Body Perfect Info


Super Jewess
Mar 12, 2002
Ok, so my cousin just sent me this email telling me she's taking this new diet suppliment and has lost 20lbs in the last month.

I know nothing about this Body Perfect other than that it's a fat absorber of some kind. I do know that 20lbs in a month seems a little exteme even if most of it was water weight or whatever.

She's been on more fad diets than anyone I know and I'm seriously worried about her health. I put a call into my MD to see what he knows.

Has anyone used this stuff? Or do you know if there are any major health risks?

She's too anxious for a quick fix. I love her like a sister, but she's lazy as hell when it comes to excercise which in my opinion is the only healthy way to loose weight. Eat less and excercise more. It works, I've done it.
shouldn't always be eat less but eat the right things but do excercise
sexy-girl said:
shouldn't always be eat less but eat the right things but do excercise

In some cases it is. I still eat pizza, I just have one or two slices instead of three or four. I still eat a lot of foods that aren't on the healthy list, lol, but I eat less of them and I eat them less often and when I do eat them I excercise more.
sunstruck said:
In some cases it is. I still eat pizza, I just have one or two slices instead of three or four. I still eat a lot of foods that aren't on the healthy list, lol, but I eat less of them and I eat them less often and when I do eat them I excercise more.

yeah but if you ate nothing but pizza then it wouldn't matter how much you exercised :) ... you're right that its still possible to eat unhealthy food and be fit and healthy if you just eat those foods in moderation

but what i meant was i've had friends that have skipped meals or not eaten for a whole day to try and lose some weight that's not healthy
I agree with SG. Quite often, I eat more now than I used to, and I definitely eat more frequently.

I just eat healthier.
LOL Ok, we are all healthy eater people.

I still want some infor on this product so I know what she's getting into. She was on redux a few years back and scared the shit out of me with chest pains.
Oh! Is this what you meant? And here I thought you were offering to bump ME. lmao
Those things tend to just raise the heartrate tricking the body into thinking one is excersizing.