Britwitch's Hallowe'en Party 2012


Classically curvy
Apr 23, 2004

Folding up the hire notice in my back pocket I look at the house I’ve rented for the coming month, although its real purpose won't happen until the end of October. Last year was awesome, as was the year before, and I want to make sure I give my guests time to work on their costumes.

From last year's party I know it is perfectly spooky with plenty of rooms for naughty goings on and dark corners for dark deeds…

I walk to the post box on the corner and carefully insert a bundle of handwritten envelopes through the slot, addressed to all who frequent the SRP lounge.
The invitation inside is carefully handwritten to match the envelope and reads as follows…

You are invited to Britwitch’s Hallowe’en Party Weekend!
Saturday 27th - Wednesday 31st October 2012

There will be suitably spooky fun running both day and night so do drop by if and when you have chance…it’s my favourite holiday and I couldn’t let it go by without doing something!

Hoping to see you and your chosen costume there!

Best wishes,


P.S. Feel free to bring anything to party that you like and any and all help is welcome to help me prepare! :D

Invitations on their way, I head to the store, food and drink need to be bought, creepy cupcakes will need to be baked…the house will also need balloons, streamers and candles...there'll be lanterns and a maze to arrange in the garden...there are some odd jobs that need doing around the house (hence the relatively cheap hire price!) and then of course my costume…now, what to be this year…hmmm…. ;)
Hey look, its got DirecTV.
We can watch the Chiller channel.
Or something.

*starts plotting baked goods... Witch fingers, zombie brain, screaming eyeballs...*
Hey look, its got DirecTV.
We can watch the Chiller channel.
Or something.

*starts plotting baked goods... Witch fingers, zombie brain, screaming eyeballs...*

Screaming eyeballs.... WOW... LOL...
The mail brought an invitation to the Mansion. The annual Halloween Party hosted by our favorite Witchling. Star blessings, it was her favorite holiday. How what could she bring? How about some of these:




And for a small contribution of decorations... maybe send this over to the Witch for the front door. *soft snickers abounded*


Oh yeeesss... that had to be sent over.

Now... about baked goodies.... Hmmmm.
Hi...I have never posted on your thread, or in the Lounge...but I absolutely love the house where you're hosting your party, and just wanted to wish you a blessed Hallow'd season...

And Slenderman "IS" that scary.

Blessed be!

I'm still not scared.

Yeah, I don't get the slenderman thing either.

Reminds me of people who believe in "shadow people".

I mean, I love the endorphin rush from being scared as much as the next fella, but that doesn't do it for me.
Things are coming together. The decorations people have sent over look awesome and next week the pumpkins will be delivered en masse for carving and leaving...pretty much everywhere!

I've been cleaning and tidying up the inside of the house, which always seems a little silly when all I'm going to do is cover it back up with fake spider's webs and all manner of paranormal looking paraphernalia. Oh well, c'est la vie!

There's been a little bit of D.I.Y. to do too. Some floorboards that looked a little too creaky have been replaced and the like.

A couple of weeks to go...I should probably give my costume some serious thought. A witch, as is probably expected...or maybe something's a quandry...
The garden needs clearing up today. Leaves to be raked and the like. Ready to be strewn with pumpkins and lanterns and have streamers and ribbons hung from the trees.

Gloves on hands and a scarf around my neck, I pick up the rake and head outside. Soon my cheeks are pink from the chilly air and my own exertions and the lawn is dotted with piles of russet toned leaves.

"Now, to find a wheel barrow to shift some of this..."
Tomorrow. How has it come around so quickly?

Luckily I've been busy and the house is just about ready.

The last of the supplies and decorations are being delivered today so all that will remain is to arrange them, bake the last of the spooky sweets and treats and light the candles and lanterns before my guests start to arrive tomorrow.

I can't stop smiling as I think about the fun that might unfold over the course of the days ahead. It's always such a fun event.

My chosen costume is hanging in one of the bedrooms upstairs. Ready and waiting.

A knock on the door signals the first delivery of the day. Pumpkins. Loads of them. All needing scooping and carving, the insides to be turned into yummies for guests, the shells to decorate the garden and house.

Rolling up my sleeves I get to work, bringing the first crate of round orange vegetables inside and head into the kitchen. It'll be a long day...but so worth it!
I drop off a cart load of pumpkins I have decorated to help Britwich with her mammoth task hoping they will help somewhat.:rose:








Drops by with a box, leaving a note attached.

Here's someone to help you with any last minute preparations. He's quite a little scrapper and loves to dance. Remember, don't get him wet, don't put him in sunlight and don't feed him after midnight (you're time).



Oooh a helper. Helpers are always, well, helpful!

And the truckload of pumpkins delivered by yeishia look amazing.

I add them to the ones I have managed to make myself.


There are spooky faces for the porch, more elegantly carved ones featuring the initials of members of the Lounge which will greet them in the hallway.



Another set of the orange lanterns will guide guests off down the garden towards the spooky maze in the corner.


And now…there is fake cobwebbing to hang in the corners, hundreds of candles to put out and then there’s the goodies to plate up! Not to mention my costume to finish!!

Rubbing my hands together gleefully, I set about making the now pristine house all dusty and dingy once more!
Wiping stray strands of fake cobweb from my hair, along with a few real ones, I stand back – impressed with my efforts. I’ve made relatively short work of decorating the rooms…fake bugs and beetles hanging from the theatrical webbing. Candles providing flickering lighting and plenty of dancing shadows. The few items of furniture covered in white sheets with the odd bundle of fairy lights glowing here and there around the edges of the rooms.



The bedrooms upstairs have been given a spooky twist but are still functional for whatever functions my guests find for them.

Just the goodies to plate up and then to wriggle into my costume!

A wide grin.

Not long to go until the fun will start!
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A final touch of eyeliner and I’m ready. Smoky eye make up to compliment my witchy costume.
Hair curling down my back and, thanks to a little magic, my figure that of a good few months back and not my current shape…although I’m not completely stupid, I’ve made sure to keep a little of the enlargement that’s occurred around my chest.

The party food is laid out and waiting to be devoured, a blend of savoury and sweet, with plenty of treats for my guests and any trick or treaters that stop by.




The plates of nibbles will be carefully stocked over the course of the weekend by the serving staff I’ve hired for the event. They’ll also make sure the drinks flow freely too from the bar in the corner and that the massive bowl of punch never runs out either.

Candles and lanterns are glowing everywhere and the sun is setting outside…

Let the party begin!
*arrives at the door, in costume herself, a few boxes full of various nibbles and tidbits in arm*
Hope you don't mind. Made up some things for my own concoctions, but, funny thing, no one seems to trust eating them while I'm in this... Perhaps I can add them to your snacks so they don't know it was me?

*grins and opens the box of sweets and tarts, cookies with jam filling and "witches' wands", decorated for the party*

A spooky place, that's for certain, Brit. Nightmare inducing. Absolutely perfect for a bash such as this.
*arrives at the door, in costume herself, a few boxes full of various nibbles and tidbits in arm*
Hope you don't mind. Made up some things for my own concoctions, but, funny thing, no one seems to trust eating them while I'm in this... Perhaps I can add them to your snacks so they don't know it was me?

*grins and opens the box of sweets and tarts, cookies with jam filling and "witches' wands", decorated for the party*

A spooky place, that's for certain, Brit. Nightmare inducing. Absolutely perfect for a bash such as this.

Welcome! Love the costume!
Please do come on in and feel free to add your goodies to the spread...

winks mischievously

And do explore the house if the urge strikes...plenty of nooks and crannies to investigate...shadows and the like to avoid...and then of course there's the garden and the spooky maze!
She fluttered in from her Dreamland, her Sheriff's costume made complete by the black duster and toy guys in her holster. Her mind has been stuck on Cowboys and the Wild West lately and she honestly couldn't explain why. Playing an outlaw in one of her stories, it only seemed fitting she was a good guy---


Dropping her magical box on the couch, any drink anyone could ever dream of would appear in this box when they wished it, she made her way to the goodie table. Her hands rubbing together in delight as she tried to decide what to taste first.
She fluttered in from her Dreamland, her Sheriff's costume made complete by the black duster and toy guys in her holster. Her mind has been stuck on Cowboys and the Wild West lately and she honestly couldn't explain why. Playing an outlaw in one of her stories, it only seemed fitting she was a good guy---


Dropping her magical box on the couch, any drink anyone could ever dream of would appear in this box when they wished it, she made her way to the goodie table. Her hands rubbing together in delight as she tried to decide what to taste first.

Smiles and waves at the pretty Sheriff who has just arrived, sipping a little of the punch and feeling her smile widen at the gleeful expression on the cowgirl's face at the spread of baked delights before her.

Welcome to the party!
Do help yourself, it's all delicious but none of it is particularly good for you!
Just as it should be, really!