Building a Better Bimbo


Aleph Null
Jan 15, 2002
~ This thread is closed for myself and HornyPussycat21 ~

Adam had been seeing a Therapist for quite awhile now. One of the issues that the two of them had discussed was his somewhat unorthodox desires when it came to women. He wasn't alone in his attraction to this particular type of woman, but most men in his position would want a partner that was exactly that. A partner. An Equal in both accomplishment and potential. But that wasn't what Adam wanted. Adam wanted, to put it incredibly bluntly, a brainless bimbo that was more concerned with making sure her tan was even than about whether her portfolio was. Whether her clothes showed enough of her big fake tits, or where he next fuck was coming from.

That wasn't the main reason why he had sought out this help, but it was something that they had talked about a number of times, and maybe it was the fact that he didn't really want to change that was proving insurmountable, but there you have it. After all this time, he still lusted after bimbo's and would barely give regular women a second look.

This was going to be his final session with his therapist, because he was going to be moving to Miami in a week, relocating from Chicago to escape the entirely dreary winters and to enjoy some of the local eye candy. Maybe he would have better luck there.
Dr. Kathy Reene had been working as a therapist for about nine years and out of all the patients she'd had there was only one person she wasn't able to get through too. Adam. Normally it took like 6-7 months for a person to make a break through, even if it was sometimes a small one. With him though, she wasn't able to go anywhere! There were tons of men that came into her office with problems with women. Some problems had to do with relationships or the lack of one, but not him. Nope, his only problem was that he couldn't date anyone unless they were a bimbo. A dumb bimbo at that. A girls who's mind resembled more of a pornstar!

It wouldn't be to weird if he at least dated 'normal' women, but he just couldn't do it. No matter how many times she tried to get him too. To last about a month. lt never worked. Even after she got off work, she found herself thinking about Adam, trying to figure out what she could do. On many occasions, she had ev3n askes her daughter, Stacie what to do. She came up with a few ideas, but nothing she hasn't thought of.

Katherine in her leather chair, her legs crossed, a notebook in her lap, as she looked at Adam. "Sooo... l'm guessing by the not overly joyful look on your face, your still looking for that sex driven bimbo?" She asked him, kicking her leg slightly. "Are you sure you want to move to Miami though? Sure, there might be a few more girl your... type, but come on. l'm sure we can get to the bottom of this in like... two weeks!" She said to him.
It wasn't that Adam wasn't trying, he did date regular women, but the spark just wasn't there. In the end, every relationship he tried just didn't work out.

"Moving to Miami isn't solely about the women." He said with a chuckle. "I'll admit it's a bonus, but there's the weather, and moving the business headquarters there is a smart move. We're closer to our distribution centre and manufacturing plant. To be honest I've been looking to make this move for a few years but the market just wasn't right, and the right property wasn't available."

He looked at her and relaxed a bit. "I know I'm not going to convince you of anything, but I've come to a conclusion. I'm looking for a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. I'm sure you think my attraction is horribly misogynistic, but I firmly believe that it's not. Women should have just as much freedom as men to be who they want and do what they want. But that includes things that the mainstream wouldn't approve of, right? So while that path may not be something you choose for yourself, or your daughter, someone else may. And in exchange, someone like me will take care of their every desire. I think that's a pretty good arrangement, and nobody gets hurt."
"I understand what your saying Adam, l really do, but l feel like l'll make a break through with you any day now." She explained to him. "If you move to Miami, how will l be able to do anything?" She held up her hand quickly, stopping him from saying anything. "I get that you think your untreatable. A bunch of men would feel the same way in your position, but just think. Say... you move down there. Everything is great... for a little. What are you going to do when you think you should go back to therapy? Start from the beginning with someone you don't know? You'll be doing everything we went over, again!"

"I jusr think it would be smart to stay for a few more sessions. Like... three or four more!" Kathy said, trying to change his mind. She knew he already bought a house and that he was planning to leave in a few days, but she'd been working with him so long. If he left without her figuring him out, she would go mad. "Come on Adam, l don't think a few more sessions will kill you."
Adam laughed. "It's not that I think I'm untreatable. It's that I think I don't need to be treated. I don't think it's a problem, and I don't think I ever really have. That's why we haven't made any progress. A part of me never really felt I needed help."

He looked over at the doctor. "Look, I don't expect you to understand. You're a highly successful woman, and I'm sure you want exactly that for your daughter. But you have to admit that it's not entirely unreasonable for someone, man or woman, to maybe want to be taken care of, to have no responsibility, and to be able to do as they please. It just so happens that the kind of woman I'm looking for sees doing as she pleases as making herself look sexy, and fucking."

He considered what she wanted him to do. "I'll tell you what. If you're so adamant that a couple more sessions will be all I need, why don't you come to Miami for a little while. Think of it as a vacation with a little bit of work. I'll cover the cost. But if you can't, what am I going to get in return?"
Kathy bit her lower lip and cocked her head to the side slightly. "Adam... l appropriate you. l really, really do. l mean, your one of the only people l actually enjoy seeing here, but... Really. Do you really want a girl that whole life revolves aruond fucking people and making sure she looks her best at all times?" She motioned to him. "Your amazingly good looking. You shouldn't have a girl who's a total... well it sounds like you want a slut!"

When he asked her to come to Miami for him for a 'vacation', so she could have a few more sessions with him, she sat up. She did have some vacation days she could use and a trip to Miami could be incredibly fun. On top of that, it would be free. He said he would pay for the cost. Kathy smiled a bit and put her book down. "Okay, l'm sure l can get to you, but since you doubt me and my amazing powers, l..." she stopped and thought for a moment, tilting her head back as she did.

Then she looked back at him. "I'll get you girl! I'll find you one of the hottest, bimbo in Miami!" She told him, a smile on her face, knowing she wouldn't have to worry about doing that.
"I do want a slut. I want a woman who is a slut and knows it. And what's more, who is happy to be a slut because that's what she wants to be, and she knows she's well taken care of. I'm sure it would be more appealing if I said trophy wife, marginally so, but you're my therapist and you can't tell anyone anyway." He laughed.

When she told him what she would do if she failed, he smiled. "Sounds like a win win scenario for me. I either get cured of my desire for a bimbo slut, or I get a bimbo slut. So you're on." He stood and held out his hand. "And no matter what I want to thank you for everything we've done together. I have honestly enjoyed our sessions."

Before he left he paused. "I fly out in 2 days. Give me a couple days to get everything settled. I'll reimburse you for the ticket cost for the flight, and my new home has a pool house that you and your daughter, if you bring her, can stay in."

With that, he left. Adam Godard's next few days were a flurry of activity. He finished up his packing and a few last minute arrangements before flying to Miami and having even more work waiting for him there to get everything right in his new home. Just on the ride from the airport to his property he saw a number of very attractive women. Yes, he had definitely made the right choice.

True to his word, he called Kathy the day after he arrived to let her know things would be ready, and the house presentable in 2 days, so any time she wanted to join him after that, she would be welcome.