Bunker Mentality


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
The Press is wondering why Obama will answer no questions...

It’s come to this: Newly media-shy president turned down an interview with … Chris Matthews


Don't hate the source, everyone is beginning to notice...


"The press corps is getting restless, as President Obama hasn’t held a news conference since June."


Of course, the press will not report on their own restlessness, but will focus on why not just FIVE years of tax returns...

Maybe the IRS missed something!

President Obama hasn’t formally taken questions from the White House press corps in more than two months, while on the campaign trail in Iowa yesterday he made time for reporters from People Magazine and Entertainment Tonight.

His last news conference was at the G20 in June, when he answered six questions from three reporters on the European debt crisis, the conflict in Syria, and the notion of politics stopping at the water’s edge.

The White House press corps has not formally been given the opportunity to ask questions of the president on U.S. soil since his appearance in the Briefing Room on June 8 (when he said “the private sector is doing fine.“)

His last formal White House news conference was on March 6.

Just remember, you didn't build that and if you're black, Romney wants to put you in chains, even though the Mormons were so pro-Abolition in the day that it was legal to lynch them in some states...

Like Missourah...

Where ObamaClaire McCaskell is losing to a Tea Party Candidate...

Walk like an Otahkian...
That's awesome, because I'm super sleepy and those are the only lines I read.

I think I'm gonna go brew some coffee and come back at this with a fresh mind.
I'm drinking firewater so that I can get back to my dream...

... or wake with a heart-attack-ack-ack-ack, you ought to to know what I mean...,
So if that's what life's all about,
then, Ahm movin' out!
Man, fucking Billy Joel . . . .

Just for that, I'm putting DCL on iggy for not being funny any more.
Obama is the mostest transparent president ever. I know this for a fact because he told me so.

Okay, THAT made my fucking day!

Now I can load 16 tons with a light heart...

Anything to help out a friend.

Imagine the nonsense we could create sitting on a front porch of an evening, with drinks and pesky insects, and free-floating brains . . . .


Or morning coffee, for that matter.
Anything to help out a friend.

Imagine the nonsense we could create sitting on a front porch of an evening, with drinks and pesky insects, and free-floating brains . . . .


Or morning coffee, for that matter.

As long as we had critter guns...

Anything to help out a friend.

Imagine the nonsense we could create sitting on a front porch of an evening, with drinks and pesky insects, and free-floating brains . . . .


Or morning coffee, for that matter.

Can I come too?
Everyone but the 'coons are welcome on mama's porch, but if your caliber gets too big, you get the broom too...

We're about quality, not volume.

;) ;)

There's no replacement for displacement.

Gettin' near time to tart up to go look at the old Dodge.

Wish me luck.
I heard fire-water...

You motherfuckers all missed my birthday.

Guess who can drink now?
There's no replacement for displacement.

Gettin' near time to tart up to go look at the old Dodge.

Wish me luck.

Break a leg!

I heard fire-water...

You motherfuckers all missed my birthday.

Guess who can drink now?

Happy Birthday!

Be careful though, addictive personalities, like economics, can turn to substitute goods...

Lawd knows Ah've been down that road before.
President Obama could take a dump in a public restroom and the AJs of the world would run in immediately afterwards and count the number of toilet paper squares he used to wipe.

They can't help it.
President Obama could take a dump in a public restroom and the AJs of the world would run in immediately afterwards and count the number of toilet paper squares he used to wipe.

They can't help it.

non responsive to the OP, is it?

BTW, lets talk PLASTIC TURKEY, shall we:cool: