Bradley Manning, American hero.


We'll see.
Feb 17, 2005
Has spent over a thousand days in prison so far, most of them in solitary confinement. He's already pleaded guilty to breaking US Army regs but refuses to plead the same to "aiding the enemy". One could argue that the biggest aid to "the enemy" in this whole debacle was Bushco's invasion of Iraq. Best recruiting sergeant Al Quaida could possibly have imagined. So when do Bush, Cheney and Rummy go on trial?
Has spent over a thousand days in prison so far, most of them in solitary confinement. He's already pleaded guilty to breaking US Army regs but refuses to plead the same to "aiding the enemy". One could argue that the biggest aid to "the enemy" in this whole debacle was Bushco's invasion of Iraq. Best recruiting sergeant Al Quaida could possibly have imagined. So when do Bush, Cheney and Rummy go on trial?

Bradley Manning
Are you koalabear? Wait, he would say *views post* first.

i just didn't know where to post
this somewhat relevant response
to a search spawned by
sean shoving a firecracker up the ass of...

certain elements here.

certain guys are a hoot irregardless...

(yeah i irreknow!)
I got a letter from Ollie North today.

Asking for money,

and explaining how Obama

is coming for my guns,

and how he'll stop it.

A true American Hero.
I got a letter from the traitor Ollie North today.

Asking for money,

and explaining how Obama

is coming for my guns,

and how he'll stop it.

A true Iranian Hero.
Manning should be hung.

It's always you with the penis remarks.

Whether or not he should be hung is irrelevant to the discussion. I don't see what difference it makes.

Whether he should be hanged by the neck, shot by firing squad, or lethal injection is a matter for a trial.
I say ship him to Afghanistan and let the troops on the ground deal with him.

Friendly Fire Incident?
But not shot by a drone. Based on that other thread.

Funny how you want to execute everyone, but are miffed about drones.

To be clear, Manning should be shot by a drone but one operated by a conservative joystick (yes, it means cock) operator and definitely not a drone flown by one of Oblamer's liberal stick (yes, that means cock too) jockeys.

His remains (if any other than his penis) should then be hanged from the 14th street bridge to warn against future insurrection.
The whole section in the Constitution about due process is just surplusage then?

I thought Manning was pleading guilty? Anyway, Manning did his deed while my son was serving over in Afghanistan so if you expect me to feel sorry for Manning or anyone else who does what Manning did you need to look elsewhere. Do I think he deserves execution? I think he deserves an IQ test, then depending on how his trial goes, I hope he gets a minimum of at at least 20 years. Execution should be an option though, clearly laid out for Manning.
I thought Manning was pleading guilty? Anyway, Manning did his deed while my son was serving over in Afghanistan so if you expect me to feel sorry for Manning or anyone else who does what Manning did you need to look elsewhere. Do I think he deserves execution? I think he deserves an IQ test, then depending on how his trial goes, I hope he gets a minimum of at at least 20 years. Execution should be an option though, clearly laid out for Manning.

He's been in solitary confinement for 3 years without having been found guilty of anything. Maybe he deserves it, maybe not. I hold the Constitution in high regard though and think everyone, no matter how reprehensible, is entitled to due process of law.

If you are fine with arresting someone and holding them for 3 years in solitary confinement, how about 5 years? 10 years? life? What if it were your son who's life you believe Manning put in jeopardy?

I don't know how old you are, but in the 80s there were a series of traitors that sold navy secrets to the Soviets. They were treated better than Manning, who at worst, released politically embarrassing memos to the internets.
So far neither the Pentagon nor the state dept have offered any evidence that any of Manning's leaks have placed any US serviceman or intelligence asset at risk. What it did do was embarrass a shitload of influential people.

Tell me, who is a bigger traitor, Bradley Manning, whose actions cost no lives, or the people that got thousands of American service people killed so their cronies could make a few dollars?