Breakup Blues

oh dear. Where should I have posted it for mean...they haven't met me yet. I know how to be first class bitch when needed.

I have a saying:

Be relevant or be gone. If you have nothing relevant to the subject then you have no business posting in the thread to begin with. I do not put up with bull shit.
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Everyone on the GB can be a first class bitch. That's the minimum requirement for posting here.

But they are right, wrong board to post on.
I recently broke off what I considered a relationship. (Which included conversations that lasted hours and phone sex that was more than hot). I got to know this person over a long period of time and I thought he knew me but he never learned to trust me. I unfortunately developed very real feelings for this guy. I lied to him and myself, saying that we didn't have to go beyond a purely sexual association.

I convinced myself that I could do that but as I realized that the only connection he felt was to another woman he had failed to romance into a relationship. Needless to say my heart was more than a little broken. I wrote him a letter saying how I felt, hoping I could leave things that way.

Once he did read the letter we ended up on the phone talking about how fucked up he was. His words not mine. Strange thing is that I am still fighting with myself every hour so that I don't call him and ask him to forgive me but I know its useless. What I want to know from anyone who might want to add their two cents is how do pick up from this point? How do I push that ache in my chest away and not think about him? I may not have known him as long as some people do but I felt that connection I had been looking for and giving it up hurts.

First rule of the GB club.
Here's what I learned about missing people you break up with, missing them is good but never enough to sacrifice your self-worth.
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If You Still Want To Comment, Too Fucking Bad!
Look at me! I'm posting here!

Ok, now I have to go make dinner but later I will come back and post here.