BRITS : Help me understand the Royal Family


Really Experienced
May 2, 2002
I don't understand their significance in the modern world.

Do they do anything that warrants all the money and attention they get?

I just don't get it. I'm curious.
The Canadian Royal Family

As Queen of Canada, Queen Elizabeth II is symbolic of our roots as a country formed by negotiation with the landlord, versus yours of bloody killing sprees against the same landlord wot granted your 13 colonies "their" land in the first place.

The Negotiation vs Pillaging theme is an apt one for most differences in American and Canadian culture(s).
The Royal Family

For the tourists wandering around Buck House and Windsor Castle.
The British are more attached to their history and tradition than we are. PR-wise, the Royal family serves as figureheads of the government...much as our president serves as a face for ours (the average american doesn't know every senator and congressperson, but when they picture the government, the face of the president usually comes to mind). Politically I do not think that they have much power to suggest policy.

Some have said that they are obsolete, but I think it's rather lovely.
Cerberus666 said:
lovely in the rich for no reason waste of space kinda way?

How is preservation of your heritage (which the royal family is) a waste of space. It isn't like they don't have jobs...charles runs companies, the two boys are in college, and the other royals are serving in the military, running businesses and such. And if they are rich, it's not b/c they're using the taxes to buy fun toys. The queen sold her yacht to pay for repairs to the castle rather than use taxpayers moneys. Yes, they live their rent free, but so does shrub...and that man makes a shit load of money and has spent at least 5 months a year on vaca besides free rent and such. Wish I had that kind of life.
I also think it's lovely that the brits respect their history...most americans can't name 4 of all the signers of the declaration of independence, the dates of the civil war, or discuss the motivations for our entry into world war 1. Forget naming the past presidents...most brits I've mentioned can rattle off their ruler going back long before our little country broke off from england.
I have family in Britain, and when I was there last, we went by Buckingham Palace. My cousin told me that the Royal family was a useless, archaic reminder of aristocracy. The only reason he doesn't think the royalty should be dissolved is that they bring in some revenue.
Re: The Canadian Royal Family

Lancecastor said:
As Queen of Canada, Queen Elizabeth II is symbolic of our roots as a country formed by negotiation with the landlord, versus yours of bloody killing sprees against the same landlord wot granted your 13 colonies "their" land in the first place.

The Negotiation vs Pillaging theme is an apt one for most differences in American and Canadian culture(s).

Oh horsecrap. Our allegiance to the queen is us throwing our ties in with colonial oppression. We're simply a different faction of those who stole the land.

Listen, having a Queen is stupid for England, but it's incredibly stupid for Canada. It's embracing tradition over common sense and sadly that's the root of most conflict in the world.

My side usually wins though.
So you wouldnt be opposed to all the Bush spawn taking up permanent residency in the white house just becuase pops was president. there is honoring your heritage and there is unwillingness to evolve. If the royal family has nothing to do with government other than state figure head, i say boot em out. Dont let them live a life of excessive luxury because its always been that way. then again this is just the humble opinion of a mythological three headed dog.
deliciously_naughty said:
I also think it's lovely that the brits respect their history...most americans can't name 4 of all the signers of the declaration of independence, the dates of the civil war, or discuss the motivations for our entry into world war 1. Forget naming the past presidents...most brits I've mentioned can rattle off their ruler going back long before our little country broke off from england.

Yes, I think it's wonderful they pay so much homage to a millenium of raping and pillaging anyone unlucky enough to get in their way.
vixenshe said:
I have family in Britain, and when I was there last, we went by Buckingham Palace. My cousin told me that the Royal family was a useless, archaic reminder of aristocracy. The only reason he doesn't think the royalty should be dissolved is that they bring in some revenue.

which is a vp...just as those who say the electoral college is outdated and archaic is a vp many here voice. Where's lord lucan when I need him?????

I can't recall the title, but I remember reading a novel about 8 or so years ago when I was in high school about the british people overthrowing the royal government and throwing the royals out on their fannies and they then have to make a living on their owns
Cerberus666 said:
So you wouldnt be opposed to all the Bush spawn taking up permanent residency in the white house just becuase pops was president.
The bushes didn't found america, nor is their any equivalent in the us b/c we've never been a monarchy. I have a problem with shrub being in office in the first place...let's hope they don't spawn any more presidents.
well first off the british royal family didnt create britain. they killed and fought for it. just like we did. The throne has changed hands almost as many times as we have had presidents, englands just been around longer.
Weevil said:

Yes, I think it's wonderful they pay so much homage to a millenium of raping and pillaging anyone unlucky enough to get in their way.

The same way we pay homage to centuries of enslavement, raping and pillaging that we did? Don't throw stones when you live in a glass house yourself.

WE (the us)
1. had slavery, and after slavery was ended forced many african americans to live in a state of virtual slavery for about another 100 years and still treat them as inferior (as evidenced by the vast imbalance of minority prisioners versus white prisioners)

2. stole the land of the people who originally lived here, and then force marched them to what is now oklahoma where we imprisioned them on reservations.

3. We imprisioned most people of japanese descent during ww2 and when we finally let them out they retained nothing...not the property they had held previously, not their homes, nothing

I can keep going on if you wish...I do have a degree in the subject.

The brits did practice some rather brutal forms of imperialism. However, they also have kept a government together in a cohesive form for longer than any other country. Gotta admire that.
deliciously_naughty said:

which is a vp...just as those who say the electoral college is outdated and archaic is a vp many here voice. Where's lord lucan when I need him?????

No, the argument about the Electoral College is a disagreement based around how the people's will should be enforced.

The pro-monarchists is a belief that certain people are better than others and that the poor should subsidize the super rich.
deliciously_naughty said:

The same way we pay homage to centuries of enslavement, raping and pillaging that we did? Don't throw stones when you live in a glass house yourself.

The brits did practice some rather brutal forms of imperialism. However, they also have kept a government together in a cohesive form for longer than any other country. Gotta admire that.

A few things

1) Everything the "USA" did is England's fault. It was committed by mainly English people.

2) I'm Canadian and we never had slavery

3) I don't have to admire it when much of their wealth was generated by slavery and the rape and pillaging of North America.
Weevil said:

No, the argument about the Electoral College is a disagreement based around how the people's will should be enforced.

The pro-monarchists is a belief that certain people are better than others and that the poor should subsidize the super rich.

my point was that it's a view point and one of many that are out there

edited to add...and while I didn't give the best example, you get my point.
deliciously_naughty said:

my point was that it's a view point and one of many that are out there

edited to add...and while I didn't give the best example, you get my point.

Sure but just because it's a viewpoint doesn't give it legitimacy or encourage respect.

Some people think certain people should be killed for having different skin colours or worshipping a different god. That's a view point to.

And it's an incorrect one.
Weevil said:

A few things

1) Everything the "USA" did is England's fault. It was committed by mainly English people.

2) I'm Canadian and we never had slavery

3) I don't have to admire it when much of their wealth was generated by slavery and the rape and pillaging of North America.

Things that happened in the USA were done by americans...and while the first few generations of people considered themselves british, after the revolution there was a intellectual shift and those things were done by americans.

Slavery was mostly enforced by people who would call themselves americans.

Most of the indian removal happened in teh early to mid 1800s...again..americans not brits

ww2...definitely americans.

We don't consider ourselves brits, nor have we since about 1782 when the constitution was ratified. For some prior, for a few slightly after.

The candians didn't have also haven't made any contributions to the world either. Celine Dion is a punishment, not a contribution.

You don't have to do or believe anything...I was using an amorphous you, not you specifically
Weevil said:

Sure but just because it's a viewpoint doesn't give it legitimacy or encourage respect.

Some people think certain people should be killed for having different skin colours or worshipping a different god. That's a view point to.

And it's an incorrect one.

you're obviously going to not budge, so why bother hitting my head against a brick wall? Especially at 2:45 in the morning.

Have it your way...for you the royals are outdated.

For me...they're still and important part of english culture.