Breast cancer awareness is a scam


Literotica's Anti-Hero
Jan 5, 2006
Breast cancer awareness month is a money-making scam run by greedy and malicious corporations. Money donated to breast cancer charities DOES NOT go to breast cancer research.

Keep in mind that they are NOT looking for a cure, but rather trying to find new and a different ways to make more money from the disease. Medicine is a fraud and complete failure that is focused entirely on corporate profiteering rather than health and healing.
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I find that it is very important for me to be aware of my breasts. You could poke an eye out with those things.:D

Cures and extremely effective treatments DO exist for cancer. However they are vigorously suppressed by the medical community because of the threat they pose to the current regimen of treatments, which are immensely profitable. In fact, some scientists and medical researchers whom have discovered very effective ways of treating the disease or even outright cures immediately have their medical licenses revoked, threatened with large fines and prison time, and sometimes even worse...

Like I have said many times before, modern medicine has much more to do with making profits than it does with health and healing. These corporations are only interested in one thing and that is NOT your health! The sicker people get, the more money they make. Curing disease would not be in their best interest.

The FDA and AMA act as corporate filters for determining which new drugs and medical treatments are the most profitable and least effective. The medical establishment is fundamentally broken because it is wholly driven by power and profit. Curing a disease (such as cancer) would utterly eliminate a very lucrative profit center for the medical/pharmaceutical/illness care industrial complex.
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