Bob Bytchin

I didn't see it....but can we go with this instead?

I didn't see it, but just based on the description, no, you aren't the only one who would find this distasteful and offensive.
Before everyone hangs Bob out to dry. Has Bob been PM'ed about this?
Is this a public execution?
Why didn't IR ask/demand Bob to remove the pic in the original thread?

Yes the Mental Image of the Pic was disturbing, but here's what IR had to say about it.
I've seen the same kind of pics, yanno in some places they do actually eat fetus's? Who the hell cares if it's fake or not, ther eare just some places you don't fucking go, dead babies is one of them, whether the pic was a fake or not, you implanted the image in my head by posting it, and you knew you were doing so, that makes you a shitty fucking person.

Not once did she ask him to take it down.

Instead she starts a thread and rallies the troops instead of trying to be the better person and handle it like an adult she cries to the GB.
It was a FAKE picture...and it said *WARNING...(very offensive)*

Unlike you and your "Hey everyone, click on this link" tactics, I label things that will offend people.

I removed the picture due to it being very bad taste, and I admit that. But for Indigo.Rose to be offended at a link that ANYONE posts is total hypocrisy.

I was beginning to think you were a fun person IR, but I was mistaken.

I'm not here for a popularity contest anyways, and for you to bring this up in the open just proves that you think you can sway people to your "side" and become more popular.

If people don't like me, tough shit. If people hate me, tough shit. But I contribute far more "nice" comments than you could ever hope.

So just go back to being Hanns shitstain.
zipman7 added in the thread.

Ironic, isn't it

That Indigo.Rose would be upset by something she saw as a result of clicking on someone else's link (which even had a warning).


That's too damn funny!
Indigo.Rose said:
Why would I ask him to take it down when all evidence points to the fact that he would have simply laughed in my face and called me a cry baby? I'm not asking for sympathy here, I simply want to know if any one else finds this disturbing, since you all laughed at me for being offended by this picture, I would love to know if there are others who find such things as disgusting as I do.

And heavy, back off you overgrown wart.

I never laughed at your distaste in the pic, I laugh at you in general.

But it goes back to my original point. Why didn't you ask him to take it down in that thread or in PM?

"back off you overgrown wart" That shows your maturity in this matter. I left the flames and insults in the other thread, I posted in this one asking sincere questions.

You are the one who needs to grow up.
Indigo.Rose said:
Why don;t you post what I posted after zip made this comment?

I believe it was something along the lines of, gay porn is entirely different then eating a dead fucking baby.

More spin.... you never tried to ask him did you?

No you didn't.

You knew the other thread is about being rude disgusting degrading flaming and harrassing others. You got your feelings hurt, you found a way to make someone look like the bad guy by hanging them out in public.
Indigo.Rose said:
Don't cry privacy

I give a shit if you post anything I say in PM or in a chat messenger. I wasn't crying privacy. But instead of contacting ME, you decided to sling mud in hopes that you're bleeding heart would make others cry.

LOL @ throwing in the " I contribute more nice comments" line, thats such garbage, I am plenty nice to lots of people in PM's and on in other forums.

Oh sure, this is totally believable. You're a nice guy (yes, I said guy) elsewhere....just not on Lit. Yes, I am a very sick-humored person. I've never hidden that fact. DOH

I was starting to think you were ok too bob, but the fact that my obvious emotional overload due to that pic made you fucking laugh, that just proves even further what a pathetic fuck you can be. i just can;t understand how you can even stomache the idea of posting that kind of a pic to a single mother and then fucking laugh about it after. Why in gods name would i privately tell you a damn thing when you went out of your way to hurt me in the sickest way you could have come up with, laughed about it, and then praised yourself for "getting rid or IR" as a result.

Hey, we were glad to get you out of that thread. I got a few PM's saying "Thank god that bitch is gone." And BTW, that picture wasn't "AIMED" at said "Hey STD and Aquilla...get an UnHappymeal"....not Indigo.Rose. But hey, thanks for assuming.
I know I missed the pic, but bob always puts up a warning before he post anything which leaves it to your own judgment. Would I have found the picture to be distasteful, yes.