Cabin Fever (Closed)


Ghost Of Who I Was
Aug 7, 2006
Samantha (Sam) Tanner
Age: 19
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Body Type: Curvy

Samantha Tanner had everything, she had the money and the clothing, the cars and even a big apartment. But something was missing in her life she knew, her parents were dead and friends? She did not trust people so never got close. Keeping everyone she knew at arms length. She had just gotten back going towards home after finishing up her latest movie. And it was snowing so freaking hard, she was going perhaps five or ten miles faster then she should.

But it was right then where out of the blue she saw a deer, when she slammed her brakes down, she went sliding and seeing the deer get away. She saw a tree coming up towards her side and figured this was it, she was going to die, but the car spun around and she hit the tree head first. She grunted with the impact but she blacked out, and passed out onto her steering wheel causing her horn to keep going off none stop, a bad cut to her head.
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Ryan Morris
Age: 35
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Body Type: Athletic.

Ryan Morris at one point in his life had it all. He was the founding partner of a very successful public relations company. He also had a beautiful wife, Annabelle. But everything changed about 5 years ago. One night, Ryan and Annabelle were in a terrible car accident. A drunk driver ran a red light and crashed into the passenger side of their car. Ryan was OK but Annabelle was killed instantly. After Ryan got out of the hospital, he sold his share of the company to his partners and moved to his and Annabelle's cabin in the mountains near Lake Tahoe.

He build a cabin after he made his first $10,000,000 It had all the amenities, full electricity, Satellite TV and Internet. One winter's night he was coming back from town, there was a big blizzard coming and he wanted to make sure he had plenty of food. The weather report said they could get up to three feet of snow that night. Enough to keep him inside for a month or two. Just as he was getting close to the driveway to his house he saw a car on the side of the road with it's horn going off. The snow was just staring to fall. He pulled up behind the car and walked up to the driver's door. Ryan looked in the driver's side window and saw a young woman her face looked a little familiar. She had her eyes closed. He opened the door and carefully leaned her back and saw she had a cut on her forehead. He gently shook her... "Miss... Miss... Are you OK?"
Everything just seemed so different, thinking one second you were going to die. And then she heard a man's voice trying to wake her up. She groaned big time and could not help but just slowly open up her green eyes. Her heart was in her throat and beating violently, because everything that happened to her. Like one minute she was just fine and before she knew it she was back to reality and the first thing she thought of was the deer. The moment of slamming her breaks down she was scared.

"Oh god the deer!" She was such a humanitarian, she spent millions on making no kill shelters and kept them up and going. Turning around not caring if she could be possibly hurt and making it worse. She did not see the deer and smiled sighing softly, placing her hand on her chest. "Thank god" She looked up at him and smiled a little bit. She did not know what to say to him, but knew her car would most likely totaled. Sighing a little bit she did not want to interfere with his life.
Ryan figured that the young woman must have swerve to hit a deer and more than likely she was driving too fast. "Miss... Are you OK? Do you think you need a doctor?" This was a critical question for him. He knew that if she needed a doctor that he could get her back to town and too the hospital and still have enough time to get back to his place before the storm really hit. If she didn't need a doctor, then she'd have to come with him to his place.
She thought for a second "Uhh no I am okay, my head just hurts a bit but I am fine thanks" She slowly got out of car. Wobbly since she was dizzy so she leaned against her car, sighing a little bit she looked up at him. "Could I use your phone? Need to call a tow truck to get this car" she said unsure what he would think of all this.
Ryan helped the young woman out of the car... "Sorry... We don't have very good cell service up here... I have a phone at my house... but I don't know if they'd come tonight... Maybe in the morning... You're welcome to spend the night at my house...."
She just nodded "I don't mean to impose" She said with a kind smile on her face, heading back to his home, following him it was rather nice to have a stranger help her out like this it was rather kind.
Ryan helped her to his car, "It's no imposition... Your car is in rough shape... We should just leave it here... Do you have any bags in your car that you need?"
She opened up her trunk that had a back pack in it and grabbed it, locking her car up and smiled getting a chill.
Once the were both buckled up they started the short drive to Ryan's driveway. Once they goto to the driveway it was another mile down a twisty dirt road until they reached his cabin. It was a very modern looking home, "Welcome to my home... Um, I don't think you told me your name..." Ryan got out and walked around to open her door..
She smiled "Kinda like you forgot to tell me yours?" She teased and sighed. "Samantha Tanner but Sam is fine" She said softly, having no idea exactly what would come of this, but seeing it really start to snow she had a feeling she may not be getting out tomorrow. Not that it would be very horrible.
Once, Sam said her name, Ryan knew who she was... He had seen her in movies and talk shows... He didn't say anything because he didn't want her to think he was some creepy old fan guy. He smiled, "Sorry about that, My name's Ryan... Well, come on Sam... Let's go inside it's really cold out here..." Ryan opened the door for her and they walked right into the living room. The room was tastefully decorated, a flat screen TV, fireplace, a couple of couches and a few area rugs. There was also a baby grand piano.
She smiled walking in his place was beautiful and she looked at him "I can tell you have heard of me, your eyes seemed to have light up a little it's sweet" She said softly. "nice to meet you" She looked around putting her bag down and saw pictures, he saw one wedding picture she was very beautiful. But something in her told her something maybe wrong there, since she did not see a wife. "She's beautiful" She said finally looking at him.
Ryan blushed a little when Sam called him out, "I didn't want you to think I was some creepy old fan guy." he watched as Sam looked around the room and looked at the pictures. He saw him look at the wedding photo of him and Annabelle. She looked gorgeous in her wedding gown. Her long red hair pulled back into a french braid that reached to the top of her butt, "Thank you..." said Ryan as he walked up next to her, "That's my late wife, Annabelle... She died in a car accident about 5 years ago..."
She smiled "naa I wouldn't think that" She said with a big grin on her face and then when he said what he did about his wife, she sighed a little bit. "I am sorry, she looks like a kind woman to" She said looking at him. "I lot my parents years ago I mean its not the same I know but we all have suffered life at least once you know?" She sighed a little bit.
Ryan smiled when Sam said she looked like a kind woman, "She was... There was no one like her... She would give the dress off her back to help someone in need." Ryan looked at her, "I'm sorry for your loss as well..."

He paused for a moment, "Well, let me show you to your room. " Ryan took Sam upstairs to one of his guest rooms. It was a nice sized room the bed was a full size mattress, but it wasn't made. The walls were all wood with a few simple pieces of art on the wall. There was a nice window to look out at the trees. There were a couple of nightstands and dressers. There was also a closet and a small private bathroom with nice tub and a small shower stall. "Why don't you get settled in while I start dinner, there's some sheets, blankets and pillows in the linen closet at the end of the hall... I hope you like steak." Ryan then walked out of the room.
She smiled a little bit and it was really nice to see someone full of life though she could tell he missed his wife horribly. But was really glad that everything was going to be okay with him, she could see he had life and he was strong in his own way so he would do just fine. Thinking for a moment it was just nice to see but now wouldn't be something that would be to bad, hearing what he said she nodded to him. "Steak is fine" She went into the room and made up the bed, thinking of her own loss.

Once she was done she came down and smelt the meat and it smelled really good so right now? She did not know what to think of moments like this, it was kinda nice to be able to relax a little bit. Now would come the time where perhaps she would mend his broken heart, since it was easy to tell he still missed his wife, which he should. Being a Widower for five years she knew was far from easy. Smiling big time she grinned at him. "Smells divine" She said happily.
The kitchen looked very modern. There were oak cabinet all around. There was a large stainless steel refrigerator and a stainless steel double wall oven next to the door that lead to the laundry room and stainless steel dishwasher by the sink. The counter tops were all black marble. Ryan was standing at the island in the center of the kitchen. There was a cook top, a griddle and a grill. There was a bar on the other side of the island with a couple of stools. Ryan was cooking the steaks on the grill. "Have a seat..." said Ryan as he saw Sam walking into the kitchen, "So... what were you doing out here on a night like this..."
She smiled and sat down and heard the question, sighing a bit she rested her arms out and couldn't help but smile a little bit and now? she looked up at him and smiled a bit more 'finished up a job was going back home" She said simply looking at him with a great big smile it was nice to be able to have moments like this, right now? She was unsure exactly what more to tell him. She loved the smell of the meat however.
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Just then the oven timer went off. He got the baked potatoes out of the oven. "So... how do you like your steak?"
She smiled with the question "Medium Rare" She said with a grin on her face, she liked it red but not mooing at her.
"You've got it..." Ryan then opened a can of baked beans and heated it up while he was finishing her steak. He placed it on a plate with a baked potato and a helping of beans. Then he set the plate in front of her while he fixed his plate. He went to get her some sliver wear and a napkin... "What would you like to drink water, milk, soda, wine?"
She smiled a bit and her mouth was watering it looked so damn good, grinning a little bit and then seeing the meal before him. God it looked amazing, the whole thing was to good to be true, hearing the drink order she smiled. "Soda is fine thanks" She said softly. She was never really much into wine.
Ryan poured her a glass of soda and got them some silverware... "Don't be shy... Dig in..." Ryan sat down at the bar next to her and started to eat..."mmm... that's good..."
She cut into it and saw how tender it was and dove in eating, smiling a little bit. "So what is there to do around here, this is kinda in the middle of no where, though it is a very lovely home " She said .