Breast Enlargement


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
My man boobs need to be more full and perky.

Perky man boobs are my new goal in life.
Breast enlargement through Hypnosis?
If there were one part of your body you could change, what would it be? And if you were able to change other parts as well, would you? What about your beliefs, attitudes, or habits? Are you living your life to the fullest, or are there some things that may be holding you back?

Whatever your answers to these questions are, The Body Contouring Programmetm may hold the solution. While it's true that the majority of the recognition that The Body Contouring Programmetm has received is attributed to breast enlargement, the programme actually works in harmony with the individual to create a complete personal make-over, for those desirous of it.

Breast enlargement through hypnosis (visualization or imagery) is nothing new. Successful clinical research has been in existence since the 1960's. Check out our FAQ's page or Reference page for further information. While that may be reassuring, the good news is that today the results are often faster!

Acclaim given to The Body Contouring Programmetm revolves around the current techniques developed and described for breast enlargement, and "spot" or specific area reductions. Average results are over 2.25" in less than eight weeks, with results of over 6" frequently being reported. The techniques are currently being practiced worldwide, with hundreds of satisfied participants. You may have seen media coverage of these types of techniques on Hard Copy, Jenny Jones, and Extra.

There are an increasing number of therapists scattered throughout the world who have begun practicing these types of techniques in recent years. The most expensive we are aware of (in Beverly Hills) charge up to $3600.00 for personal consultation and weekly sessions. Although seemingly expensive, we still feel it's a better (and less expensive) option than surgery. Our in office sessions are approximately $1500.00 (a therapist's time is valuable). In all programs that we are aware of the client still needs to listen daily to audio tapes for the duration of the sessions (8-12 weeks).

In 1974 Dr. Keith D. Clark began working with hypnosis. He has worked with thousands of clients and students since then. Out of this experience he has written the book You're Sharp Enough To Be Your Own Surgeon. This is the most current book (1993) available on using Hypnotherapy to create physical change. The book contains explanations, theories, techniques, and even scripts for audio tapes. In addition, the actual audio cassette tapes he developed and uses are now available to the public, as part of The Body Contouring Programmetm.

According to Dr. Clark, if a person is free of limiting decisions and secondary gains they can achieve tremendous physical transformation with this program. This can all be done without the assistance of a therapist. In the event that the person has some limiting beliefs, the second tape in the Audio Tape Induction Series (The Room of Transformation) allows them the opportunity to modify or eliminate them altogether!

With the increased access and use of the Internet options such as The Body Contouring Programmetm are becoming more widely available. Many of the programs content, theories, and techniques will share a number of similarities, and some may be radically different. It may come down to who's voice and/or background you prefer to listen to on a tape repeatedly.

Investments in different programs and products vary as well. Although, as in so many cases, price is not necessarily indicative of quality, content, or value. Single audio tapes are advertised as reasonable as $9.95, with some products into the hundreds of dollars. The entire Body Contouring Programmetm, including the book You're Sharp Enough To Be Your Own Surgeon and the six audio cassette Body Contouring Programmetm Audio Tape Induction Series is available for only $74.95 over the Internet. Check out our Links page to check out other sites offering breast enlargement programs and techniques.

The techniques we used in developing The Body Contouring Programmetm include Hypnotherapy, Time Linetm Therapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Ancient Hawai'ian Huna, and Kinesiology. By combining these technologies we are able identify and utilize the specific way an individual processes information and experiences their environment. As a result, we can provide them with tools and skills to enhance their life. These areas include eliminating limiting decisions and beliefs, modifying behavior, and altering physical appearance.

Information about The Body Contouring Programmetm is contained in the book You're Sharp Enough To Be Your Own Surgeon by Dr. Keith D. Clark (1993). The Table of Contents and an excerpt, Chapter 1, are available for viewing on their respective web pages.

In addition to the book, audio induction cassette tapes are available. These audio tapes have been developed in clinical studies begun in 1989. They have proven so effective that they do not require a therapist to work with them. The audio tapes are digitally recorded in a sound studio on "music" grade tapes. This eliminates potentially annoying and distracting hiss and background noise. The actual inductions are laid over sound studio created and tested background music, designed to create progressive relaxation and endocrine (chakra) opening and alignment.

The Body Contouring Programmetm Audio Tape Series has been created to assist individuals in accomplishing their physical transformation without the assistance of a therapist. Custom made personal tapes are also available. Package pricing is offered, check out our Ordering Page

For more information check out our links at the bottom of the page, or e-mail us!

If you would like to learn more about Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), or other therapeutic interventions and techniques? We highly recommend you check out our good friends and colleagues at
But will it give my nipples that glossy shine of eroticism?
my boobs will be sexy and have little crowns of hair around the nipples because they are an EMPORERS man boobs!.
Aquila said:
my boobs will be sexy and have little crowns of hair around the nipples because they are an EMPORERS man boobs!.

Does this mean you'll shavew everything except the crowns of hair ?
Otherwise you won't really notice the crowns you know.
I knew a woman who underwent surgery to enhance her breasts. We were on friendly terms (I lived across the hall in the apartment building), but she never indicated she was interested in anything more from our relationship.
Shortly after her surgery she visited me one morning and asked if I could give her a hand with some housekeeping. I was preparing to leave, but promised I would stop by in the afternoon.
About four hours later I knocked on the door. She asked who it was, and when I told her she said to come on in. I walked into the small kitchen area and saw something rather amazing. She was leaning over the kitchen table, and both tits were stuck . She had removed the center leaf from the table, and slipped when shoving the two ends together, essentially trapping herself by the boobs. Her feet barely touched the floor, and she couldn't get her balance to stand up and separate the two ends of the table.
She was also naked.
Barbara (that was her name) thanked me in advance for finally showing up, then started complaining about what a shitty day she'd had. First, I wasn't available to reach some stuff high on a shelf to dust, then the vacuum broke down, and then she got stuck in the table by the tits.
It was also, she said, the last time she would clean house naked after this experience.
"It's just been one horrible, horrible day," she said as I sauntered up behind her, eyed her exposed rosebud, and undid my belt.
"Baby," I said. "The day's not over yet."
teddybear4play said:
Was her cleavage as huge as your crack-valley?


Actually, and the end of the ensuing exercise her breasts ruptured during climax, leaving her with shredded teat.
That shouldn't be confused with the breakfast cereal.
Ham Murabi said:
Actually, and the end of the ensuing exercise her breasts ruptured during climax, leaving her with shredded teat.
That shouldn't be confused with the breakfast cereal.
It would probably taste better, though.
