But what do they actually mean?


Fae Princess
Feb 28, 2019
I've been sort of tracking two stories today while I pretend to work. One because it's closing in on 150,000 views. The other because it's brand new and I like to see how my new word babies are being received.
It occurs to me, I don't even really understand what 150K views means. is that unique individual readers, or one psycho fan going in there to look at it a lot? The first is way more awesomerrerrr. :)
Also, HOT, how is that determined? is it by star score? Is it an actual review of content for explicit content? Is it just some random thing that happens when teh stars align. I do know it matters, because the one story that I have that isn't HOT, really bothers me...

Inquiring minds and all that. I can't be the only one that doesn't know the secret code and would like to.
"HOT" requires at least 10 ratings with an average score of 4.5 or better.
150k is page views. Can be quick open and close or full page 1 read. Also, the two ends of the readership spectrum as you mentioned.

Numerically it's more likely broader eyeballs than a single devotee but no way to know for sure.
Happy to review that for you if you give me a link.
Thanks. I know what I did wrong. The readers that left comments told me in very explicit detail. I betrayed the main story line with that gangbang... Hint to other writers, don't fucking do that. LOL
Heck, I’d enjoy a link in general but if you don’t need more reviews that’s fine too.