
Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002

A columnist for the St. Petersburg Times goes through some of the phrases that the PC police have banned from schools and textbooks according to Diane Ravitch's book, The Language Police.
Adam and Eve (replace with "Eve and Adam," to demonstrate that males do not take priority over females)

.....Bookworm (banned as offensive; replace with "intellectual")

.....Busybody (banned as sexist, demeaning to older women)

.....Courageous (banned as patronizing when referring to a person with disabilities)

......Egghead (banned as offensive; replace with "intellectual")

......Huts (banned as ethnocentric; replace with "small houses")

.....Junk bonds (banned as elitist)

.....Old wives' tale (banned as sexist; replace with "folk wisdom")

.....One-man band (banned as sexist; replace with "one-person performance")

Read the rest of the list. You'll understand why kids can't read today. Their teachers are too busy worrying about offending someone to work on simply teaching them the basics.
This politicaly correct busybody needs to get off her one man bandstand and get a real life... Eggads.. what an egghead!!!
edited to say,

its so unlike me to flamenasty

but Busybody shouldnt try to speak for teachers...

he hath no clue...

gnite all

peace out:heart: :rose:
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sweet soft kiss said:
This politicaly correct busybody needs to get off her one man bandstand and get a real life... Eggads.. what an egghead!!!

I want to add some serious thoughts to my "flip" reply of earlier. I think that here in the U.S. polictical correctness has gotten way out of hand. It has swung so far to the correct side that we (or many of us, certainly I feel it acutely) are walking on eggshells fearful of offending anyone, at anytime, whether or not offense was the intent. I agree that there are many terms that are rude, ugly, and to use them shows the user to be insenstive and ignorant. I personally don't call people names that hurt, or I try not to. I don't use terms such as Nigger, Spick, Kike, Hebe, Daggo, WOP, Mick, Wetback, Beaner, Cunt, Bitch, Fag, Faggot, Poof etc, which is my choice. But to ban or ostracize the use of these words does not solve the problem. The problem is prejudice and hate. If the intent is to hurt, demean or otherwise harm someone than using a fancier or socially acceptable term never disguishes the anger or hate that lurk beneath the surface of whoever is speaking or writing. I learned that all too painfully during a recent romantic breakup. We both hurled invectives at each other that cut deeper and hurt more than if we had just thrown the usual "bitch, Cunt, Motherfuckers" around with abandon. You can wrap a hurtful, prejudiced, mean spirted thought in pretty package but it will still stink to high heaven.
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Gotta love some of our inter-city school systems.

Our kids are politically correct but can't add or subtract
From the St. Petersburg Times article.

She culled the words and expressions from bias guidelines issued by major publishers of education material and by state agencies. The guidelines are used by writers, editors and illustrators when preparing textbooks and examinations for K-12 students.

Doesn't say a thing about teachers.
sweet soft kiss said:
I want to add some serious thoughts to my "flip" reply of earlier. I think that here in the U.S. polictical correctness has gotten way out of hand. It has swung so far to the correct side that we (or many of us, certainly I feel it acutely) are walking on eggshells fearful of offending anyone, at anytime, whether or not offense was the intent. I agree that there are many terms that are rude, ugly, and to use them shows the user to be insenstive and ignorant. I personally don't call people names that hurt, or I try not to. I don't use terms such as Nigger, Spick, Kike, Hebe, Daggo, WOP, Mick, Wetback, Beaner, Cunt, Bitch, Fag, Faggot, Poof etc, which is my choice. But to ban or ostracize the use of these words does not solve the problem. The problem is prejudice and hate. If the intent is to hurt, demean or otherwise harm someone than using a fancier or socially acceptable term never disguishes the anger or hate that lurk beneath the surface of whoever is speaking or writing. I learned that all too painfully during a recent romantic breakup. We both hurled invectives at each other that cut deeper and hurt more than if we had just thrown the usual "bitch, Cunt, Motherfuckers" around with abandon. You can wrap a hurtful, prejudiced, mean spirted thought in pretty package but it will still stink to high heaven.

I wholeheartedly agree!!

The kids are smarter than this, and have come up with PC slams anyway.

*edited to say: What I meant to say was that the kids have found ways to work the PC system if they so choose. If they want to insult one another they use PC sounding terms or phrases to do so. The first time i heard one of my sister's students refer to herself andsay she was "vertically challenged" (short) I nearly choked trying not to laugh.

sorry, haven't had my coffee
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sweet soft kiss said:
You can wrap a hurtful, prejudiced, mean spirted thought in pretty package but it will still stink to high heaven.

Therein lies the folly of PC language. All the PC language in the world will not eliminate spitefulness, meaness and sheer blind prejudiced hatred.
sweet soft kiss said:
This politicaly correct busybody needs to get off her one man bandstand and get a real life... Eggads.. what an egghead!!!

Hi SSK . . . heheheh . . . does that mean that a Busybody is a sexist old woman courageously worming books of folk wisdom played by a one man band?? . . . yep, that just about fits our experience here . . . :D :p :D
eagleyez said:
edited to say,

its so unlike me to flamenasty

but Busybody shouldnt try to speak for teachers...

he hath no clue...

gnite all

peace out:heart: :rose:

Reread the article. Perhaps?