bryan kohlberger formally indicted


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009

Bryan Kohberger Was Formally Indicted on Wednesday​

According to NBC News, an Idaho grand jury indicted Kohberger on Wednesday, eliminating the need for a preliminary trial. He will be formally arraigned, and a trial date will be set. What this means is that the state has enough evidence against Kohberger to move forward with the case without the need for a preliminary hearing.
I want to believe authorities stopped a serial killer after their first attack.

That ^ may be wishful thinking.
judge denies kohberger's lawyers' second attempt to get case dismissed

An Idaho judge has denied a second attempt by Bryan Kohberger’s attorneys to dismiss the indictment against him in the murders of four University of Idaho students last year.

Judge John C Judge said that while some of the defence’s arguments were “historically interesting and creative”, those arguments “do not overturn” Idaho courts’ interpretation of the statute, case law and criminal rules, according to the new documents filed Friday, and posted to the docket on Monday.