Boy Scouts Maintains Gay Ban, But Accepts Convicted Criminals


No she's not back I'm Amy
Aug 6, 2008
"HRC obtained a copy of their job application, which says: 'The Boy Scouts of America will not employ... known or avowed homosexuals,'" writes HRC. "The icing on top? 'Conviction of a crime is not an automatic bar to employment' according to the application. That's right – a person's sexual orientation is more of a red flag than their criminal record."

Now ain't THAT a kick in the ass!

To me, this is the BSA saying that being LGBT is WORSE than being a convicted rapist, child molester or murderer.

BTW, THESE companies STILL contribute to/support the Boy Scouts of America:

Emerson, Verizon, 3M, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Pfizer, Valero, U.S. Bank, Eli Lilly and Co., GE, Monsanto, Medtronic, PNC, Nationwide, Abbott, General Mills, Alcoa, Caterpillar, Illinois Tool Works, Allstate and Dow Chemical.

If you use any of their products or services you are inadvertently supporting homophobia. STOP IT! (and write these companies and tell them WHY you are no longer using them!)

To do otherwise is to be be PART of the problem.
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Not good but Lexie Cannes has been following this story for a while at Huffington, including a couple of companies on your list who have dropped funding. Her article makes a shocking indictment of the BSA. I ought to check the UK Scouting Assoc. - I will report back. Oh here's a link to Lexie

Thanks for that! :D

I though I had deleted Intel and UPS from the list, but I guess I C&P'ed the old one.

UPS is an interesting one, BTW. Up until September of last year, UPS stated the BSA's “gay” policy would not impact its donations. It took a petition drive (and I'm guessing corresponding PR hit) to get them to change their minds. So in other words, petitions and boycotts DO work.
Thank you Amy for the info.

We have decided we're going to box up any products we have from any of these companies and return them to their corporate offices along with a letter explaining why.

Today we're going to change our cell provider as we now use Verizon.

We bank at U.S. Bank because they have branches here and Greenwich which makes it really convenient for us but we are going to close all our accounts.

I'm also going to send letters to the each CEO explaining why I am no longer going to use their services and/or products.

If any of you want to join this effort please check each company's web site as you'll be surprised just how many brands they control.

Also please sign the letter being sent to the Boy Scouts from the Human Rights Campaign at

I'm also going to call all our friends and relatives asking them for support in this effort.