Bought and Sold


Sweet submission
Jul 10, 2012
CLOSED FOR AntonTovaras

Sari was at the tender age of 19 as was her twin brother Darei. She and her family walked along the market and slave traders and in her mind she wandered why they were here they had been trying to save money to send Darei to college. Though there world was plenty advanced it was also a bit reverted in that it was a bit sexist especially her father. So what were they doing here at the market where her father would surely buy something and take away from Darei’s college fund for nothing on the market was cheap or even moderiate. It was a very high priced market that only the most exclusive could afford.

She and her mother paused as her father stepped up to one of the slavers and began speaking in hushed tones she had no hope of over hearing. Her father always told her, her curiousity would get her in trouble one day, but still she tried to hear. Both of the men were nodding and when her father gestured back behind him to her and her mother she felt a chill go down her spine. Then men nodded and shook hands. When her father motioned for her to step forward she had the urge to run and run fast but she knew it would do no good. Somehow she knew her father was selling her. She stiffened her spine and reminded herself that if it sent Darei to school then she would do it, she loved her twin that much.

Stepping forward her father stepped back the slaver trailed a hand down her bare shoulder, through her loiose softy dark brown hair. Sari was short even for her own people standing at 5’4” but still the slaver towered over her far more than most did. He never spoke a word to her having her turn this way and that pausing now and again so he could look her over from every angle. Finally in a deep voice he asked, “Have you had a man yet?”

Sari paused and a blush spread across her darkly tanned skin. Silently she shook her head no. The man nodded at her father and pulled out a pad that she knew many merchants used and assumed he was transfering funds to her father’s account. She looked back and saw her mother crying silently, her father stotic and determinded, and her dear sweet Darei looking ashamed and sad. The man lightly gripped her arm and lead her away into the building where he put her in a cage.

They had stayed on her world for a few days before they left on the slavers’ ship and headed off world to parts unknown. She had never left her district let alone her world. She was bathed and fed regularly aside from being kept in a cage and not spoken to she supposed they treated her rather well. They had been on this new world for a little over a day by her estimations when the slaver came and actually spoke to her.
“You will dress in what I provide for you after you have bathed then when you are done I will come collect you I expect to you to be as well behaved and mld mannered as you have been so far. I expect to get a very good price for you considering what I have paid.” He told her handing her a package before leaving the building again. She felt tears start to fill her green eyes but held them back knowing they wouldn’t change anything. She was going to be sold no matter what.

She bathed and dressed in the white outfit he had provided it was very reaveling and showy at the same time. She had heard the term silks used once for a girl who was wearing something similar in the market place. She brushed her thick, wavey dark locks until they shone then waited for the man to come retrieve her and try to sell her to the highest bidder. A few moments later the door opened and without a word to her he locked a thin metal collar around her neck attaching a leash to it.

“Follow.” He simply commanded her and lead her by the leash out the door and into a very busy market. He led her to a raised area that had still looking cushions on the ground and commanded her to kneel on the one closest to her. She quickly and simply done as she was told. She noticed a few other girls on the raised platform and each had a different color and design of silk on. She wandered if the colors and designs reprecented anything. Many other women wandered around in silks as well most behind a man but almost none of them had white on and she wandered the why of this.
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Nahal casually rested a hand on the blaster pistol he wore at his hip as he walked away. The bargaining had been fierce, and there was always a chance that the other man would rather shoot him in the back than let him walk away. The only real security Nahal had was knowing that the other man would need his services again. He was one of the best retrievers there was, and ships went missing all the time. This had been a rush job, a space liner that had vanished between stars, and the client's son had been aboard. Nahal had found it before the emergency life support had given way, and pulled the son off before he sent coordinates to the Rescue Services. His ship was small, and he hadn't enough room for all the passengers. He had left an extra tank of oxygen, and brought the kid back to his father. Who had tried to give him half what he had originally offered.
Eventually, it was the son who pushed him to honor his original agreement with Nahal, and as the retriever walked away, he saw a glimpse of a news report about the successful rescue of the space liner by Rescue Services. He felt good, and he had more credit in his account than he ever had. For ten years, he had been paying off his ship, but now that the Last Arrow was paid for, he could indulge himself. Instead of visiting the red light district and having a girl for an hour, he could actually buy his own.
Most men would have taken a house before they took on a girl, but Nahal knew he would never use a house. He lived on his ship, and stayed in motels when it was in the shop, and there was a spare cabin. It was meant to be a co-pilot's berth, but Nahal had always worked alone. Having some company on the long flights would be a huge improvement, and he wandered down to the slave markets.
He didn't have anything special in mind as he strolled through, looking at the girls in their silks, who winked and teased, flaunting themselves at any who passed. They were all beautiful, more or less, and all desirable in their way, but none of them seemed to really capture his attention for more than a moment. Not one seemed like something he would spend more than a night with, or pay hundreds of thousands of credits for.
Until he saw Sari, kneeling on a platform in her white silks. She wasn't flirting or teasing, but simply knelt with her eyes down, almost shyly, and he felt an immediate surge of lust. He walked past, and got a look at the salesman. A big man, but probably not the brightest. Nahal walked over to the girl in white and took her hair in a hand, stroking it, feeling how soft it was.
“This one's new,” he said. “Has it had any training?”
He saw the salesman scowl, and he knew the answer. Before the big man could speak, Nahal lifted the girl's chin and looked in her eye.
“Has anyone taught you anything?” His fingers slipped down to cup her breast, his thumb teasing her nipple. He looked back at the salesman and shook his head. “I'll give you seventy five k.”
It was half the asking price, and the salesman started the usual bluster about what he had paid for her, the cost of keeping her and so on.
“Open your legs,” Nahal told the girl softly. “I want to at least see if you are as fresh as he claims.”
A few men had stopped to over look Sari but none had said anything so when the young man spoke to her slaver she was unsure how to react. She tried not to wince or move when the man touched her or played with her hair. She trully didn't know what to expect from either man as they began negotiating her price. When the man looked at her and instructed her to open her legs more her eyes widened. Unsure what to do she looked up at her slaver.

When he gave her a nod telling her to do it she looked down and carefully spread her legs further apart swallowing nervously. When her legs were spread she stilled again and kept looking at the ground unsure what to expect and scared of what may come.
The girl's uncertainty was strange to Nahal, but then, all he had known in his life were experienced whores who had no shame and no hesitation about their place. This girl clearly had both, and he was surprised to find that it excited him. He knew better than to show any sign of that excitement to the slaver as they bargained down the price. Just the opposite, when he had driven the price down as far as he could, he grumbled about her lack of training and experience, and got a training collar and a leash thrown in for free.

While he haggled, his fingers slipped between her legs, spreading the lips of her pussy apart and probing gently. He found that she was a virgin, at least as far as he was able to tell, and he kept an eye on her, noticing her reactions to his touch.
Sari was both shocked and apalled that the man would be so bold as to touch her where no other man had. His fingers slipping into her felt alien and a bit uncomfortable. Still she did not speak or move but she could feel her cheeks buring with embarassment especially when she noticed others looking over at her. She wanted to push him away and close her legs but she knew she would be punished if she did any of these things.

She sat there her face burning with her eyes cast to the ground as they continued haggling over her price and she could feel fear slowly running through her veins as she imagined what all this man would want from her. As she had sat obeserving people she had noticed some of the slaves were treasured and some barely given a thought. As her slaver and the man struck a deal she feared she would not be one of the treasured.
If she hadn't flushed so prettily, Nahal thought, he would have stopped playing with her pussy as soon as he discovered that she did seem to be a virgin. It gave him a thrill to see her so clearly squirming with humiliation, while at the same time, holding still as she should. Seeing the other men in the market slowing to watch the transaction made him smile. From now on, he would be a man of property, and he smiled as he looked down at that property. She was beautiful. He was actually disappointed when the slaver gave in and the deal was done.

He slipped the training collar around her neck and locked it in place, plugging the leash into it. Then, for the first time, he lifted her chin and looked her in the eye.

"I am Nahal," he said. "Your Master. Serve me well, and you will be treated well. Now come, a toy as pretty as you should not be in white." He began to lead her back through the market, towards the port where his ship waited.
Sari was sure she was in shock as the man had her look up at him. She did not speak just faintly listened to what he said. When she was collared and leashed she had to admit if only to herself she felt a small thrill at being teethered to the rather attractive male. As he guided her off the platform and through the market she stayed but a few steps behind him with her head hanging. This man she knew was no longer a stranger but her Master, Master Nahal. She had no doubt that when he got her in private, or at least she hoped it was private, he would take her maiden head.

Something told her before the night was over she would no longer be innocent. A part of her thrilled at this while yet another part over wanted to coware in fear. She sucked in a breath and never lost her pace behind Master Nahal as he continued on. She would do her best and reminded herself that his was her life now so that her brother could go to college.