Boob-ert is blaming Joe for Hamas?

Let's see....

Joe give Iran, a State sponsor of terror which supports Hamas, $5 billion.

A few weeks later Hamas fires 5000 rockets into Israel killnig innocent civilians by the hundreds.

Iran announces they support the acts of Hamas.

The money was not America's to give. It was stolen.

That is not to justify Iran's current rulers who are appalling but it was never America's money to take in the first place.
Let's see....

Joe give Iran, a State sponsor of terror which supports Hamas, $5 billion.

A few weeks later Hamas fires 5000 rockets into Israel killnig innocent civilians by the hundreds.

Iran announces they support the acts of Hamas.


Yeah none of the money has been spent yet and if you'd been following the situation in Israel this wasn't something they came up on the fly. It was months in the making. Nothing this sophisicated was a few weeks and money they had no idea would even potentially be available is put together this quickly. We really need to stop screwing with Iran so fucking much anyhow.
Is Derp having a seizure? One would think someone who claims to have more skills than most could construct sentences an elementary student wouldn’t be correcting.

Or did he just lose a bunch of cash on a sports “sure thing” bet that went sideways?
She should bare her breasts in protest... and jiggle them.