Buenos Aires


Really Experienced
May 4, 2002
Has anyone been there before and whats it like to vacation there? How is it compared to Rome, Italy?

At first blush it looks like the escorts there are equipped with the same parts...say, doesn't that look like Tulip?

Are you obsessed with me lancie.

Lancecastor said:
At first blush it looks like the escorts there are equipped with the same parts...say, doesn't that look like Tulip?


Again you are full of shit lance!

Back on the topic tr65 I have yet to be. I hope you have a great trip if you make it there.

Buenes Aires is warm at this time of year...Rome isn't. I was in Rome last year in mid-March and it was still cold, brrrh.. but they don't have Roman cultural artifacts in Buenes Aires. LOL.
Buenes Aires is in a severe economic slump right now. In fact, the slump is so bad that we're sending thousands of tons of food relief to them so that they can avoid starvation. Probably not a good place to visit now. Though your $ will go a long, long way there.
Re: Are you obsessed with me lancie.

tulip2lipservice said:
Again you are full of shit lance!

Back on the topic tr65 I have yet to be. I hope you have a great trip if you make it there.


She does look like a younger, leaner you, don't you think.

Or maybe it's just the boots.

2001 would have been a great time to go to B.A....or Venezuela.

I think I'd pick Portugal as an interesting and affordable Euro vacation just now....Rome is scummy.
