Boortz made me cry...


Warmup Act...
Mar 13, 2003
Since the coalition forces can no longer accept anonymous contributions, Neil and crew set up a drop-off at an Atlanta Walmart where people could go to give supplies which would then go to the local base to be forwarded to the troops.

One of the Walmart employees was handing out yellow ribbons, giving a personal wish to all military families that their loved ones would come home safe and sound.

Her husband had been killed two days earlier…
That's okay, "Taps" hits me hard...

She is a brave soul, and her departed one is surely proud of her. That's the type of people I've witnessed in my service time, more concerned for other's pain than their own.

Don't wait, help now: :rose:
That's the kind of story I like hearing about. She is indeed a brave person for continuing her support for the troops in a time when I know she is in a lot of pain.

I urge everyone to continue supporting the troops, even if you don't know anyone over there.