Bud Light Laying Off Hundreds Of US Workers After Pushing Trans Agenda

Wouldn’t even be a thing if rednecks were not such idiots. They boycott the beer over something trivial and then point to declining sales as a failure of the company. Last time I checked beer was consumed by pretty much ANY gender and marketing directed at non-redneck consumers is valid.
Branding is important. Not ALL beer is consumed by ALL people. Consumers like to identify with products that reflect an image. Pampers is more successful than Harley Davidson, but few babies get the Pampers logo tattooed on their bicep. Within InBev, the different brands are marketed to different demographics. Bud Lite made a marketing blunder. Shit happens.
Can’t see rednecks going all apeshit over this….thought Bud was their drink of choice not bud light….it’s not like she was THE national spokesperson and face of the brand. She was just a secondary marketing that was tangential.
Your bigoted use of "rednecks" says everything I need to know about you.
Your bigoted use of "rednecks" says everything I need to know about you.
If you stopped drinking your favorite beer, because heaven forbid it was marketed to someone other than you… You might be a redneck.

They can just come out with Redneck beer, put the same crappy beer in a can and put a car with plants growing out of it on the outside.

Rednecks didn’t stop drinking after the wazzzzzzzzzzuuuuupppppp campaign.
One commercial is not pushing an agenda, unless you think being inclusive of all people from all walks of life is an agenda. I call that being compassionate.
It was my understanding that she was some minor online/ internet celebrity and influencer…… which rednecks we’re watching her (and not admitting it)? They can watch her because she turns them on but the minute she endorses a product they like then they feel their own masculinity is threatened….. there is the underlying source of such anger that seems so disproportionate…..
Actually, they didn’t see the ad first hand- they got it from their “friends” and told how bad it was. They fought in their mind about being turned on vs letting their friends know they were turned on.. so dump out the beer!
Your bigoted use of "rednecks" says everything I need to know about you.
"Rednecks going apeshit" is a valid and appropriate description of you and your demographic, JethroSavage.

Anheuser Bush is laying off 380 jobs out of a workforce of 19,000 which is over half its staff, according to your PatriotMath™. That is only 2% according to my reality-based calculator, but nonetheless I understand your despair and angst. Make sure you don't stray too far from your fainting couch during this time of unrest, you mouth breathing West Virginian cousin-fucker.

BTW Kid Rock is doing what he can to stem the tide against the Bud Light boycott....his chain of blue collar dive bars have once again began to offer Bud Light, but he doesn't want to advertise this fact because it might impact his Murican Badass branding.
"Rednecks going apeshit" is a valid and appropriate description of you and your demographic, JethroSavage.

Anheuser Bush is laying off 380 jobs out of a workforce of 19,000 which is over half its staff, according to your PatriotMath™. That is only 2% according to my reality-based calculator, but nonetheless I understand your despair and angst. Make sure you don't stray too far from your fainting couch during this time of unrest, you mouth breathing West Virginian cousin-fucker.

BTW Kid Rock is doing what he can to stem the tide against the Bud Light boycott....his chain of blue collar dive bars have once again began to offer Bud Light, but he doesn't want to advertise this fact because it might impact his Murican Badass branding.
It’s half of the staff that served him directly. Let’s give him that. It “was” his favorite beer. But now he is conflicted because the new number one is Modelo and that’s like Mexican! Here comes the next wave of outrage.
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Acknowledging that gays and trans buy things is grooming and must be defeated! For the Children!! (Who drink Bud Light and likely don't even know who Mulvaney is because their parents don't let them watch tikTok because of China)
Your bigoted use of "rednecks" says everything I need to know about you.

and shooting bud light with automatic weapons says all I need to know about the idiots boycotting for something stupid

lol - I never said a word about what I do or don't drink, or what I thought of Bud Lite.

You hateful libs are so predictable. Anyone that is perceived to not be part of your tribe is attacked. Such is what's wrong with the current political environment. hate hate hate.
lol - I never said a word about what I do or don't drink, or what I thought of Bud Lite.

You hateful libs are so predictable. Anyone that is perceived to not be part of your tribe is attacked. Such is what's wrong with the current political environment. hate hate hate.
Ahhh the hateful libs, getting in the way of your MAGA-self hating on anything that isn’t…

Well we all know.

So sorry to impede your pursuit of happiness, but what makes you happy is crushing the rest of us.
In this thread, rednecks insist on having their "safe space", while at the same time celebrating their brand of "cancel culture".
Most of the rednecks I know are proud of that label. Now you’re implying it’s a shameful term used by bigots?

The Alt known as Ignobel self-identifies as 'redneck'. It's only a shameful term when he describes himself.