Broke My Leg - How Long Before Sex?



I managed to trip down many steps the other day and fracture my left leg near the ankle. I have never broken a bone in my body before, and the pain is quite interesting! (to say the least)

Bruising and swelling and staying off the leg and orthopedic surgeons and all other things aside, my question is: how long before the pain recedes enough so my husband and I can comfortably enjoy sex? (I mean, I'm not even thinking about the picture presented by a chemise and a Robo-Cop Air Cast). I'm just thinking about the serious in and out!

I know someone has experienced this - suggestions please!!!

That would probably depend on how fast you heal and on things like if he is chaining your ankles to the bed post. ;)
I broke my ankle once as well.

The cast had no negative effects on my performance...but the tip did rub against the top of the cast occasionally.
Try it

Break his leg and
you two can pace yourselves
back to physical bliss together.
When I was in college, I fell on a beer-soaked floor at a fraternity house and broke my fibula just at the ankle. I was in a walking cast to the knee for eight weeks. I was having sex comfortably by the end of the second week--but be sure to take some good pain killers first. All that jostling around might make it ache...and not in the good way, either...Good luck. :(
sweetsubsarahh said:

I know someone has experienced this - suggestions please!!!


well I can think of a way to keep that ankle elevated above your heart.:devil:
BoobsNBrains - 8 weeks in the cast? Oh no!!

Icy - too cute

Hogjack - ummm, thanks I guess!

And Heavy - as always, your AV makes me happy!!
After about 6 weeks in the cast, then 3 months of rehab and physical therapy, I'd say you'd be good for some sexin'.
Private Vasquez said:
After about 6 weeks in the cast, then 3 months of rehab and physical therapy, I'd say you'd be good for some sexin'.

I'll never make it . . .
When the cast comes off, your legs won't be the same size. Lopsided sex can really hurt a guy's back, so one must wait until proper leg symmetry is attained before engaging in any sexual activity.
Private Vasquez said:
When the cast comes off, your legs won't be the same size. Lopsided sex can really hurt a guy's back, so one must wait until proper leg symmetry is attained before engaging in any sexual activity.

You're not helping things here, PV!! LOL
Private Vasquez said:
When the cast comes off, your legs won't be the same size. Lopsided sex can really hurt a guy's back, so one must wait until proper leg symmetry is attained before engaging in any sexual activity.

I'll just be on top!
But with the smaller leg on one side, and the regular sized one on the other, you mightcould bend his joystick in such a way as to break it off. And, as you can imagine, he wouldn't like that too much.
well interesting question and one that none of my patients have ever asked me, lol
HeavyStick said:

get nekkid... stay nekkid.... rub yourself with a silk cloth... repeat as necessary

Heavy - that's so sweet!

But right now I need to go prop my foot higher than my heart! Boy, gravity sucks - parts of me are seriously throbbing (and not in a good way!) - I can't sit at the computer for a long time these days!

:kiss: :kiss:
sweetsubsarahh said:

Heavy - that's so sweet!

But right now I need to go prop my foot higher than my heart! Boy, gravity sucks - parts of me are seriously throbbing (and not in a good way!) - I can't sit at the computer for a long time these days!

:kiss: :kiss:

yes .... on your back is good... very good