Bsquad's Apartment at Cloud 9 (invitation only)

*the harsh command breaks through my lust fogged brain...scrambling to comply, i quickly straddle him, guiding him into me with a groan*
<I growl as Fira mounts me, my hands grab hold of her hips and pull her down upon me, forcefully burrying my cock in her pussy with a moan of pleasure as her hot wet pussy engulfs me.>

"Good girl!" <I say, a smile on my face, but as reward I meerely begin fucking her pussy mercelessly, almost animal in my intensity.>
*gasping as i feel him bury himself, moving with him as he starts ponding into me...moaning louder with each thrust, my body tensing around him as i get closer to my climax*

"please...oh god please...let me cum for you!"
<I grin...or my teeth are gritted in determination as I drive into Fira's passage. My hands keep pulling her close, delving down to the hilt of my cock with each stroke.>

"CUM!" <I bark, an order as much to Fira as it is to me.>

*as soon as the word is out of his mouth, the incredible storm of pleasure engulfs body tenses, locks up around breath catches, heart cry of release long and loud as i cum hard*
<I feel the instant response from Fira as the command leaves my mouth. I groan as I feel her clench me, as she cries out while she cums. I give one final thrust into her tight pussy and I let lose a moan of my own escape me as I cum, filling her with my seed as I moan. It's a wordless cry of saited pleasure.>
*sagging against him as i slowly recover from the intensity of our combined climax, going limp as his arms go around me, whispering softly*

thank you...
<I grin up at Fira as her body goes limp against me, whispering into my ear.>

"You're quite welcome's always fun to exhaust you." <I chuckle a little and slide her off my cock, leaving my seed and her juices dripping out of her. I kiss her neck softly. I lean back into the lounge chair, a contented smile on my face.>
*slipping down his body with a mischievous grin, i let out a small moan of pleasure as i lick and suck his cock clean...loving the combined taste of us...once i'm done, i slip back up beside him on the lounge, curling up to him , my head on his chest once more*
<I squirm in pleasure as Fira's lips suck my sensitve cock clean of our juices and she snuggles next to me on the lounge chair, her head resting on my chest once more, my own arms laying behind my head...a smile on my face.>

"Lovely time today...very lovely indeed Fira."
A quote from a very smart lady - Eleanor Roosevelt

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.
You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
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Sends a box of chocolates to bsquad for being so caring

CARD: with love from your cowgirl
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Rayne smiles as she steps from his shower and dries herself, smelling of vanilla, her skin clean and soft, Rayne slips into her gift for him........

Entering his room that is now lit with candles, she scatters some rose petals on the bed and then places a special box to the side of the bed. This box holds a magical gift in that one can reach into it and pull out what ever they desire. It was amazing what you could find on ebay now days. (hehehe)

The room set, Rayne kneels away from the bed so that he may circle her and take in her outfit if he wishes, and so that he may see her and see the room and do as he wishes....

I return to my apartment and I notice that there is something different about my room. I can feel her, the magic of the room telling me that she is cowgirl. It's dark, but as I walk down the entry hall and into the main sitting area, I look up into the darkness and see the glow of the candles coming from my loft bedroom. I look up and cock my head to the is's my cowgirl, she's the only one who may enter without being invited. I remove my sport coat and stand there in my black shirt and khaki pants. I smile and walk up the stairs, my cowboy boots clicking on the stairs as I slowly look at the vision before me.

The candle light makes me think that my room has been transformed, an ancient harem or fortress...the candles flickering as I look around, seeing the rose petals on my bed and the person kneeling on the floor next to my bed, waiting for me.

"Hello cowgirl..." I whisper quietly, looking at her outfit and smiling as my eyes sweep over her body as I walk towards her. I rest my chin on one hand and study her in silence.

"What has brought this on Cowgirl?" My eyes flick to the box sitting at the foot of the bed, I'm curious but I restrain myself for the moment. I step closer and slowly begin to circle Rayne, looking down at her with a wary eye...this is something new for me.
lifting my head to look at him my eyes sparkling with the flicker of the candles, the sheer costume hiding nothing of my form from him, my reddish brown hair cascading down my back I smile invitingly "I simply wish to please you" I purr in a seductive voice before adding "to serve your needs master" lifting my hands I gesture to the room and then down over my curves "does it please you?" I give him a naughty smile.
I look down at you and my eyes sweep across your body. I nod at your present, and your use of the word 'master'. My body shivers slightly at it...I've toyed with it, I've been curious about it...but to hear it come from the lips of Rayne...I lick my lips slowly and I remove my cowboy hat, tossing it across the room and I cross my arms. My glasses glint in the candlelight and I take a slow breath. Now is the moment...

"It pleases" I whisper the last word, bringing all the power of it out as I stare down at you.

"I am glad you decided to come here...and that you have decided to give yourself to me for now." I slowly walk around boots clicking with each slow pace as I look at your curves and your cascading hair.

"Stand pet...stand and turn for me..." I whisper as I stand behind you, facing the large starlight windows, my hand reaching down and touching your hair, beconing that you rise from where you kneel.
My body shivers slightly as you circle me, the pleasure in your voice makes me tingle. Hearing your request to stand I smile and do as you ask. "Yes Master" Gracefully I stand and turn for you slowly so that your eyes can linger over all aspects of the sheer costume the plunging v front, my rosy nipples through the sheer fabric, the binding gold cord at my waist the sheer fabric over my body that floats over my curves, the white g string that covers my mound and the glistening gold cuff on my wrist that catches the candle light.

I stop turning after two full slow turns for you "does it please?" I smile at you my blue eyes twinkling with mischief and delight.
I nod and look down at you my hand reaching out and running across your cheek, slowly tracing my fingertips across your skin in the candle light. I restrain myself from touching you more...not yet...I know it would please you...and that is something that needs to wait.

"It pleases me pet..." I say, slowly turning and walking over to the bed, looking at the curious box sitting there at the foot of it, my fingers reaching down to stroke the rose petals on the black velvet sheets...I've turned my back on you. I softly hum to myself, seemingly engrossed by the unknown present.

"Pet...come here." I say, but before you can move, I hold up my hand in a gesture of 'wait' one finger raised.

"Crawl here." I say, pointing to the floor next to me as I stand there looking at the box.
I nuzzle into your hand as I have always loved your gentle touch, but it ends and you leave me to inspect the box. I smile knowing what it does and truly hope you like that part of my gift. At your request I take a step but am stopped and giggle softly at your change to the request...this is new to me but I wish to please you so I drop to my hands and knees and crawl to you my movements exaggerated and sexy as if I am mimicking a tigress. "yes master?" I smile but am looking up at you questioningly from my position by your boots.
I look down at you as you slowly crawl next to me as I examine the box...I'm curious of the container, but I nod in approval at your obedience of my command. I reach down and stroke your hair, a slow motion that one would asociate to a loyal pet...just what I have beside me. I stroke Rayne's hair slowly and point to the box with my other hand.

"What else have you given me pet?" I reach down and pull the box open, gazing into it's empty depths, curiously, I slip my hand inside the confines of it and frown.

"An empty box, pet?" I look down at her curiously, my stroking hand stopping and my fingers squeezing your head. My hand shifts and my finger traces a small circle on your cheek, my fingernail leaving a small scratch on your skin. My eyes narrow and behind my glasses my gaze is accusing.
Before I can answer I feel the scratch of his nail over my cheek as he draws in a circular motion an accusation of displeasing him with an empty box. I close my eyes and try to breath as I hope my explanation will please him "I am sorry Master, but it is a magic box" I open my eyes and look up to him pleading with my eyes for him to listen "it will give you what ever you desire, hold the image in your mind and touch the lid then open the box and it will be inside" I lower my eyes and wait for his response, praying I have not been ripped off by ebay as I did not test the box before he arrived.
I give my pet a probing look and stroke her cheek again, my finger pressing to her lips to silence her as my head slowly shakes side to side, commanding her silence as I turn back to the chest. My other hand reaches into the chest and I visualize something...and I feel it appear in my hand. I slowly withdrawl it from the depths. The form is dark, and it takes a moment to see the first thing I have removed.

A knife...large...almost as long as a man's forearm. The blade is mattle black, a curve along the cutting edge. It's a massive blade, I remove my hand from my pet's lips and slowly touch the keen edge of the blade, turning it with the skill of a man familiar with it...making the edge glint in the scant light. I nod in approval and set the weapon...the sharp edged tool down on the small table the box rests on. I reach my hand in once more...and visualize something. My hand is removed and in it are the gleaming silvery links of a chain...heavy, thick, clinking as I pull it free a chuckle escaping my lips as I look at the lengths. Clips rest on them...and a pair of thick manacles clunk menacingly on the ends. It's long...almost two meters...and with clips to fit on the headboard of my bed. Again...I nod, satisfied.

I look down at my pet and smile in an enigmatic way. I turn back to the box and reach in once more. I pull out something soft and delicate. My hand returns, this time with a black silk blindfold, soft and completely opaque, I chuckle and set it beside the knife and the manacles. My hand returns once more to the chest and I withdrawl a long piece of tightly braided black leather. I slowly turn it over in my hands, examining the tight braids and the free strips at one end...I slap it into my palm once leaving a sharp snaping sound to fill the air. I smile and chuckle.

"A very interesting gift have pleased me." I say, reaching down and stroking my pet's head in an approving way, a small reward for her very interesting gift. I examine the toys that I have withdrawn and nod...thinking of all the pleasing things that I can do with them.

"What shall we do now pet?" I muse softly to her, not looking at her, but knowing that she will be paying the utmost attention to me. I nod to the bed, my hand gesturing lazily at the headboard and the plush pillows there.

"Get on the bed pet...and kneel there. I wish to view your contrast with the velvet...and consider what I am going to do with these lovely toys..." I say, looking down at her.

"Oh...and you will crawl until I tell you otherwise pet."