Brief Thread


Anti-M 0derator
Jan 2, 2002
Yah know - I thnk thongs are sexiest when seen through a pair of slacks or skirt.
*bratcat* said:
psst....the whole point of wearing a thong is so that nothing is seen through pants or skirts. Sheesh, where do men learn their fashion habits?? :p

I'm well aware of the NVP intent. But I look very closely.
you can bring a camel to water... something like that.
Hold on I think I got it now...camel toes is what we call VW beetle bonnet :D ;)
My god he must spend every single spare moment waxing or shaving......!!
pretty_lil_stranger said:
But not sticking up over the top, right? I mean...what makes people think they can pull that off?
You're right, all I really want to see over the top is that tattoo in the small of your back . . .

great pics.

so nice of you to share.

Sweet baby lee....

i wear thongs under my clothes most of the time. i enjoy them mostly in the hot summer months under shorts or pants just depending where i will be going and what i will be wearing. they are usuually worn under my sweat pants as well.