Breakwall pix: Canada Uncovered


CANDU Reactor™
Feb 7, 2003
Breakwall pix: hotblooded canuck guy

storage. since nobody comes here anymore
Last edited:
Re: tech error

breakwall said:
having probs posting...

hot damn * rubbing hands together*

can not wait to get my greedy little hands on you....

oh.. i mean your pics... hehehe:devil: :kiss:
breakwall said:

i keep getting this message:

There seems to have been a slight problem with the Literotica Discussion Board database.
Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser.

An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, who you can also contact if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

damn technology.

i got that alot today to.. have to keep trying darling.. it will work in time..

can not wait to see oh so much more more more of YOU!
breakwall said:
please please...

ok i must be loosing it....


first one to JUMP on your pics ;) and where are you??

turn on other to please!:kiss:
breakwall said:
i cant seem to post anything more interesting than a lame ass circle

turn on messanger.. i think i might know what is wrong... K???

:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
breakwall said:
try try again

hey hun.. which one you trying to post.. if it is one i have let me see if i can post it.... i think i might know your prob but want to make sure first....

hey you SEXY thang you!!

hope your work night went well.;)

:kiss: :p

all i can say is mmm....mmmmm... Good...

hey sweets.... how are you tonight??

:kiss: :kiss:
breakwall said:
Hiya Fallin!!

I've been missing you!!!


wel then you know were to find me if you are missing me. i am there waiting..

((Hug)) you sexy thang you!