Bonus of a Special Sort


Riding to the Rescue
Jan 25, 2002
could be a car dealership
could be a paper sales company
could be a law office

the Boss has a wife/sister/daughter who is a nympho. whenever she visits, everybody stares...

sales have been slow, so as an incentive, he offers whoever gets the most sales an afternoon in paradise with her...

in the law firm example, instead of sales, maybe they are on a losing streak & whoever breaks the streak gets the bonus...
Have you ever seen the anime Ping Pong Club? To motivate the team members to improve, the girl who is the team manager creates a prize - an IOU card for a night with her. The team member with the best score at the next tournament gets it. I always thought that scenario had some hot possibilities. :devil:

The spin I personally came up with was that the sport was some kind of wargame, like Warcraft III or Starcraft, or something more futuristic. The best competitor on the team is a grumpy gay guy, who has some sarcastic comments about his lack of interest in the prize, even though most of the other guys on the team are highly-enthused by it. The team captain, worried that his MVP will perform poorly, discusses his problem with his friend (either in the acting club or on the football team). The friend actually kind of wants to screw the gay MVP guy - he's bitchy but he's pretty. So the friend makes up a card for himself, comes to the club's practice room, and announces that he's the alternate prize if the winner prefers him to the girl. He also uses this excuse to swing by the team room on a fairly regular basis and flirt with the gay MVP guy. Some of this is teasing - he tries to distract the guy as practice for him resisting distractions at the tournament. The rest of the story goes pretty much how you would expect. :kiss: