Bored? Broke? Try these


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
Walk into a library.. sheepishly ask the librarian where the penthouses are.

Walk into a weight loss clinic, and ask when the support group starts.. you lost 40lbs and you don't know how you can live with yourself any more.

Go to daytona bike week.. park your normal motorcycle, rent a scooter. buy tassles for the handlebars. get a twirly spink suction cup propeller to stick on your helmet. wave at all the other bikers.

Fill blow up dolls with helium.. sell them like they where baloons.

add to list please
Aquila said:
Go to daytona bike week.. park your normal motorcycle, rent a scooter. buy tassles for the handlebars. get a twirly spink suction cup propeller to stick on your helmet. wave at all the other bikers.
You mean after trailering it all that way?? :D Most people who go to Daytona or Sturgis don't ride there bikes there anyway - they truck/trailer/van them there, ride them into town, and then park them. They might as well just fly there and rent the scooter.

Fill blow up dolls with helium.. sell them like they where baloons.
Did you hear about the guy who did that and was taking them to a party, and they came out of his car through the sunroof? The woman behind him thought it was the rapture and she jumped out her moving car before her husband could stop - killed her as I recall.
Its wrong that I laugh at the lady who jumped but..

Darwin awards.

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