CA bans gas furnaces


Nov 27, 2018
Good thing electric utilities are cheap and reliable in CA. Ha ha! 😂

“Come 2030, homeowners and businesses whose furnaces break down could be forced into expensive electrical retrofits. If you like your gas furnace, sorry, you won’t be able to replace it with a new one. The mandate comes as electricity rates in the state surge, and the grid wobbles amid a shortage of baseload power when the sun goes down.”

“Californians were told during a heat wave a couple of weeks ago not to run large appliances or charge electric cars in peak hours. Soon blackout warnings could happen during the winter. Will Californians have to avoid running hot water and heating their homes too? Even in California, it can get chilly when the sun goes down.”
Upsidaisium should be coming online in California any time now.
Boris johnson's government also banned the sale of new gas-fired central heating systems from 2030, suggesting that users should change to ground or air source heat pumps instead. But the cost and installation of the heat pumps are high and they are not very efficient at providing a warm dwelling. They are problematic in apartment blocks.

A better solution might be electric heating systems but that and electric cars need a massive upgrade in our electricity grid which is in progress. Whether it will be capable of supporting the demand by 2030? That is doubtful but more local sources such as onshore wind farms and greatly expanded solar farms could help.

Liz Truss's government has already suggested more onshore wind farms and relaxation of the restrictions on fracking. Whether they will go further and subsidize solar panels on houses? We don't know yet.
Good intention most generally leads to unexpected consequences.
In the case of CA, the consequences should be totally expected. The grid is antiquated, unreliable and and more frequently overloaded; electricity rates are astronomical, and the state has a large percentage of low income people who will be hit hard with conversion costs and higher utilities bills.