista sexus taught the young women the ways to dress and undress a man and how to inflame his passion while doing so. Bathing a man was another important lesson as was sensuous dancing, learning how to move and reveal her body to a man that would incite him to passion. Quite a bit of time was spent on oral gratification of her future owner, where she was trained on the ways of taking a man’s organ into her mouth and throat. Various men - usually soldiers of Caesar’s private guards - would be brought in for the girls to practice upon, so that they could handle whatever size male they should be given to. After all, Caesars great name was at stake.

They were also trained in numerous other ways including anal sex, having been taught that some men preferred this. However, all of the young ladies were kept intact. The trainers knew that it was important that the women remain virgins as many owners enjoyed drawing first blood on their sex slaves, and therefore the females were all made aware of what would happen when that time would come. They were shown how to lie seductively upon the bed and how to make whom ever their new owner was feel that they were wanted and desired, for that was their sole purpose: to provide pleasure to their new master.

Once training was over, each woman was inspected to be assured that she still was a virgin before she was taken from the training area and placed in the private stable. Usually the women did not stay there long as Caesar was very well known for his gifts.

Eventually the day arrived when Aemilia was chosen. She was bathed and dressed, her long red hair allowed to hang seductively about her and a diadem placed upon her head. She then knelt before the lanista sexus to receive her orders.

“Your new master is a man called The Mighty Quinn. You will address him as such every time unless he gives you leave to address him otherwise. You are to be his slave and a villa has been set aside for him. Please do not show disfavor upon the Emperor by shaming him. You have been trained in the arts of seduction, how to inflame a man, and give him pleasure. I am well aware that your mother was also a sex slave so you come from good breeding and should be able to excel in your job.”

A slave’s cloak was placed upon her shoulders and she was put into a carriage to be taken to her new home. She was somewhat nervous as it was very important that she please her new owner and stay in his favor. Should she not do so, and word were to get back to Caesar, she would be taken from the Villa and given over to the soldiers to be used sexually until they tired of her.

The carriage soon stopped outside of the Villa in a very nice part of the city and she was helped from the carriage. She and the lanista sexus were escorted into the Villa by a servant and Aemilia noted as various servants busied themselves around the villa. A female servant led them to the servant’s quarters and showed them to a very small room that would become her chambers. Once alone, the lanista sexus reminded her that she must perform all task to the satisfaction of her new owner. He then left and suddenly the enormity of her new job came over her.

Aemilia took off her cloak and carefully folded it, leaving it on the mattress on the small single bed. From a small cloth pouch she pulled a tiny vial of liquid and opened it. The scent drifted to her nostrils - a mixture that had been designed to mix with her own natural scent and would help to make the passion arise in her new owner. It was a blend of civet musk, rose, sweet rush and coriander - just a light touch on various spots of her body were all that was needed - before she stoppered it and left it with her cloak,

She felt flutters in her stomach as she quickly investigated the Villa, seeking out where her master the Mighty Quinn would rest. His bed was large and plush and would easily accommodate any man and a sex slave. She spent some time making certain that there was plenty of filling in the mattress and that the cover and pillows were plentiful and artfully arranged to offer comfort to the Mighty Quinn. A light breeze blew through the room and freshened the air.

It was a nice size villa with two bedrooms, a small inner courtyard, and the slave quarters. She wondered just who was this Mighty Quinn. A statesman? A Praefecti? Maybe a Senator? She hesitated, wanting to stop one of the other slaves working in various places in the villa and ask them more about her new master, but she hesitated.

Suddenly there was a hue and cry amongst the servants as they whispered that the new master was here. Everyone rushed to assemble in the front room. Aemilia went to the end of the line, kneeling and bowing her head and saying a silent prayer to Venus that she would find favor with her new master.
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The journey from Caesar's palace gave Quinn time to reflect and come to terms with how his whole life had changed in a matter of a few seconds due to the actions of a madman. He wasn't sure if given the same circumstances again whether he would do the same thing again, but it was done nothing could change that.

Caesar had sent one of his entourage of minor officials, Troilus, with him to help settle him into his new home.

"Mighty Quinn, Caesar wishes you to live comfortably so he has made the sum of 5000 Denarius available to you along with ten household slaves and of course a young woman to entertain you throughout the nights," he coughed and spoke again "Of course, if you wish to make use of her during the day then you are free to do so, in fact, you can do whatever you like whenever you like."

Quinn was taken aback at Caesar's generosity, 5000 Denarius, that was 200000 Sestertii, in his time in Rome the most he had ever seen was two Sestertii tossed into the arena after a particularly tough brutal fight by an elderly lady of rank who made it plain that she would not be averse to buying him for her pleasure,

At last, they arrived at the villa and as they disembarked from the carriage Quinn realised that he must look a pitiful sight. He was still clad in his gladiatorial armour, with the dirt and sand from the arena stuck to his muscular sweaty body.

"Troilus, I wish to speak to the members of my household and afterwards would you please arrange a bath for me?"

He only asked Troilus to do these things because he had no idea how to tell anyone to do something for him.

When the household slaves were assembled Quinn spoke to them all,

"My name is Quinn, Caesar has taken it upon himself to reward me for a favour that I did for him earlier today, although I did not expect or ask for any such reward, Caesar wishes me to be known as Mighty Quinn. Within the confines of the villa and grounds, Quinn or Master will suffice unless outsiders are present in which case it would be best for us all if the proper titles are used. As you can see I am or was in much the same situation as all of you, YES I was a slave, a gladiator so I know you must be apprehensive, wondering what sort of master I will be. I can put your minds at rest, there will be no beatings unless they are deserved and agreed upon by four other members of a committee which I will assemble when necessary."

At this point he took time to let his eyes rove over his slaves, among the dozen or so slaves there was one that stood out, different from the others, a redhaired woman with long luxuriant hair that hung seductively over her shoulders and down her back to her waist, she wore an expensive looking dress that enhanced womanly curves and large round emerald green eyes that he lost himself in. He shook his head to clear it and announced,

"So that I know you all by name and your purpose step forward one by one, men first and announce your name and where you will be used."

One by one the men stepped forward and gave their names and where they worked, Caius, gardener,,,, Gallius, butcher, and so on until it as the turn of the women, Fay, water carrier,,,, Julie, cook, one by one they came until there was only the redhaired beauty left, she knelt with her head bowed and then looked up at him with her deep soulful emerald eyes.

Troilus, who stood beside him said with a tinge of envy in his voice,

"Mighty Quinn, may I introduce Aemilia, she is...................."

He didn't finish as Quinn cut him off sharply,

"Let the girl speak for herself, I want to hear her voice for surely one who is endowed with such beauty will have a voice like a stream tinkling over pebbles, now what is your purpose in my household?"
There were hushed whispers between the slaves as all awaited to catch sight of their new master - The Mighty Quinn. Aemilia could hear voices outside the entryway as the servants fell silent, each wishing to make the best of first impressions on the Mighty Quinn. One voice sounded somewhat familiar to her, and that surprised her.

However, the other voice intrigued her. It was deep, like a rumble that spoke of masculine power. Perhaps a true man amongst men. And that thought excited her. But she kept her thoughts to herself.

A form filled the doorway, its shadow larger than life. All the other slaves stood there bowed in respect to the Mighty Quinn. Only Aemilia had knelt to show her subservience to her new master. Yet when she finally looked up, she was almost breathless.

She had not been exposed to gladiators before. So her first thought was that he was indeed a praetorian, freshly back from campaigning, still dusty from his travels and, having found favor with Emperor Caesar due to his heroics, had been duly awarded a villa and slaves. She had certainly practiced and provided oral pleasure to many of the Emperor’s private guards while in training at the palace. However, she knew that she had not been intimate with this man’s member, for she would certainly remember looking up into the face of one so handsome. Her small, pink tongue shyly licked her rose lips as she anticipated just how mighty his sword would be. For an instant their eyes met and already she could feel her body looking forward to the time that she would spend pleasuring this man.

The other man that stood beside The Mighty Quinn she did recognize. Troilus had been one of the men that would show up periodically at the imperatoris sex stabulis for the women to practice fellatio upon. Usually it was various soldiers and guards that took advantage of the young women in training, but often there were numerous members of the Emperor’s own staff that would partake of the chance to have oral sex performed upon them. Aemilia and the other young women would line up, kneeling upon pillows, while various men would step up to whatever woman was available. At all times there were numerous lanista sexus that would be in the room, walking up and down the line supplying training.

There had been several times that the man Troilus had stepped before her, awaiting when her small hand would reach up under his tunic and reveal his manhood that lay in his loincloth. She did not recall him as being particularly well endowed but she did remember that he seemed to prefer to push her head down so that much of his time was spent down her throat.

Part of the lanista sexus job was to make sure that the men did not use the same woman every time. She was not made privy to all the reasons, but she heard on several occasions when Troilus complained because he wanted to be serviced by her but instead was led to a different young trainee. It mattered not to her as she was there to learn.

There was a pause as the Mighty Quinn stood before them, looking over his slaves. Troilus stood beside him, and she noticed that his eyes seemed to stare hard at her before he looked away and listening to the Mighty Quinn speak silently to him.

“ My name is Quinn, Caesar has taken it upon himself to reward me for a favour that I did for him earlier today, although I did not expect or ask for any such reward, Caesar wishes me to be known as Mighty Quinn. Within the confines of the villa and grounds, Quinn or Master will suffice unless outsiders are present in which case it would be best for us all if the proper titles are used. As you can see I am or was in much the same situation as all of you, YES I was a slave, a gladiator so I know you must be apprehensive, wondering what sort of master I will be. I can put your minds at rest, there will be no beatings unless they are deserved and agreed upon by four other members of a committee which I will assemble when necessary."

She was surprised. He had been a slave and was now free? She had heard of such things happening but had assumed that such stories were probably fantasy. Yet apparently, according to her new Master, a slave could, through the luck of the Fates, become a free person.

And then he asked for each slave’s name and position. She listened to each slave tell him their name and the position they held within the Villa. She was the only slave that had knelt in his presence as she had been trained to do. First the men, and then the women did as instructed. Finally it was down to her, being at the end of the line. Before she could rise, Troilus informed the Mighty Quinn as to her name. Her Master cut him off.

"Let the girl speak for herself, I want to hear her voice for surely one who is endowed with such beauty will have a voice like a stream tinkling over pebbles, now what is your purpose in my household?"

She rose and stepped before him.

“Oh Mighty Quinn, I am your sexus servus. I am here to provide you with pleasure, to help relieve your stress. When you wish, I can show you to your bathhouse so there is no need for you to visit the thermae unless you prefer to do so. Your wish shall be my command.”

She had noted earlier that this Villa did have its own bathhouse. Of this she was glad as this would allow her the opportunity to begin her service to the Mighty Quinn. She could see with one glance that he must have come here straight from the arena. There was a fluttering deep inside of her, for if this was the Master to whom she was to be deflowered by, she would indeed look forward to it. That he found her possessing beauty delighted her too. She looked forward to pleasing her new Master.

Most of the other slaves had seen the lanista sexus deliver her to the villa, and were not surprised by her announcement. It was not uncommon for a household to have at least one or more sex slaves, depending upon the size and wealth of the villa. In the villa of Marcus Quintilius, her mother had been one of 2 that he owned. And any offspring that would have been borne by a sex slave was naturally a slave as well. Her mother had birthed 4 children. The other sex slave had birthed 5 though one of hers had died of the same fever that took Aemilia’s mother.

She again knelt, bowing so that her forehead touched the floor at the Mighty Quinn’s feet, awaiting his bidding.
The girl, Aemilia, was such a striking beauty that Quinn was not at all surprised that her voice did indeed have the tinkling qualities that he had described, it was what she said that delighted him although he tried not to show it as it might be construed as showing favouritism, as she rose he could see by the way her robe clung to her body that she was lithe and shapely,

"Oh Mighty Quinn, I am your sexus servus. I am here to provide you with pleasure, and to help relieve your stress. When you wish, I can show you to your bathhouse so there is no need for you to visit the thermae unless you prefer to do so. Your wish shall be my command.”

Quinn suddenly realised how dirty and dusty he was, still clad in his gladiatorial armour, the need for a bath was clear,

"Very well Aemilia, I will put you to work straight away, show me the way to the bathhouse and you can begin your time here washing your master."

He followed her to the bathhouse where the water was kept at a constant warm temperature, he was quite overcome by the opulence of the tiled area, bath and couches to recline on if he so wished.


Quinn was nervous as he had never been in a bath before and didn't know whether he should undress in front of Aemilia or ask her to leave while he undressed and cover himself in the bath, then there was the problem of her washing him, as far as he could see there were only two options, she would have to come to him still dressed or she could change into something more suited to becoming wet. He looked around for help and perhaps inspiration but Aemilia had solved the problem for him, she had slipped off her robe and stood at the edge of the bath waiting for him,


Quinn wanted to avert his eyes out of common decency but she entranced him with her glorious body, full firm breasts ripe pouting lips, a slender waist and a bush of hair at the apex of her legs of the same fiery red of her hair. He stared at her, desiring her and then realising that in all likelihood his member was showing its appreciation he felt embarrassed and looked down only to find his member still limp with not a trace of being excited. not quite knowing what to say he managed to croak huskily,

"I,,, I,, I'm sorry for staring Aemilia, I did not expect you to ,,,," He put his arm out palm up, gesturing ",,, This"

He did not dare mention his limp manhood but he was sure she would have noticed even with his loincloth and armour keeping it covered. The fact of the matter though was that he would have to reveal it if he was to have his bath.

"I'm sorry Aemilia, I am tired and I would feel more comfortable if I were to bathe alone, come to my chamber in one hour and we can talk and perhaps you can dance for me."
“Very well Aemilia, I will put you to work straight away, show me the way to the bathhouse and you can begin your time here washing your master."

“Yes, Master.” Smiling at her Master as she gracefully rose, she reached out a small hand and slipped it into his large one. She could feel his rough and calloused palm - a definite sign of one who had worked hard. He followed her as she led the way to the bathhouse.

Once there, she could feel his hesitation upon entering. She attributed it to suddenly discovering the luxury of having his own space where he could privately bathe. However, she led him over towards one of the couches. While he stood there surveying the space, she stepped to one side and slipped her toga off her shoulders. The soft material slipped down her body to puddle at her feet. She hoped that he would find favor with her body.

She noticed that the Mighty Quinn showed no signs of sexual attraction to her. But that did not worry her at the moment. This must all be new for him. It was up to her to put her Master at ease.

"I,,, I,, I'm sorry for staring Aemilia, I did not expect you to ,,,," He put his arm out palm up, gesturing ",,, This"

“Why should you not stare? I hope that you find favor with me and my body, for it belongs to you.”

“I'm sorry Aemilia, I am tired and I would feel more comfortable if I were to bathe alone, come to my chamber in one hour and we can talk and perhaps you can dance for me."

She smiled sweetly to him as she stepped up to him and began to unstrap the armor off his body.

“But, oh Mighty Quinn, this is part of my job. To dress and undress you, to bathe you, and to relieve your tensions of the day. I am to bathe you, dance for your pleasures, and provide sexual release whenever you wish. I belong to you and I am here for your health and pleasure. I can feed you should you wish so. I have surveyed your private chambers and made sure that your mattress is plush with plenty of pillows.”

As she spoke to him, her sure fingers removed the leather armor on her Master. With nimble fingers she revealed his body bit by bit, lightly running her hands over each part of skin laid bare by her work. She could see that her Master was not used to such luxuries but it was her job to help ease him into his new life. She did note that his member did not rise as did most of the men that she had given baths to when in training. But that was fine. The Mighty Quinn was probably tired. She notice that even at rest, his sword was quite impressive, and she looked forward to sex with her Master, and the time when he would take away her maidenhood.

Once she had removed all of his clothes including his sandals, she took his hand and led him to the steps leading into the water.

“Come, Master. I have checked the water and it is most comfortable. You will enjoy it.”

She stepped down into the pool, still holding his hand as she led him down into the water. Finally they stood on the bottom with the water lapping against her breast. On her Master it barely reached his waist. She smiled encouragingly to him as she led him towards the seating bench that lined all around the perimeter of the pool.

“You are so tall and broad. Truly a man amongst men. It shall be a pleasure to be your sexus servus.“

On the ledge beside where she had him sit was a bowl of oil and a strigil. And though it was not standard in bathhouses, she also had set a soft cloth, for she had been trained that sometimes soft things felt nice on a tired body.

With a gentle touch she began to bathe her Master. Using the soft cloth, she dipped it in the warm water and began to clean his body. The water trickled down his back and she noted that his body was marked with several scars that showed proof that he had indeed fought in the arena. As she worked she softly hummed a tune that she had heard her mother hum when she was young. Slowly she could feel his shoulders relax some, which was good.

“The water feels nice, does it not, Master?” She spoke softly, leaning In to him, her nude body soft against his back as she scrubbed him. “Just relax and let me take care of you.”
Aemilia did not leave as he had asked her, instead, she stepped closer and began to expertly unbuckle his armour while she explained in her soft tinkling tone.

'But, oh Mighty Quinn, this is part of my job. To dress and undress you, to bathe you, and to relieve your tensions of the day. I am to bathe you, dance for your pleasures, and provide sexual release whenever you wish. I belong to you and I am here for your health and pleasure. I can feed you should you wish so. I have surveyed your private chambers and made sure that your mattress is plush with plenty of pillows.'

Quinn could not take it all in, his life had changed dramatically in the matter of a few hours, one moment he had been fighting for his life in the arena where there had been only one objective, kill or be killed, now he was being undressed ready for a bath like a baby by the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, AND, she was naked, telling him that he owned her and she would serve him in every way possible. With each piece of armour removed, she ran her fingers lightly over his skin, so lightly it felt like a butterfly and so good.

One thing that Aemilia had mentioned nagged at him, ' provide sexual release whenever you wish.' What did that mean? In the time that he had been a gladiator, every few months the gladiators had been provided with a woman each for the night to use. The women were the cheapest whores available and just opened their legs and the gladiators relieved their tensions inside the whores, there was no affection or lust shown between them, it was just an act to remind them that they were men. Would it be the same with Aemilia? He hoped not.

When he finally stood naked before her his manhood was still stubbornly limp and he wondered if it would ever again become the impressive sight it once used to be.

Aemilia took his hand and led him down the steps to the warm water which felt luxurious on his skin, he had only ever washed in cold water.

'Come, Master. I have checked the water and it is most comfortable. You will enjoy it.'

She led him to the centre of the bath where the difference in their size became more apparent, Quinn was only waist deep whereas the water lapped at Aemilia's breasts, playing hide and seek with her pronounced pink nipples. From there she asked him to sit on the ledge which ran right around the bath and proceeded to wash his torso gently. letting the warm water run on his shoulders and down his back which relaxed him somewhat, the tension leaving his shoulders. He felt her gentle fingers trace the battle scars on his back. She hummed as she worked leaving him in no doubt that she did not resent having to wash him.

'The water feels nice, does it not, Master? Just relax and let me take care of you.”

As she leaned over him her breasts rubbed against his skin causing him to breathe in sharply with pleasure, To his surprise, he was rather enjoying himself.
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Her small hands followed along his spine to dip beneath the warm water and just briefly brushed his buttocks before coming back up his sides. The muscles under her fingers were hard and strong, and she managed to brush her breast “accidentally” across his back before continuing. There were occasional scars and scratches on his skin which did not make him any less attractive.

“If you will raise your right arm, Master…” she prompted and once he had raised it, she scrubbed his arm pit, the arm and right side. She could tell that he was certainly not used to such attention. “Thank you, Master.” He lowered his arm and she walked around him to his left side.

He anticipated her request and she scrubbed his left side the same as the right. His muscles did not feel quite as tense and yet his heart was beating a little bit faster.

She smiled as she stepped in front of him and glanced down briefly to show respect to her Master before she looked him in the eyes. She really felt truly blessed that her Master was so handsome and strong.

“Master, if you will part your legs, I will be able to wash your chest.”

He seemed to hesitate but as she was just doing her job, he acquiesced and, clearing his throat, made a space for her to step into. She concentrated on her job, washing his strong chest. Glancing up, his blue eyes were looking at her and she smiled at him. “I hope that you are enjoying your bath, Master. It is my desire to make you happy. If there are additional things that you wish of me, you have only to ask.” Her voice was quiet and breathy and he almost had to lean in to hear her. “Emperor Caesar would be most upset should I not please you.”

She leaned in a bit closer and thought that she felt something underwater brush her leg. Perhaps he was starting to feel more at ease with her. She began to hum again. Glancing up at him, he was staring at her breast and she wished that he would touch them. The water level rocked back and forth with her movements from bathing him and it would dance over her breast, sometimes lifting up to hide her nipples and sometimes dipping down to reveal her whole breast.

Her legs rubbed against the insides of his thighs and she could feel the strength and power in them. His sword was now pressed up against her legs but she pretended that this was all part of her job. Which in fact it was. Her hands ran over his chest before she dipped the cloth in the water and used it and her hands to rinse him off.

She laid her palm on his chest and looked up at him. She had washed above his waist. Now to clean the rest of him. There was an additional ledge behind where he sat.

“Master, if you will step up and sit on that ledge, I can finish your bath.”
The cleansing of his upper body continued with the occasional fleeting brush of her breasts against his back, which Quinn felt sure was accidental but nonetheless pleasant.

'If you will raise your right arm, Master…' she prompted and once he had raised it, the whole of his right side was scrubbed and cleansed of dirt and sweat. 'Thank you, Master.' He anticipated her next request as she moved to his left side and she scrubbed that side completely as well. When she was done she was all smiles as she looked down and then smiled into his icy blue eyes.

'Master, if you will part your legs, I will be able to wash your chest'

Quinn hesitated for a brief moment, it felt that this bathing was getting close to being personal between him and Aemilia, he was not able to give her what he was expected to give her and yet even though she was his slave he did not want to disappoint her. however, her tone was insistent and he opened his legs, with a little cough, clearing a space for her to step into.

As she began washing the dirt and grime from his chest she looked up at him and their eyes met, they smiled at each other. 'I hope that you are enjoying your bath, Master. It is my desire to make you happy. If there are additional things that you wish of me, you have only to ask. Emperor Caesar would be most upset should I not please you.' Her voice was so low he almost had to lean forward to hear her but if he had he would have been only inches from her full ripe lips and possibly be unable to resist kissing her. As it was Aemilia moved in a little closer and she began humming her little tune again, Quinn found himself staring at her breasts dancing in and out of the small waves that she caused with her movements and once again he desperately wanted to touch them, fondle them and suckle her ripe pink nipples but as before he tried to push these thoughts to the back of his mind.

Aemilia rinsed off his chest and had to step in a little closer, he felt her smooth legs against his hairy thighs and he also felt something else happening below the water, Quinn was almost beside himself with panic, how would he be able to hide his feelings for Aemilia while his lust was making it so evident? He clenched his fists tightly together in order to try and dispel what was happening below the water.

'Master, if you will step up and sit on that ledge, I can finish your bath.'

Quinn realised he had to gain control of the situation if he was not to lose Aemilia's respect on the very first day.

"Very well if you insist but do not be frightened by what you may find."

He hoisted himself up to sit on the higher ledge so Aemilia could wash him below the waist.
"Very well if you insist but do not be frightened by what you may find."

He stood and stepped up to sit on the ledge, water running off his body. As he turned to sit, she was happy to note that his manhood had indeed awaken and was starting its climb to greatness. When it came time for him to bed her, it should be something for her to remember. He looked at her sheepishly as it only grew larger once it was exposed.

Once more she went to work, humming as she went to her task. She lifted his right foot and placed it so that the sole of his foot rested on her body just under her breast. His toes now rested close enough that should he wiggle them they would brush against the underside of that very part of her body that he seemed unable to stop looking at.

With the soft cloth she began to clean his foot, even getting between his toes. She quite enjoyed the feel of his body against hers, even just his foot on her soft stomach. She lifted his foot up long enough so that she could wash the sole of his foot before once again placing it in the lower part of that valley between her breast. Now his toes touched her breast and she could feel that as his body was showing an interest in her, so was her body showing an interest in him. Her nipples pebbled, aching in response to just his foot touching her, plus the steady increase in length and width of his manhood.

She licked her lips as she bent to her task, humming softly and leaning slightly forward so that she pressed his foot even more into her body. From his foot to his ankle and up his calf to his knee she worked, the soft cloth and her hand dipping into the water and rubbing the skin of his leg.

But she did not stop at his knee. On she went, humming and scrubbing up his leg, cleaning both the front and the back of his strong appendage. It was as if he held his breath as she got closer to his sex.

When she was mere inches from his manhood, she stopped the climb up his leg and gently lowered his foot back into the water. Reaching down, she picked up his left foot, placing it against her body as she had with the right foot. This time he seemed to accept what she did to him. She could see his manhood was starting to strain and she longed to put him at ease, and yet inflame his desire for her body. It was what she had been trained for, after all.

The only sounds in the bathhouse was the gentle splashing of the water as she bathed him, her humming the simple tune, and his breathing. These sounds seemed to echo around the room and reverberate off the walls and numerous columns.

Once she reached the same area on his left leg she again gently lowered his left leg back into the water. Laying the cloth on the ledge beside him she smiled at him. It would be much better to clean his genitalia with just her hands. Much more personal. With her small hand she reached out and wrapped her hand around his manhood. It jumped in her hands as he gave a groan.

“Master, you have a fine, strong sword. I look for to when you sheath it within my sex.” Her hands began to stroke and gently clean it, dipping down into the wiry hair growing at its root. Her hand slipped back to where his sac hung heavy, gently cleaning it also with her hands.

“Master, I have been trained by Emperor Caesar’s lanista sexus. They are the finest in the land. They have trained me to provide you with sex in any way that you should wish. I have been taught how to dance for your erotic pleasure. I can provide you with fellatio, or you may prefer to use my anus. My maidenhood is intact so that you may have the pleasure of being my first, and drawing first blood. I look forward anxiously to when you make me your complete servus sexus. I am here for your pleasure, and my body is here to provide you with that pleasure in whatever form you wish.” She could see that his manhood was now about to erupt and she wanted to make him comfortable.

“Master, would you like for me to provide you with oral gratification? I would consider it an honor and I have been told that I am very adept at it.” She smiled up at him as he sat on the bathing ledge, her small hand not even able to reach all the way around its circumference as she held onto it.
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Quinn sat on the top ledge with his manhood in full view of Aemilila's emerald-green eyes, he looked sheepish and embarrassed as it began to grow but Aemilia seemed not to notice she went to work on his right leg, humming as she lifted his leg and placed his foot just below her breast, the soles of his feet were hard and calloused but he could still feel the silky softness of her skin. Using the cloth she worked her way up his leg getting ever closer to his manhood which was now beginning to show signs of life. Suddenly she stopped short of touching him where he most wanted her to touch him and she lowered his leg back down and lifted his left leg, Quinn knew now what to expect and relaxed a little and concentrated on watching Aemilia's pert breasts bobbing and swaying as she worked. As he watched he saw her nipples swell with blood pouring into them, a sure sign of arousal, Quinn wondered if that was due to him or the intimate nature of her work on his lower body. there was no need for words, the only sounds being the gentle splash of water, Aemilia's humming and Quinn's breathing, each one almost silent on its own but mixed with the other sounds, amplified a hundred times and bounced from wall to wall, column to column in a never-ending echo. When she had completed his left leg she laid the washcloth on the ledge then reached out to wrap her small hand around his girth or as far round as her fingers
could reach. Quinn was taken by surprise at this intimate gesture and his manhood jumped and reared its shiny purple head as Quinn groaned with unrestrained pleasure.

"Master, you have a fine, strong sword. I look forward to when you sheath it within my sex.” She began to stroke the firm flesh cleaning it as she went digging into the dark thatch of wiry hair surrounding the root then she cupped his heavy ac and gently cleansed it of any debris. By this time Quinn's fine appendage was fully erect. Aemilia could see that it would not be long before Quinn would have no option but to ejaculate.

“Master, I have been trained by Emperor Caesar’s lanista sexus. They are the finest in the land. They have trained me to provide you with sex in any way that you should wish. I have been taught how to dance for your erotic pleasure. I can provide you with a fellatio, or you may prefer to use my anus. My maidenhood is intact so that you may have the pleasure of being my first, and drawing first blood. I look forward anxiously to when you make me your complete servus sexus. I am here for your pleasure, and my body is here to provide you with that pleasure in whatever form you wish.”
Master, would you like for me to provide you with oral gratification? I would consider it an honour and I have been told that I am very adept at it.”

Quinn smiled back at Aemilia's radiant smile and replied,

"I would like that very much Aemilia but first you must promise me that when we are alone you must call me Quinn
Her Master smiled at her and she felt her heart skip a beat. He didn’t look quite as fierce sitting naked on the edge of the pool. He was quite handsome and his physique showed him to be very strong and well proportioned and his manhood, even at rest, was very impressive and even moreso when engorged with desire. And she had seen her fair share of them while in training at the imperatoris sexus stabulis. She smiled back at him shyly.

"I would like that very much Aemilia but first you must promise me that when we are alone you must call me Quinn.”

She bowed her head. “As you wish, Master. I mean, Quinn. Thank you.”

She proceeded to kneel on the ledge that Quinn had originally sat upon for his bath. This action put her face closer to his genitalia and also completely hid her breast beneath the surface of the water.

Leaning forward she gently kissed the tip of his penis tasting the seeping that had gathered there. It had a unique taste of its own, and from her training she had tasted all different sizes and “flavors” of penises. Having shown honor to her Master’s penis, she made an “O” with her lips and slid it in, letting the tongue swirl around and around it as she leaned in. Once it bumped against the back of her mouth, she paused while her hands filled the space between her lips and the base of his penis and the wiry hair growing there. She could feel it throbbing in her mouth as her tongue swirled around it.

With sure hands she held his manhood by its root as she slowly slipped his penis from her mouth, glancing up at her Master’s face. His eyes were on her though his eyes were starting to glaze - a sure sign of his pleasure. That made her happy.

She lifted up his mighty sword, running her tongue along the underside and paying close attention to that special spot where his penis would be most sensitive and was rewarded by it twitching as he quickly inhaled, his eyes staring hard at her.

She smiled back and stretched her small pink tongue out to circle the broad helmet-shaped head before laying the heavy thing on her tongue and begin sliding it all into her wet mouth. She was unaware just how long it may have been since fellatio may have been performed on him, but she could tell that it would probably not be much longer before he would peak. It would probably be best to bring him to completion and then she could finish his bath and escort him to his bedroom where he could enjoy any sexual pleasures that he should desire in the comforts there.

With her mouth filled with his manhood she glanced up. His eyes were closed and his head tilted back. This pleased her for it showed that he was indeed enjoying her ministrations. It was time to give him his release for now. As he was a young and strong man, she was sure that this would not be his only time today that he could and would reach a pinnacle. Because of that, she decided to give him a release.

This time, when the head of his member reached the back of her mouth, she pressed on and slipped it down her throat until her nose was buried in the wiry hairs that marked its root. Her throat began squeezing that broad head as she breathed through her nose, his hairs tickling her nostrils. The scent of him filled her senses and she enjoyed the smell of his maleness.

With sure fingers she reached back to hold his sac in her hands, its weight heavy. Her fingers, though small and dainty, knew just how to inflame him and she massaged the pouch of skin while she slipped his penis almost all the way out of her mouth until just the head stayed in her mouth. Unseen by him but certainly felt in the wet darkness of her mouth, she ran the very tip of her tongue around the slit before thrusting him once more deeper into her mouth and back into her throat while still continuing her massage of his sac.

Suddenly she felt the sac lift and tighten and she was ready for the inevitable. It would please her to begin her life as sexus servus to the Mighty Quinn. She said a silent prayer to Venus that this would be the start of much more seed from the Mighty Quinn that she would receive. Her mother had supplied her own master, Marcus Quintilius, with many years and many children before her own death and Aemilia hoped to give her Master even more than that.
Aemilia bowed her head and thanked Quinn for his wish for her to address him as just Quinn in private. Then she knelt on the ledge where Quinn had sat, as she leaned forward her breasts dipped out of sight below the water but Quinn now had something else to occupy his mind. Aemilia's breath was warm and comforting as she leaned over his manhood to kiss the tip of his throbbing penis, taking the pearly white liquid that had gathered there. Her mouth slid over the tip, took the purple head, and her tongue swirled around his girth. Quinn's eyes began to glaze with pleasure as Aemilia slowly devoured his manhood, devoured in a gentle, satisfying non-aggressive way that made him yearn for more. He did not have long to wait, his manhood slipped to the back of her mouth and she held the stem and the root of his throbbing man meat with her small delicate fingers. Her fingers were small but strong and she held the root securely as she slipped his pulsing engorged manhood from her mouth. Through half-glazed eyes Quinn saw Aemilia look up at him with a happy look, he smiled broadly to let her know that he was finding the whole experience pleasurable.

Quinn sensed that Aemilia was not finished pleasuring him yet and in truth, he did not want it to end, she was more than he could have ever wished for. As if she had read his thoughts she lifted his heavy thick rod and licked wetly along the underside, finding the sensitive spot that had him twitching with pleasure and a sharp intake of breath. his eyes stared lustfully at her, the smile that she returned was beautiful and full of promise for the future, but she had still more for him. Her little pink tongue stretched out to circle his head and then laid the whole weight on her tongue and slid his length into the warm, wet sanctuary of her mouth. Quinn was becoming desperate now with the eroticism of Aemilia's ministrations and was unsure when a huge ejaculation would occur which it surely would. Whist Aemilia was guiding him towards completion Quinn closed his eyes and his head tilted back.

Through the haze of pleasure and euphoria that engulfed him Quinn realised that things had changed, he was no longer being licked and stroked but he was being taken deep into Aemilia's throat and he began to worry, he could feel her throat squeezing the head of his manhood, he was worrying, yes, but it felt so good. Then things began to happen in quick succession, Aemilia held his ball sac in her hand and massaged it gently
rolling his testicles around inside the sac, she had slipped his penis most of the way out of her mouth but the tip of her little pink tongue delved into the slit at the tip of his helmet then her mouth was around his pulsating , and throbbing shaft, quickly this time she took him into her throat, still massaging his ball sac. Quinn knew he was close to ejaculating but he wanted to wait until Aemilia was ready for it, he hadn't realised this was what Aemilia was striving for.

Suddenly Quinn stiffened, his whole body as rigid as a legionnaire's staff, his hips jerked forward pushing his gushing manhood deeper into Aemilia's throat. The sheer volume of his sperm could not be contained and as Quinn pulled back and out Aemilia's face was smothered with his hot seed. For some reason, Quinn found this rather amusing and laughingly splashed water in her face and joked.

"Your face is too pretty to hide behind a mask besides I rather enjoyed doing it."
Aemilia was rewarded when her Master suddenly groaned and stiffened his body which pushed his member even deeper into her tight throat as she could felt his seed gushing down it straight into her stomach. She could tell by the massive amount of his spendings that he had been in sore need of her ministrations.

Yet as his hips jerked, he pulled his body back and his manhood was pulled out of her throat and mouth. Suddenly she found herself staring at the slit on the tip of his manhood. He gave another groan and she just had time to close her eyes before a heavy rope of seed shot out from his member and landed diagonally from left to right across her left eyebrow, down across her nose and ended on her right cheek. It was quickly followed by several other volleys across her face until finally her face was well covered with his creamy white seed. She licked her lips and a fair amount of it was picked up by her tongue and she pulled it into her mouth.

From her training, Aemilia was very aware the many men enjoy shooting their spendings upon the female trainees in the imperatoris sexus stabulis. They had been taught that sometimes men used it as a way of marking their territory and showing ownership.

Over the months of training, she had many times had one of the men ejaculate upon her, using her face, her breast or all over her body. One guard in particular enjoyed shoving the seed from her face into her mouth using his thumb. No matter which girl he used, that was what he did. She would remember the times that Troilus received oral gratification from her, he would grab the back of her head and shove his member as far down as possible so that her face was pressed into his groin and she had trouble breathing. Then he would shoot his seed all over her before reaching down to pinch one of her nipples.

So Aemilia was not a stranger to a man’s seed on her face. And the taste of the white stuff on her tongue she found pleasing. She blinked up at him as she licked his seed from around her lips, smiling as he laughed. She was happy that her Master had marked her as his, and that some of his stress had been relieved. He playfully splashed her with water, saying that her face was pretty and that he rather enjoyed it, which made her heart soar. To receive such praise from her Master so soon after beginning service to him was a positive sign.

She laughed with him. “I am glad that I have given you joy, Ma…”. She hesitated before continuing. “…Quinn.” She gave a bow of her head before reaching over to pick up the soft rag, dipping it in the water as she backed off the ledge. She stood, her breast once more appearing above the surface of the water. “Now, if you would step back down to this ledge and turn around, I will be able to clean your buttocks and then we could step out to the center of the bath and dip your whole body in to finish the washing.”

His whole mood seemed lighter now. Perhaps it had been because he had once been a slave himself and was finally adjusting to owning instead of being owned. She knew that had it been her, freedom was something that she could not imagine. Being a slave was all she had ever known.

He did as she had requested and she was impressed by his strong buttocks. Slowly she began to scrub the cheeks, impressed with the strong muscles that lay beneath the skin. The muscles seemed rock hard. Her Master possessed a body that many men would envy. It rivaled if not surpassed many of the soldier’s bodies she had see during her training.

She rinsed the cloth out in the water and used a hand to try and part his buttocks but he was clenched tight. She smiled, not knowing if he was doing this on purpose or was still uncomfortable with the bathing process but she smiled as she spoke.

“If you will relax, I will finish scrubbing your body.”

Once he relaxed she began scrubbing the crevice, taking particular care around his anus. When finished with this part, she left the used cloth on the edge of the pool and told him, “Come, we can dip ourselves out here in the water.” Her face was still decorated with his drying seed and she could dip herself in the water too so that she was nice and clean for him. She hoped that once they were back in his sleeping quarters, that he would finish laying claim to her body.

She took his hand and began leading him out to the center. The bottom of the pool was all one depth and she smiled at him as they worked their way to the center.
Underneath her newly acquired mask of sperm, Quinn saw Aemilia's smile and watched as her pretty pink tongue licked her lips and she smiled again as she tasted him. With his knowledge of women's tastes and needs strictly limited he had not been sure about how Aemilia would react to having her face covered with his sticky goo but from her demeanour, she seemed not to mind at all, indeed, by licking her lips she had shown that it was something she relished. A tinkling laugh escaped her lips as she replied.

“I am glad that I have given you joy, Ma……Quinn.” She gave a bow of her head as she corrected herself before reaching over to pick up the soft rag, dipping it in the water as she backed off the ledge.

When she rose to her full height she still stood a head shorter than Quinn, her breasts once more appearing to float on the surface of the water.

“Now, if you would step back down to this ledge and turn around, I will be able to clean your buttocks and then we could step out to the centre of the bath and dip your whole body in to finish the washing.”

Quinn felt more relaxed now as was gradually becoming used to not having to bow his head every time someone in authority spoke to him, now he was the one with authority but he understood that his whole household with the exception of Troilus was of his kind. They were all slaves in some way, he, Quinn, a slave to Caesar. He did not let these thoughts change his determination to live a good fulfilling life though, especially as he hoped he would have Aemilia to help him through.

Quinn followed Aemilia's request and stood upright and turned away from her reluctantly as he was entranced by the sway of her breasts and the ripe pink acorns that sat at the tip of each breast. He was proud of his body and knew it was in peak physical condition as it had needed to be during his time as a gladiator but he could not help but be concerned that perhaps he would shame himself with debris that he had missed and be discovered by Aemilia as she washed his buttocks so he clenched them tight as tried to part his cheeks with her hand, Aemilia seemed unperturbed by his reluctance to allow her access to his anus as she repeated her request,

"If you will relax, I will finish scrubbing your body.”

That was enough to make him relax a little and she scrubbed between his crack and gently around his anus. Then when finished she suggested that they move to the centre of the bath,

"Come, we can dip ourselves out here in the water.”

She held his hand and led him to the middle of the bath which was at the same depth, lapping at the underside of her firm alabaster breasts and encircling Quinn's strong, narrow waist. They stood looking at each other for a moment before Quin spoke,

"You have my heartfelt thanks for my bath and other services that you provided so now I wish to show my appreciation, first we must clean your beautiful face then I would like very much to kiss you."

As he spoke his large calloused hands rested on Aemilia's shoulders and slid down her arms until they were level with her breasts and his thumbs extended inwards to stroke her swollen pink nipples.
Taking his hand, she led him out towards the middle of the pool. He pulled on her hand and turned her to face him. She could tell that her Master felt more at ease with her and with his entire new situation. She smiled up at him though a large portion of it lay hidden beneath his seed.

"You have my heartfelt thanks for my bath and other services that you provided so now I wish to show my appreciation, first we must clean your beautiful face then I would like very much to kiss you."

The thought of Quinn kissing her was certainly something that she looked forward to. Once again she said a silent prayer of gratitude to Venus that she had been blessed with such an attractive and manly Master. She definitely looked forward to fulfilling her position of sexus servus.

“It is my great pleasure to serve you.”

His hands were comforting as he placed them on her shoulders. They were heavy and she could feel that they were hands that had done more in life than lift a wine goblet or pluck a grape. These were hands that had battled for life in the gladiatorial ring and won. She was learning his body intimately and she looked forward to serving him and his sexual needs.

So it was with pleasure that his hands slid down her arms. He could easily stretch his thumbs out until they reached her nipples that ached with want. As he slowly stroked them she could feel the pull deep inside her body. Even her virgin sex felt the need and, being sexually trained to respond to such stimuli, she gave a moan and closed her eyes, leaning into his hands a bit. She loved the feel of them upon her body.

Aemilia opened her eyes and looked up at him, her eyes showing her need clearly to him. Smiling and as if possessing a secret that she was willing to share, Aemilia softly spoke.

“I know a quick and easy way to solve that problem.”

She almost hated to leave his grip and just what his thumbs were doing to her, but…

With a light laugh, Aemilia knelt down, effectively letting her slip from his grip and disappear below the surface of the water. Once out of his view and his grip, she used both hands to scrub his seed from her face. Through the water she could see the lower half of her Master’s body. Already his member was starting its climb back up it greatness. Swimming underwater she reached out and ran her hand along the side of his penis - just a light, fleeting, playful stroke - before swimming away. His hand shot through the water, almost catching her before she swam around to his backside.

Again she reached out, her fingers brushing along the muscular left buttock to tease him. Her long red hair fanned out behind her like a seaweed mantle as she playfully swam around him and headed for his right hip.

He must have anticipated her movements for suddenly his hand, large and strong, shot through the water to pull her easily out of the water. Her face, now free of the white goo, looked up at him and she lightly laughed as water ran down her body.

“See! Problem solved.”
"It is my great pleasure to serve you.”

Aemilia's reply to his thanks gave Quinn a great deal of pleasure and he felt more at ease as he placed his hands on her shoulders and slid them down to caress her proud erect nipples, he felt that she was enjoying his touch as she closed her eyes and seemed to push her breasts into his hands and he heard a low moan of pleasure escape her lips. After he had played with her turgid nipples for a short while she opened her eyes and he saw the need in them, so far as he could tell through her mask of his sperm she smiled as if she was about to share a secret with him.

“I know a quick and easy way to solve that problem.”

With a mischievous laugh, she slipped from his grasp. leaving him holding fresh air, she disappeared under the water, just her mane of red hair floating on the water to indicate that she had ever been there. After a few seconds, Quinn felt the lightest, playful touch of her delicate fingers run the length of his shaft which responded with a pronounced twitch.

"So, my little beauty you wish to play?" Quinn responded and shot his arm down in an effort to catch her but missed by a fraction as she swam swiftly around to his left buttock and teased him. Quinn followed her progress by following the mantle of red hair that streamed out behind her, Quinn anticipated her next move, he was waiting as she swam around to his right buttock and he caught her around her slim waist and pulled her up to him her breasts and torso pressed to him, his thick erect manhood trapped against her belly. Her face now clean looked up at him and she sort of giggled like a mermaid with water running down her body.

"See! Problem solved.”

This was Quinn's moment, the one he had been wanting from the first moment he saw Aemilia, he took her closer in his strong muscular arms and bent his head to kiss Aemilia's waiting lips, Her lips were everything he had imagined they would be, soft, pliant, warm, wet, yielding, passionate, his first taste of someone caring for him for a very long time. He held her and kissed her again and again becoming bolder with each kiss, his hands caressed her body, up and down her sculpted back, her tight round buttocks, his fingers slipped into the crevice between her cheeks and lightly touched her anus.

Eventually, he loosened his grip on her and with a soulful, almost pleading voice he asked,

"Aemilia you have seen and touched every intimate area of my body do you not think it fair that I should have the same privilege as you?"

He made it clear what he wanted as he placed the palm of his hand, fingers pointing downwards, over the thick thatch of red hair on her mound, the tip of his index finger resting on the hood of her clitoris.

So engrossed were they both in each other that neither saw the figure of Troilus watching them and having seen everything that happened. Neither did they hear him mutter to himself,

"One day Aemilia, I'm going to fuck your pretty little cunt,,,,, one day."
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She was suddenly out of the water and into his arms, her soft body pressed firmly against his muscular one. Like a band of iron he held her and she could feel his large manhood trapped between their bodies, already yearning for more.

And then he was kissing her like a man in sore need. And she returned it. She fell into the moment, automatically reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck. The kiss was heady like sipping a goblet of wine. Each kiss became harder and more demanding, seemingly fueled by his desire for her, and she felt her own body yearning for more from him. Meanwhile, his hands explored her body, caressing her soft skin and gripping her buttocks to give them a squeeze. His strong fingers ran along the crevice until he found her anus. He lightly pressed against it as if testing as to whether she was comfortable with anal sex, she supposed. She moaned softly into his mouth

He paused in his kisses and loosened his grip on her body though he still held her against him. She could feel his member throbbing, pressed to her stomach. When he spoke, she could hear the need in his voice.

"Aemilia you have seen and touched every intimate area of my body do you not think it fair that I should have the same privilege as you?"
As if to make clear of his intentions, he slid his open palm down her abdomen until his finger ran through the hair hiding her sex. Once he found her clitoris, he moved his fingertips gently. Just touching her there made her stomach flutter and she could feel an aching in her sex. And a longing deep inside of her.

She gave him an inviting smile.

“I certainly agree, Quinn.” It still felt strange calling him Quinn, but he was her Master, and he had given her a command. It was her job to obey. She leaned in, supplying greater body contact and effectively pressing his hand into her sex more. “And if you would like, I would consider it an honor to show you to your bedroom where you can explore my body to your heart’s content.”

From the look that he gave her, and the kiss that he bestowed upon her, she could see that Master Quinn was feeling much more sure of himself in his new home. And her body was definitely craving his.

Taking his hand she led him to the steps that would let them exit the pool. She could feel his eyes on her bottom as she climbed the steps ahead of him. His hands on her buttocks was more proof of his desire.

Smiling she crossed to where the strigil and clothes rested on a bench. Normally she would use the oil to rub on his body before scraping it off with the strigil before dressing him in his tunic. But she could see that for today her Master had other things on his mind. And to tell the truth, so did she.

Instead she just used the strigil to lightly scrape off the water. His manhood continued to grow, showing his desire. Once he was dry, she helped to dress him - a light tunic of white linen without a loincloth. She then turned to drying herself while he watch intently. His eyes seemed to light up when she slipped into her tunic which was soft white silk damask. It was almost as if more was revealed than was covered. The front neckline plunged between her breast and the back of the tunic draped so low as to reveal at least half of her buttocks before going all the way to the floor to puddle. On both sides the tunic was open allowing an unfettered view of her leg from floor to hip.

“If you will follow, Master,” she said, adopting the more honorable title as they headed for the rest of the Villa where there was a chance of encountering other household slaves. She could feel his eyes on her as she led him through the halls towards his bedroom.
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The longer the kiss continued the more passionate it became and Quinn's member responded, growing harder, longer, thick and needier. Aemilia returning his kiss was all the incentive he needed, eventually, he tore his lips away from the sweet comfort of her lips and allowed her to take his hand and lead him out of the bath, to where their clothes lay in readiness.

Aemilia used the strigil carefully but deftly and swiftly to dry him then helped him dress, which didn't take very long as it only consisted of a simple white linen tunic that reached just below the knee and a pair of tied leather sandals.

Quinn's eyes never left her as she dried herself with the strigil, not showing one iota of shyness as she dried between her legs. When she picked up her clothes, his eyes dilated with pleasure as the soft white silk damask. slipped over her body, he had to admit It was the perfect attire for a virgin to seduce a man into deflowering her. her dress promised so much more than it showed but what it did reveal was teasing and tantalising so that any man would want to explore more.

With a seductive, coquettish glance over her shoulder, she half whispered,

"If you will follow, Master,”

Quinn noticed that she had reverted to calling him master, in all probability in case any of the other slaves were within earshot. He followed her eagerly almost like a puppy but trying not to show his eagerness to reach his bedroom.

In his bedroom, he indicated to Aemilia to twirl around so he could drink her in. She had only completed half a turn before he caught her from behind, his hands covered her breasts as he showered kisses on her swan-like neck and continued down her spine, telling her between each kiss,

"This" <kiss> "is" <kiss> "how" <kiss> "!" <kiss> "will" <kiss>"always" <kiss> "remember" <kiss> "
"you" <kiss> "the" <kiss> "seductive" <kiss> "virgin"

His final kiss was just at the top of her cleft and he left that with a long slow lick back up her spine to her neck,

"I want to kiss you again, then you can undress me, I am ready if you are".
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As they headed for his bedroom, she noticed that the other slaves that they encountered showed deference to their Master, pausing to bow their heads in honor. However, Master Quinn seemed to not notice the various slaves that they met as his eyes were on only one thing - her body.

Once they reached his room he told her to turn around for him. Smiling at him, she backed away and began to do a slow turn but she got no more than halfway through the turn. As she turned her back to him, her Master quickly crossed the distance between them, his arms slipping around her so that he could cup his hands over her breast still encase in her soft tunic. He pressed his body once more to hers, but this time they wore clothes. Still she could feel the heat of him through the material.

His breath stirred her hair and his left hand gave a gentle squeeze to her left breast before taking it away long enough to pull her hair over her left shoulder and revealing the right side of her neck. He quickly returned his left hand back to her left breast as he began to lay kisses along her neck and down her spine. With each kiss he told her,

"This" <kiss> "is" <kiss> "how" <kiss> "!" <kiss> "will" <kiss>"always" <kiss> "remember" <kiss> "
"you" <kiss> "the" <kiss> "seductive" <kiss> "virgin"

When he finished his lips caressed the beginning of the crevasse separating the globes of her buttocks. She gave a groan as he then proceeded to lick one long, slow, continuous lick along her spine back up to where he had started. He whispered in her ear, his voice husky with need.

"I want to kiss you again, then you can undress me, I am ready if you are".

She leaned back against him, not only excited but craving what lay ahead. Her voice was somewhat husky. She too sounded ready and she told him so.

“Your wish shall be obeyed with great enthusiasm.”

As of those words she spoke were the incentive that he needed, he turned her around and took her in his arms, kissing her hard and deep. She felt breathless.

Finally he lifted his head and she went to the task of undressing him. She had seen him naked already. She knew his body most intimately. Now it would be her body that he would explore. It would be today that she would enter the ranks as a full-fledged sex slave, just like her mother before her. She felt pride that she would soon lose her maidenhood.

As each bit of skin was laid bare, once again she ran her hands lightly across it until his body was free of his tunic and his sandals were removed. She stood before him watching his manhood get larger and harder.
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Quinn told Aemilia he was ready to deflower her,

"I want to kiss you again, then you can undress me, I am ready if you are".

Quinn received the reply he was hoping for, it was not so much the words themselves,

"Your wish shall be obeyed with great enthusiasm."

It was the manner with which they were delivered, a husky needy tone. He turned her around and drew her into him and pressed his lips to her soft plump lips and their mouths opened together without him having to push his tongue between them. The kiss was deep and passionate, their lips pressed tightly together like a seal on an amphora. When they finally broke the kiss they were both breathless with their chests heaving, Quinn thinking to himself that her chest was far more attractive than his own.
As Aemilia began to undress him starting with untying his sandals he had time to think. His mind wandered back to the time when he was just an ordinary poor villager protesting against the swingeing taxes the Roman invaders inflicted on them. At that time he had his own woman a pretty young girl who was somehow distantly related to Queen Boadicea, he tried to remember the girl's name, he SHOULD remember, she was the mother of his son, what was his name? He couldn't remember that either. All he could remember was her face


Oddly enough she too was a red-haired beauty, is that why he suddenly thought of her, did Aemilia stir these memories?

Suddenly, he was brought back to reality as Aemilia began to lift his tunic, grasping the hem ready to lift it over his head except she couldn't reach that high although he let her try standing on tiptoe as it meant that her breasts brushed against his chest. They were still inside the deep valley of her tunic but as she stretched upwards one escaped its confines and her hard engorged nipple pressed into his chest. Quinn chuckled with delight and told her,

I look forward to when you undress me naked yourself, come to think of it why not begin now, undress in front of me and reveal yourself to me."

To encourage her Quinn pulled the tunic over his head himself and reclined among the cushions with his manhood looking at the stars.

"I am sure you will please me with your teasing but not for too long I beg you."
Lifting his tunic was easy to a certain point. The problem was that her Master was considerably taller than herself. She had noticed that he appeared to not be paying attention and that worried her. Had she done something wrong? Or perhaps he was tiring already of her? Were she to be returned to the imperatoris sexus stabulis still a virgin, she would be given to the soldiers of Caesar’s army, whereupon they would run her through once they tired of her body.

As she worked to undress Quinn one of her breast slipped free of its cloth confines and pressed against his stomach. He was still interested in her as evident of his manhood that stood out away from his body to poke against her. She heard him chuckle, a bit muted as his head was hidden by.his tunic halfway over it. His voice was muffled as he spoke

“I look forward to when you undress me naked yourself, come to think of it why not begin now, undress in front of me and reveal yourself to me."

Whereupon her Master gave her aid by pulling the rest of his tunic free, grinning at her as he crossed to his bed to make himself comfortable. She was glad that she had ensured that there were plenty of pillows there. He stretched out, his manhood already straining as it pointed upwards.

"I am sure you will please me with your teasing but not for too long I beg you."

She smiled at him and turned, slowly swaying her hips to some unheard song. Or at least only heard by her ear. It was a sensuous movement with her back undulating and the damask cloth draping her buttocks slipping to and fro. And with her back turned to him she had surreptitiously slipped her exposed breast back into its cloth cover. Let him enjoy the uncovering of his package.

As her body turned sideways her whole leg danced in his view, its lithe shape moving slowly. She reached up to take hold of the shoulder of her tunic and began to slide it down as she continued turning to face her Master. The material began to release its tenacious hold upon her body and start its slide down her arm. This began its uncovering of her breast. The soft fabric began to reveal her breast but paused for a moment as it snagged on her turgid nipple before continuing its fall. She seductively slipped her arm free while continuing her dance. Her other breast remained hidden through the rest of the tunic but its nipple strained through the fabric as if aching for freedom.

The look in his eyes told her that he just might not let her finish her dance. She smiled back at him as she continued dancing, her hips slowly swaying. The entire tunic hung on her body by that one strap that covered her other shoulder.
With his head half hidden in his tunic, Aemilia tried to lift it over his head without success but succeeded in getting his attention on her again with her hard swollen nipple pressing into his chest. Quinn was not paying the attention to Aemilia that he should have been, thinking of his lost life in Brittannia but the feel of her swollen nipple against him brought him back and he missed the brief look of concern on her face. With his tunic still half over his head, his voice was muffled as he made his own request,

"I look forward to when you undress me naked yourself, come to think of it why not begin now, undress in front of me and reveal yourself to me."

It was a request but one that he was sure Aemilia would comply with, he was her master after all. He finished pulling his tunic over his head and with his manhood pointing the way swinging side to side he strode naked to the bed adorned with a plethora of plumped-up cushions and reclined on one elbow to watch as Aemilia teased him with her partially clothed body. Even with a view from the rear, she teased him with undulating rolls of her hips so that the top part of her buttocks above the back of the tunic shook and quivered tantalisingly, Though small in stature Aemilia had quite long legs and obviously had been taught to use them for seduction. She turned sideways on to him and one long shapely leg stretched from its hiding place among the folds of the tunic baring her flesh to the top of her thigh. She leaned back, her breasts pushing against the soft damask material, her nipples prominent and clearly visible. Moving closer she stood just out of reach and reached across herself to slip one strap of her tunic from her shoulder, her eyes smouldered as the strap slid infuriatingly slowly down her arm and revealed one breast inch by tantalising inch. To Quinn, it seemed that it even had the audacity to snag on her turgid nipple and delay things further. Aemilia slipped her arm free as she danced away once more, the only thing holding up her tunic was the strap on her other shoulder. As Aemilia danced she made several movements as though she was going to let that strap fall only to stop at the last moment and give Quinn a dazzling smile and a small 'NO' shake of the head.

Quinn could wait no longer, he crooked his finger, and with a salacious smile he whispered huskily

"Come here Aemilia, as you seem incapable of undressing yourself I shall have to do it for you."

When she was within reach he took her hand and placed it on her shoulder where the strap was,

"We will loosen it together Aemilia, it has done its work for the day."

Between them, they slid the strap off and immediately with a soft rustle the tunic fell to the floor, puddling around Aemilia's ankles.

As luck would have it Aemilia's thatch was level with Quinn's eyes and he inserted his hand between her legs and caressed her soft silky thatch of red hair with his thumb, After a few seconds he withdrew his hand and sniffed at it,

"You are wet Aemilia, and your scent is that of arousal, you are ready now, come and lay down beside me."
The whole point of the dance was to entice her Master, to enflame his desire for her. So when it came time to drop the other strap, she merely smiled at him, teasingly refusing to show him more. She could see that this had indeed helped to fan his hunger for her as he motioned for her to come to him.

"Come here Aemilia, as you seem incapable of undressing yourself I shall have to do it for you."

She slowly crossed to stand beside the bed, her body thrumming for attention and aching with need. Even her exposed nipple, pebbled and swollen with desire, made it clear of her sexual want.

Taking her hand, he informed her that they would both remove her tunic. It was a very sensual moment when his hand placed hers on the tunic strap and slid it off of her shoulder. As if pulled by some unseen force the material fell gracefully to the floor, puddling around her feet. Now she stood before him once more naked. Having just bathed him with both of them naked, her Master had seen her body before, and even briefly felt it. But preparing for a bath and preparing for sex were two different things. And her body was relishing just what was coming.

Her breast felt heavy with desire, both nipples puffy and prominently hard. And from between her legs her sex was wet and ready. In fact she felt a small bit of that moisture fall from her slit to begin rolling down the inside of her thigh.

Master’s face was really just several hands widths from her mound that hid her sex from his view, though she knew that the red hair would not hide the scent of her desire that she was sure that he could probably smell. Sex after all was a combination of all the senses - touch, taste, scent, sight, and sound.

He reached out his hand to slip it between her legs, large fingers rubbed along her wet slit to gather moisture. When he reached her clitoris, he rubbed it. She could not help the small gasp that left her lips at the sensations that shot through her body. It took all of her willpower to stay upright and not collapse either into the bed or onto the floor. He finally withdrew his hand from between her legs and placed his finger to his nose, inhaling the scent as one would a fine bouquet of flowers.

Smiling at her, he spoke. “You are wet Aemilia, and your scent is that of arousal, you are ready now, come and lay down beside me.”

She smiled back. “Yes……..Quinn.” She felt a combination of excitement, sexual anticipation, and desire. She had been trained that any pain that she should feel at the upcoming event of losing her final virginity was to be welcomed as she transitioned into womanhood and a full-fledged sexus servus - a sex slave - to a man such as The Mighty Quinn.

Reaching out, she placed her small hand in his large and powerful one. As he moved over he pulled her into bed beside him and she lay down, her heart beating fast. His naked body was warm pressed next to her own nakedness. And when he leaned over her to kiss her, she part her lips to his and wrapped her arms around his neck to welcome his kiss.
To Quinn, the sight of Aemilia's naked body was perfection, shapely enough to rival the numerous statues and paintings he had seen of Venus, the Roman goddess of love, sex and fertility.

One painting, in particular, had caught his eye it bore a striking resemblance to Aemilia even though it was meant to depict a seductive Venus.

His hand between her sturdy strong thighs gathered moisture that leaked from her virgin slit and rolled down her legs, his thumb stretched up to stroke the soft silky red thatch that adorned her mon and brushed over her highly sensitised lit, Aemilia gasped and it was only his hand between her legs that stopped her knees from buckling and sinking to the floor. He informed her that she was wet and ready and should now lay beside him, he smiled happily when she replied without hesitation,

"Yes……..Quinn.” She had remembered his request from earlier.

She took his outstretched hand. he dwarfed her small delicate hand with his spade-like hands and slowly, gently but firmly drew her into the bed with him. Their bodies touched and his skin tingled from head to toe, she felt so soft, so warm, This felt so different to when they were naked together in the bath, there they were discovering each other, exploring each other's bodies, now they were on another voyage of exploration and discovery. Quinn leaned over to kiss Aemilia's soft, plump, seductive lips and she stretched her arms up to encircle his neck and opened her lips in welcome.

His hands were already exploring her body, covering and caressing her breasts that held such a fascination to him. They were perfect, soft yet firm, bouncy and shapely, He held one in his large hand his fingers able to encircle it and when he squeezed, her nipple swelled between his fingers, hard and darkening with desire. He broke the kiss after a long drawn-out duel with her tongue and fastened his lips on the swollen bud of her breast and sucked it into his mouth, stretching it to its limit.

His other hand had found its way to the apex of her firm white thighs, he had no need to say anything, her legs parted for him as the red sea had parted for Moses, his hand slipped down to her crease and carefully he opened her lips with his fingers, releasing her breast he spoke softly,

"It's time to make you a woman Aemilia, I am sure you have been told that it may hurt but only briefly, I will be careful with you, afterwards, don't worry if you don't know what to do, your body will tell you."

He rolled over and supported himself above her on his strong muscular arms, his manhood flexed one more time and he lowered himself down to pause at the entrance to paradise on earth.
