

Really Experienced
Mar 31, 2003
does anyone know how to get rid of bruises easy, (excpet leeches)
massaging a bruised area generally tends to make the bruise go away faster... why? Because you are stimulating blood flow to the area, which will cause the blood cells making the bruise to be carried away from the site faster.

Lavendar has a stimulating effect on bloodflow, so maybe rub some lavendar oil over the area, and let it do its thing.
I bruise easily and I use arnica gel or arniflora by B&T (Boericke & Tafel). You can get it at a co-op or health food store in the states
I've been boxing for a few years and I have gotten dozens of black eyes and swollen cheekbones and bruised ribs. Ice always helps for me, rubbing it gently helps too. For really nasty ones (I've had my cheekbone swollen half an inch off my face) using very intense cold, so cold its dificult to hold on there, but it definetly helps.

I always take good care of my injuries, dont wanna turn ugly. My left eyelid is slightly swollen permanently from a headbutt and I love it, its not too noticable and makes for good stories.
Thank you all for replying.

I am going to try the lavendar because i actually have some laying around.
In Australia, there are two products I use (I'm also a fighter!) - hirudoid and lasonil. I'm not sure what's in them, but you can buy them over the counter at a pharmacy. Some places where you give blood will give you a little tube if you bruise from the needle. When using them, they bring all the bruise to the surface, so for a day, the bruise is really dark, and then it goes away quickly after that.

Yeah, thats true. Once I got into a real war with this heavyweight from another gym(Im 170 pds, not close to a heavy) and we fucked eachother up. I had two black eyes, splits in my lips, some random spots of bruising over my cheeks and jawline, swollen ear, bumpy head...but I broke his nose so I guess he got the worst of it. Although I did get a sympathy BJ from this girl I know..
On my herb site
you can get
Healing A/C cream
very good stuff

Click on health thing in my signature below
lovechild27 said:
bruises are make you look all tough...hahahaha
Haha in my circle of friends, that is so true, except when they're stupid bruises, like a huge one on the arm from when you whacked yourself while practicing stick fighting... alone!!!