Bud Lite, this Tranny is for

BudLight has finally spoken out after garnering scrutiny for making Dylan Mulvaney their latest brand ambassador. In a statement shared with Fox News the brand said that the collaboration was designed to “authentically connect with audiences”. The statement added: “From time to time, we produce unique commemorative cans for brand influencers, like Dylan Mulvaney. This commemorative can was a gift to celebrate a personal milestone”- that personal milestone being Dylan’s 365th day of being a ‘girl’

an imitator......

yeah, I saw this

by now.

its par for the course

its a Tranny world and we get to be a meaningless part in it
Kid rock told me to buy a whole bunch and then shoot it wit mah gunz.
Inclusiveness of people that scare trumpies is where bud lite goes to die. They're buying it for target practice and only buying the other horse piss to drink
People should calm down. Bud is a shite beer. It’s made for shite people who think Shitety thoughts about anything that causes them fear and alarm at the consequences of looking into their own sexual souls.
First of all, let’s get this out in the air. I don’t care who you are…DON’T DRINK SHIT BEER! Damn people. Life is too hard and short to drink mule piss like Bud Lt.
I'm not sure why anyone cares that much? Ultimately the marketing must be effective because you took time out of your life to complain about it. I simply don't drink Bud Light because it sucks. No advertising angle will change that for me. It shouldn't for anyone. Like it, have some, don't, don't... You could argue the advertising is exploitative. It's not helping trans people at all in my opinion. It's just an attempt to look hip and appeal to younger drinkers who lean more liberal, and lets face it, they have much more drinking to do long term so hook em now before they kill that liver. Old guys, we got but so much drinking left to do, we are not the target anymore, get over it.
Shit beer, that ruins amazing craft beer regularly, being cancelled by shit people, who spent months bitching about cancel culture.

No wonder these idiots elected a reality TV star.
What do their national sales account for each year? A six-pack? A case? A cute little baby-keg?
Buy Bud Light or don't buy Bud Light, in the end who cares. Dems and Reps have been urging people to boycott this or that brand for decades. Sometimes the boycotts force a change and sometimes they don't. I rarely drink beer and if I do its usually Miller Genuine Draft, I make my own choices on what to buy and what to walk away from.

As for the transgender "agenda" I have to ask myself how does this affect me? I can't think of a single way that it does. I do question the fairness of a biological male participating in women's sports just because they decided they are a female now. But otherwise its a non-issue to me.
I like it when men go into sports and kick women's assess. They need to be put in their place.

And it ain't first. That's equality baby!

:D ;) ;)