British Imam speaks about Columbia.

So what's the significance? The rest of the Muslim community is always quick to disagree with him. Most sensible people disregard him as a loudmouth with no connection with real affairs or any authority as a spokesman, interested only in shouting his hate filled nonesense at passers by.

If it wasn't for his faith, you would have found a kindred spirit , Hanns.
Hamuza is an idiot.

Most of British Muslims are embarrased about him.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
You obviously missed the interview on Channel4 a few weeks ago when the raid on the mosque was going down.

They got a "tolerant representitive" of the Muslim community, and an MP on the show.

The Muslim immidietly accused the MP of being a Jew, which he wasn't.

Thats your tolerant muslims.

Yap. I saw that one. Pretty silly, really.

Now, let's watch the interview with Michael Jackson, together, Hanns.