Bored divorcee Teacher..


Oct 13, 2012
Hi I'm a 35 year old, good looking (so I am told!)blonde and bored woman in need of some younger, fit male company some evenings and weekends...Pics, text, chat, whatever. Can teach you a thing or two;)
Evening from a 33/m from MI (in the U.S.) Would love to chat with you this evening, if you're game... :)
Hi I'm a 35 year old, good looking (so I am told!)blonde and bored woman in need of some younger, fit male company some evenings and weekends...Pics, text, chat, whatever. Can teach you a thing or two;)

I am 26, from the United States....and I wouldn't mind taking some lessons;)
Tossing in my hat... PM has long since been sent
Hi I'm a 35 year old, good looking (so I am told!)blonde and bored woman in need of some younger, fit male company some evenings and weekends...Pics, text, chat, whatever. Can teach you a thing or two;)

I am sure someone's mailbox is filling up rapidly. ;)
Hi I'm a 35 year old, good looking (so I am told!)blonde and bored woman in need of some younger, fit male company some evenings and weekends...Pics, text, chat, whatever. Can teach you a thing or two;)

I'm sure you could try teaching me something and I'm 39 ;-)

Good luck sifting through the inbox!
how are you

Well im a 28/m. If you would like to talk or exchange send me a pm. Ps i need some tutoring. And im sure I could teach you a thing or two. :devil:
I know you're probably extremely popular with all the PMs being sent your way. I of course sent one too :) .... I hope I can distinguish myself from the crowd.
very enticing beginning. Hope to catch up with you sometime :)
I saw your post and would LOVE to chat with you. I am a 21 year old college athlete with brown hair and blue eyes. You sound fun and sexy and I can do whatever you'd like. I hope to hear from you babe :devil:
I'd love to chat with you sometime when you're bored again - 25 year old graduate student from UK but living in Canada, keeps himself fit and loves all things sexual.