Boo's Book


Poet Chick
Mar 11, 2002
Most of you know that BooMerengue, a fine poet of many years' standing here at Lit, passed away recently after a short illness. A few folks (myself, Lauren Hynde, CharleyH and others) will be publishing a volume of poems to give to Boo's family. We're planning to include our favorites of Boo's poems as well as a few poems that we've written for her.

Would you like to be part of this project? If you would, we're looking for: 1) your (1-5) favorite poems by Boo and 2) if you feel so inclined, a poem you write for her or about her that would be appropriate to give to her family. What we're trying to do is curate a collection of poems that most of us agree represent Boo's best work along with poems written for her. Boo's poems belong with her family, and we also want them to know that she was loved as a poet (and person) by many here and elsewhere online.

If you do want to participate, you can contact me, Lauren Hynde or CharleyH via pm here. If you have questions, feel free to ask in this thread. If you're already aware of this project from a Facebook poetry group, you can stay in contact about it there or here.

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Wonderful idea. :heart:

Just some recommends from an earlier thread highlighting her poetry:
Moon Of My Mothers
Thank you, Old Scar
In The Delta
Wonderful idea. :heart:

Just some recommends from an earlier thread highlighting her poetry:
Moon Of My Mothers
Thank you, Old Scar
In The Delta

If there is room for Boo's stories An Old Lady Remembers is lovely and very "Boo".

I also like Adrift but perhaps the sentiment isn't suitable in this case.

These are both great suggestions. Neo, we overlap on a few (but not all) of your choices. Ultimately, we should end up with a nice chapbook-sized quantity. And Tess, I love the idea of that story, might be the perfect start to the book. I'm so glad you thought of it.

so how're things shaping up, Angeline? I know you've had some feedback in pm rather than on here; is there much variation is the favourites people have put forward?
so how're things shaping up, Angeline? I know you've had some feedback in pm rather than on here; is there much variation is the favourites people have put forward?

Not a lot of variation: there are 3-4 poems that most people select. Tess's suggestion to include Boo's short story is excellent, so we're hoping between that and Boo's poems plus the few we've contributed to have a nice little chapbook to give her family. Lauren and Charley and I are talking this Sunday to rough out the design, but we probably won't have it ready until early spring. We probably won't start actually putting it all together until after the holidays.
Not a lot of variation: there are 3-4 poems that most people select. Tess's suggestion to include Boo's short story is excellent, so we're hoping between that and Boo's poems plus the few we've contributed to have a nice little chapbook to give her family. Lauren and Charley and I are talking this Sunday to rough out the design, but we probably won't have it ready until early spring. We probably won't start actually putting it all together until after the holidays.
sounds like a plan :)